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Verbatim 5.0 Word 2010 David Williams Newton High School

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1 Verbatim 5.0 Word 2010 David Williams Newton High School
Paperless Debate Verbatim 5.0 Word 2010 David Williams Newton High School

2 Paperless Debate Install and Setup Evidence Formatting
Verbatim During Round Troubleshooting

3 Install/Setup Windows Mac IPAD/TABLET Yep Windows 7 and 8 work well
Vista I have no idea… Did anyone get this one? Windows XP come on upgrade… Mac I can help on some of this but not a mac guy and verbatim is way different on mac. Many of the features are similar but interface is different. IPAD/TABLET Verbatim does not play well with these types of machines.

4 Install/Setup Microsoft Word 2010 or newer
Some versions of word limit functions like student edition. Do not install verbatim on Word 2007 or older versions . IF you try to use older versions it will crash and drive you crazy Macros will crash and usually lead to your document closing.

5 Verbatim Verbatim what is it? Where do you find it? How to install.
Verbatim is a set of macros or automated shortcuts used during file creation and during round. Where do you find it? How to install. Installing is quite easy. GO back to the word doc so we can adjust settings. Be sure to install the correct version of the software. There are versions for Windows and Mac

6 Verbatim File Creation
In order to use verbatim files must be created using the verbatim template or convert it over. Lets look at a document already created in the template

7 Evidence Formatting Word 2010 with Verbatim 5.0 entire word document

8 THE DEBATE TAB The “Debate” tab is where all the action happens
if you have a debate tab then you know your document is verbatimized. Now lets find out how to use it.

9 Formatting Evidence F2 Paste: Use this to paste card text from internet. This is pasted without any formatting. If you want it to paste exactly how you copied the text then use CTRL V shortcut instead. F3 Condense: Removes the extra returns and spaces making it look like a single block of text without paragraph breaks. Also removes other strange extra spaces.

10 F4:Pocket F5: Hat F6: Block F7: Tag F8: Cite
Formatting Evidence F4:Pocket F5: Hat F6: Block F7: Tag F8: Cite All of these are different heading levels for file organization. Some are self explanatory. Pockets, Hats, Blocks and Tags all appear in the document map. Cites and normal card text do not show up on the map.

11 Formatting Evidence F9: Underline but I prefer to use the auto underline feature. F10: Emphasis or puts a box around the chosen words. F11: Highlights what is selected. Can use other tool F12: Clear ALWAYS start with clearing formatting

12 Formatting Evidence 8 Shrink: This button will shrink all non-formatted text to size 8 font and if selected it again makes it even smaller. Convert: This button can convert single or multiple documents over to verbatimized template. (for docs created using other templates) USE THIS CAREFULLY. OCR: Grabs screen shots from

13 IN ROUND TOOLS Word 2010 with Verbatim 5.0 entire word document

14 IN ROUND TOOLS Navigation Panel: This should ALWAYS be on top so debaters can see it. This allows for a much larger vision of what is in the document. DO NOT SCROLL through the document Use the CTRL F shortcut to find info in the document. The navigation panel is the key to quicker navigation and the quick selection and moving of the cards to your speech document. Simply click on the item in the “NAV” panel and click the Tilde button or the ` … This tilde button does the same thing as the green arrow in the top left corner. If no “speech” document has been created it will prompt you to create one now. Use the settings to select an auto save location to save time.

15 IN ROUND TOOLS CHOOSE DOC: this displays the list of word docs currently open. Search Box: Once a default search location is chosen in settings, this box will search whatever documents are currently open as well as the location specified in settings. Speech: This button lets you create a new speech DOC and title it. Once a default location for new docs is specified this is much faster. This saves in the format of 1NC Speech pm.docx THE word “speech” and time and date are added by default. The word “speech” in the title is what tells word where to send the cards.

16 IN ROUND TOOLS NEW: Creates a new blank Verbatimized Document COAUTHOR is not very useful USB: So long as there is a jump drive plugged in, this saves to usb super fast allowing for just removing the jump drive. DO NOT SAVE AS in order to save. cool feature …I don’t use it. PaDS: online evidence storage I guess. I do not use it. TIMER: This thing is cool. DO USE IT!!! Record: Don’t use this during actual tournaments since it would violate KSHSA rules but a coo tool for practice

17 IN ROUND TOOLS STATS: Displays info about the Doc

18 IN ROUND TOOLS NAV: allows you to easily hide the navigation panel READ: Displays the document 2 pages at a time it looks like the next slide.

19 IN ROUND TOOLS Read mode should be used when giving a speech…DO NOT SCROLL use the arrow keys. Scrolling in draft or web view will cause you to have to wait on the computer.

20 IN ROUND TOOLS Nav Pane Cycle: I don’t use this and is another program you must install INVISIBILITY MODE (eyeball): It displays all the cards in a document but the hilighted portion. If the file is large like 100 pages, it will take a long time. Only convert small speech docs. Allows you to hide the non read portions of your evidence. Simply click it again to change it back to normal.

21 IN ROUND TOOLS Invisibility Mode: Simply click back on the EYE to brink back normal Doc.

22 A late edition if I have not covered it earlier…
IN ROUND TOOLS A late edition if I have not covered it earlier… Chrome browser add on CITE MAKER…Designed by the same people who brought you Verbatim..

23 Final Thoughts Just throwing computers and software at the kids and telling them to figure it out is not enough. We must be teachers of technology and actually learn how to use the tools ourselves. Please contact me if you have any questions or are interested in getting more info or possibly arranging for a mini workshop with you and your students.

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