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Riverside centre Derby Thursday 23 rd October, 2014 Kevin Bennett * Sign attendance register. * Make your place name. Use felt marker.

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Presentation on theme: "Riverside centre Derby Thursday 23 rd October, 2014 Kevin Bennett * Sign attendance register. * Make your place name. Use felt marker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Riverside centre Derby Thursday 23 rd October, 2014 Kevin Bennett * Sign attendance register. * Make your place name. Use felt marker.

2  Changes to the delivery of GCSE  Differences between Functional skills and GCSE  Upskilling to deliver GCSE  Techniques for teaching maths

3 The focus of all of the qualifications is to improve confidence in using numbers in everyday life. Mathematics is often viewed with fear and scepticism often met with the question “When will I ever use this?” Industry led qualifications are on offer, but GCSE is seen as more academic and still feared The math's in all of the qualification IS THE SAME. Just the quantity dealt with and the delivery / assessment changes. Now please look at document 1 and consider your view of the differences between Functional Skills and GCSE

4 Functional SkillsGCSE Qualification aimEnable learners to apply numeracy and practical mathematical skills in both their personal and professional lives. Equips learners with the fundamental applied skills needed to succeed Develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts. Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems. Reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions. Comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

5 Functional SkillsGCSE Qualification level and definition The qualifications are available at all five levels: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2. The qualifications assess candidates’ ability to represent, analyse and interpret problems that involve the use of mathematics. Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9 - 1) in Mathematics is a tiered qualification. There are two tiers: ● Foundation tier - grades 1 to 5 available ● Higher tier grades – 4 to 9 available (grade 3 allowed).

6 Functional SkillsGCSE Progression routes Being able to use numbers confidently, particularly the ability to apply these skills to a variety of situations Functional Skills Mathematics is included in all Apprenticeship frameworks. Students can progress from this qualification to Level 3 qualifications in numerate disciplines such as ● Core Mathematics, GCE Mathematics ● GCEs in the sciences, Geography etc There is a clear progression path from Foundation tier to Higher tier within this qualification.

7 Functional SkillsGCSE StructureOne assessment component. A single assessment covers all of the Functional Skills Mathematics criteria. It can be attempted as soon as the candidate is ready. Each candidate registration covers all five levels, The qualification consists of an “end of course” assessment. Foundation level covering the majority of the syllabus. Higher level covering all of the syllabus

8 Functional SkillsGCSE AssessmentsEntry Level: All assessment is centre marked. Level 1 and 2: All assessment is externally set and marked All assessment is on demand and designed to be taken as soon as the learner is ready. The assessment for each tier of entry consists of three externally-examined papers, All three must be from the same tier of entry. Students must complete all three papers in the same assessment series.

9 A few points from OFQUAL about the new grading Crucially, the new grades won't simply map directly onto the old ones A key goal is to provide more differentiation To toughen the marking system by raising the standard The aim is to bring England's exam benchmark up to the level of students in in the world's leading economies  Now please look at document 3 and consider your view of the advantages / disadvantages of the presents and new GCSE grading GCSE.

10 Delivery and assessment

11 As with most mathematics qualifications the learning content is split into three main areas ◦ Number and algebra ◦ Space shape and measure ◦ Handling data The new style GCSE breaks this down even further ◦ Number ◦ Algebra ◦ Ratio and proportion ◦ Geometry and measure ◦ Probability ◦ Statistics

12 The six subject areas will be tested on each paper. There will be three papers. Each paper will contribute 33.33% of the total final GCSE. Paper 1 ◦ This will be available in May and June for a first assessment and in November as a resit. ◦ Tested on all subject areas. ◦ It is in the form of a written examination. ◦ NO CALCULATOR will be allowed ◦ The duration of the exam will be 1 hour and 30 minutes long ◦ A total of 80 marks

13 The six subject areas will be tested on each paper. There will be three papers. Each paper will contribute 33.33% of the total final GCSE. Paper 2 ◦ This will be available in May and June for a first assessment and in November as a resit. ◦ Tested on all subject areas. ◦ It is in the form of a written examination. ◦ CALCULATOR will be allowed ◦ The duration of the exam will be 1 hour and 30 minutes long ◦ A total of 80 marks

14 The six subject areas will be tested on each paper. There will be three papers. Each paper will contribute 33.33% of the total final GCSE. Paper 3 ◦ This will be available in May and June for a first assessment and in November as a resit. ◦ Tested on all subject areas. ◦ It is in the form of a written examination. ◦ CALCULATOR will be allowed ◦ The duration of the exam will be 1 hour and 30 minutes long ◦ A total of 80 marks

15 Grading  The Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9 - 1) in Mathematics is a tiered qualification.  There are two tiers:  Foundation tier - grades 1 to 5 available  Higher tier grades – 4 to 9 available (grade 3 allowed).

16 FoundationHigher Use and apply standard techniques50 %40 % Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically 25 %30 % Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts 25 %30 % Total100 %

17 A comparison of Functional Skills with GCSE

18 At the present level of knowledge required for Functional skills the Higher level GCSE could not be offered This obviously restricts potential students, and those students who wish to progress from foundation to higher level We will now compare what is expected for FS questions compared to GCSE.  Now please look at GCSE Syllabus (document 4) in your handouts. Split into small groups, each take a section of the syllabus and tick under the FS column what criteria you would feel comfortable teaching at present.

19 A few areas to consider when looking at the overall format of the questions are Question composition The information given The information inferred The information not given, or asked for, that is needed Question format How the question is asked The “language” of the question Dealing with multi part questions  Now please look at question comparison document in your handouts. Split into small groups, consider the question style and format of the past paper questions. Then fill in the “question style” handout which is document 5

20 Why upskill ? How to upskill ?

21 At the present level of knowledge required for Functional skills the Higher level GCSE could not be offered This obviously restricts potential students, and those students who wish to progress from foundation to higher level You, as a tutor, need a deeper understanding to be able to explain the subject to a student..  Now please look at Handouts 6(a) – (e). Split into small groups, try a couple of questions.

22 Preparing to teach GCSE Mathematics A full day course that this workshop relates to. Level 3 Award in Mathematics for Numeracy Teaching A five day course covering all knowledge required to gain a level 3 numeracy qualification  Now please look at course info flyer in your pack.

23 Tools techniques and resources.

24 Websites        Books  Lett’s revision guides  CGP revision guides

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