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Engaging Activities For Live Online Meetings, Webinars and Virtual Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Activities For Live Online Meetings, Webinars and Virtual Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Activities For Live Online Meetings, Webinars and Virtual Training

2 Learning Objectives Describe how engaging live online meetings, webinars, and training events are delivered. Determine the appropriate level of interaction to create impactful online events. Use a platform features checklist to optimize the investment in your virtual classroom technology.

3 KASSY LABORIE Product Design Architect TOM STONE Director, Content Strategy

4 What’s it really like? Is it what we expected?


6 So then…what to do? Identify the Goal & Objectives What needs to be accomplished & what does that look like? Determine what is Social Which objectives are best completed with other people? Map the interactions to the Features Which features of your live online platform allow those interactions?

7 Time “We want it in an hour.” Content “We are using this sales process now, use these books for reference.” Number of attendees “Make sure all 10,000 get the training by the end of the fiscal.” Just use any Feature “We bought WebEx, use the polling a lot.”

8 Content Time Features # of attendees Goal/Objectives Social Map the Features

9 The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney

10 Online Meeting Participants: 2-20 Duration: 30 min – 2 hours Schedule: one time or weekly Purpose: team meetings, announcements, updates

11 Online Meeting Activity #1 Individual Vision Statements



14 Objective Write a vision statement, share it, get feedback and learn from each other Tools/Features: Chat (multiple chat pods: 1 for each person) Audio Could use a whiteboard instead

15 Online Meeting Activity #2 Brainstorm: pros & cons


17 Objective: Brainstorm the pros and cons of a topic, building team work and collecting ideas Tools/Features: Chat Or Whiteboard tools Raise Hand Audio *Timer *optional

18 Webinar Participants: more than 20, usually 100’s Duration: 1 hour Schedule: special event, reoccurring Purpose: announcements, sales/marketing, information sharing

19 Webinar Activity #1 Whiteboard using a “filtering” technique whiteboard is a verb.



22 Objective: Active participation while you learn audience’s perspective and knowledge level. Tools/Features: PowerPoint slides with space to draw Whiteboard tools

23 Webinar Activity #2 Let them USE CHAT. “chatversations”

24 Performance Review - Dos 1.Develop a reservoir of goodwill 2.Be trustworthy 3.Let the person review all data 4.Start with positives 5.Spotlight successes 6.Use “I” statements 7.Use accurate data to assess 8.Command, coach, and correct 9.Depersonalize mistakes 10.Let the other person save face 11.Praise small improvements 12.Develop a mutual improvement plan 13.Revise goals and set new performance standards 14.End with reassurance and a big reputation to live up to.

25 How would you turn these phrases around to be more motivating? Jason is a poor time manager and consistently misses deadlines. Ashley needs to improve her attitude to fit in better with the team. Raj shows no follow-through and customers report that they don’t like working with him.


27 Objective: Choose to learn about and connect with your participants AND …let them practice! Tools/Features: Numbered and animated PowerPoint slides Chat Participant Manual/Handout

28 Virtual Training Participants: up to 20 Duration: 1-3 hours Schedule: one time or on a regular rotation Purpose: learning new skills, learning from/with others

29 Training Activity #1 Scavenger Hunt

30 ATD Trivia 1.Navigate to the site 2.Locate the answers 3.Write them down 4.Got it? Initial it on the whiteboard 5.Get ready to prove it!

31 QuestionAnswerGot it! There are how many 2015 conference tracks? ATD was started in what year? (under a different name) What are the first names of the 3 keynoters? Send this link in chat: http://www.atdconference.org

32 Objective: Explore a website and learn how to navigate it for answers Tools/Features: PowerPoint slides with a table for answers Share Web site Whiteboard tools Participant Manual/Handout

33 Training Activity #2 Making Connections

34 Orlando Activities

35 Objective Hear what participants have learned, how they are making their own connections, in their own words Tools/Features: PowerPoint slides with images Whiteboard tools Raise Hand, Feedback Audio

36 Delivery Tips Set expectations Provide clear instructions Create and use participant materials Design opportunities for collaboration Deliver meaningful assessments Build ninja technical skills

37 Technical Tips Click on everything. Youtube it, Google it, Review it, Replicate it. Try to defeat it! Use it. Use it. Use it. Use a 2 nd computer. Respond quickly. Pay attention to details. Fix it. Log it. Revisit it. Manipulate to Master. -Jennifer Rose, Owner & Lead Diva, Training Divas, LLC

38 Platform Checklists Adobe Connect WebEx Training Center

39 Which activity has inspired you?


41 Connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter @Kassy_L @ThomasStone Watch for our book July 2015 Interact and Engage! 60+ Activities for Virtual Training, Meetings and Webinars


43 Bonus Activity A Virtual Team Holiday Celebration



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