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Visual Basic.NET Control Naming Summary Prefix Visual Basic type btnButton chkCheckbox clstChecked Listbox cldlgColor Dialog cboComboBox cmnuContectMenu.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Basic.NET Control Naming Summary Prefix Visual Basic type btnButton chkCheckbox clstChecked Listbox cldlgColor Dialog cboComboBox cmnuContectMenu."— Presentation transcript:


2 Visual Basic.NET Control Naming Summary Prefix Visual Basic type btnButton chkCheckbox clstChecked Listbox cldlgColor Dialog cboComboBox cmnuContectMenu crvCrystal Report Viewer dgrdDatagrid dpkrDateTime Picker dudDomainUpDown erpError Provider fndlgFont Dialog grpGroupBox

3 Visual Basic.NET Control Naming Summary Prefix Visual Basic type hlppHelpProvider hsbHorizontal Scrollbar imglImageList lblLabel llblLink Label lstListbox lvwListview mnuMenu calMonthCalendar nicnNotify Icon nudNumeric Up Down ofdlgOpen File Dialog pstpPage Setup Dialog pnlPanel picPicturebox Continued …

4 Visual Basic.NET Control Naming Summary Prefix Visual Basic type prdlgPrint Dialog pdocPrint Document ppctlPrint Preview Control ppdlgPrint Preview Dialog pbrProgressBar radRadio Button rtxRichTextBox sfdlgSave File Dialog spltSplitter stbrStatusBar tabTabcontrol txtTextbox tmrTimer tlbrToolBar ttpToolTip tbrTrackBar tvwTreeview Continued …

5 Overview of VB.NET.NET is a new platform for building distributed applications –Focus on Web Integration –CLR – Common Language Runtime

6 First Time –“My Profile” will be displayed Successive Times “Get Started” tab will be selected Open Project –From “My Projects” Directory New Projects Starting VB.NET


8 Other Tabs on Start Page What’s New – VB6 to.Net Help Online Community – Newsgroups Headlines – Latest MSDN News and Info Search Online – Search MSDN Downloads – Add-ons, Service Packs and product Upgrades XML Web Services – Available external sources

9 Other IDE Sections Solution Explorer (Ctrl+R) Toolbox (controls or text) available for project. Server Explorer – work with server resources. Properties Window – View or modify the properties of a selected object

10 Dynamic Help – Help topics related to current object. Output – Displays information about current IDE operation when compiling. Debug – Used to view the value of watch variable. Other IDE Sections

11 List of Objectives: Let’s Get Started: Create an application using VB.NET Start getting familiar with all of the various functions in the IDE. Use the Code Editor and Object Browser.

12 .NET Categorization Application – a software program that runs (executes) on a computer. Project – a set of files (e.g. VB.NET source code, graphic files, Icon files) that are used to build an Application. Namespace - Namespaces organize the objects defined in an assembly

13 Assemblies For a.Net application assemblies form the fundamental unit of –Deployment –Version control –Reuse –Activation scoping –Security permission Assemblies take the form of –an executable (.exe) file or –a dynamic link library (.dll) file Assemblies provide the common language runtime with the information it needs to be aware of type implementations. Assemblies are different from.exe or.dll files because they contain all the information you would find in a type library, plus information about everything else necessary to use the application or component. They are similar to Project References in VB6.

14 First Application txtCost txtQty txtTotal btnCalc lblCost lblQty lblTotal

15 HELP!!!! How do I get Help? –F1 will get display context sensitive help for the currently selected object/word. –Select Help from the menu –Call your instructor at 1:00 a.m.

16 Initial Form Code You now have access to all of the code used to create a Windows form (in the Windows Form Designer generated code section). *** DON’T Mess around with it! ***

17 Initial Form Code Each Class, Subroutine or Region (an area you define using #Region Name / # End Region) has collapsers and expanders.

18 Microsoft Development Environment Integrated Development Environment or IDE VB 6 programmer -- VB.NET Best to think of VB.NET as NEW language with familiar syntax.NET Framework Classes Changes affect almost every aspect of.NET Creating & working with forms & controls arrays - string - etc….

19 How VB application is compiled and run Visual Studio.NET Integrated Development Environment Visual Basic Compiler.NET Framework Common Language Runtime Solution Project Source Files Intermediate Lang. IL Class references Assembly 1 23


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