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Donald Knuth [F]orget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time.

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Presentation on theme: "Donald Knuth [F]orget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Donald Knuth [F]orget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time

2 CSC 313 – Advanced Programming Topics

3  Recursion is useful, powerful technique  Often yields compact, easy-to-read code  Highlights all possible cases making testing simple  Some algorithms naturally recursive  Divide-and-conquer algorithms  Nearly anything that uses a tree  LISP & other functional language programs  Recursion can reduce development time Why Recurse?

4 Why Not Use Recursion?

5 Method Call Overhead  Every method call has some overhead  Load address of method to be called  Allocate stack memory for method  Push parameters onto a stack  Push return value from stack  Reload return address from the stack  Deallocate stack memory

6 Pain of Recursion  Compiler optimizes much of method call  Most become only 1 instruction  Leaves allocating stack space as main cost  Program starts by allocating huge stack  Then optimizes assuming stack is immobile  But lots of concurrent method calls will fill this  Rarely code many concurrent calls… except when using recursion

7 QuickSort Results

8  Convert algorithm to use tail-recursion  Make recursive call as last step of recursion  Should directly return result of recursive call public int factorial(int i) { if (i <= 1) { return 1; } else { int result = factorial(i – 1); return result * i; } } public int factorial(int i) { if (i <= 1) { return 1; } else { return i * factorial(i – 1); } } What Can We Do? public int factorial(int i, int fact) { if (i <= 1) { return fact; } else { return factorial(i – 1, fact * i); } }

9 Tail Recursion  Conversion of tail-recursion to iteration easy  Create local variable to track most recent result  Recreate recursion using for or while loop  Get benefits of simplicity without the costs public int factorial(int i, int fact) { if (i <= 1) { return fact; } else { return factorial(i – 1, fact * i); } } public int factorial(int i) { int fact; if (i <= 1) { // Stop recursion } else { fact *= i; // Continue recursion } } public int factorial(int i) { int fact = 1; while (i > 1) { fact *= i; i--; } return fact; }

10 Tail Recursion Elimination  Great technique for REMOVING RECURSION  End method with recursive call  Directly return recursive result  NOT ALL ALGORITHMS CAN BE CONVERTED  Recursion sometimes required

11 Remove Recursion By Cheating  Slow performance due to stack overhead  While cannot always remove recursion  Can remove overhead’s source  Instantiate Stack at beginning of method  Program Stack replaced with local Stack  Method iterates while Stack is not empty  Start loop by popping value to be processed

12 public void printInOrder(BNode root) { Stack stack = // Instantiate stack stack.push(root); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Object node = stack.pop(); if (node instanceof BNode) { if (node.hasRight()) { push(node.rightChild()); } push(node.element()); if (node.hasLeft()) { push(node.leftChild()); } } else { System.out.println(node); } } } public void printInOrder(BNode root) { if (root.hasLeft()) { printInOrder(root.leftChild()); } System.out.println(root.element()); if (root.hasRight()) { printInOrder(root.rightChild()); } } public void printInOrder(BNode root) { Stack stack = // Instantiate stack stack.push(root); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Object node = stack.pop(); if (node.hasRight()) { push(node.rightChild()); } push(node.element()); if (node.hasLeft()) { push(node.leftChild()); } } } Remove Recursion By Cheating

13 Cheater Removing Recursion  Use local Stack to replace program Stack  Stack handles multiple data types  Pop value off Stack with each iteration  Loop’s actions depend on value’s type  Compiler can now optimize this method  Stack methods highly optimized  Growing & shrinking this Stack much easier  Single call means better chance of optimizing

14 For Next Lecture  Lab #3 due before lab time tomorrow  Asks you to implement OBSERVER PATTERN  Lab #4 available on web/Angel tomorrow  Will be a different kind of lab  Read pages 109 – 122 of the book  How DO we instantiate objects?  How SHOULD we instantiate objects?  Pizza… haven’t we ALREADY USED it in a pattern?

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