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English grammar, punctuation and spelling May 2013 - A new statutory test of English grammar, punctuation and spelling was introduced for children at the.

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Presentation on theme: "English grammar, punctuation and spelling May 2013 - A new statutory test of English grammar, punctuation and spelling was introduced for children at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling May 2013 - A new statutory test of English grammar, punctuation and spelling was introduced for children at the end of Key Stage 2. Levels 3-5. Level 6. 2 July 2015

2 The New Curriculum Specific content to be covered in the areas of spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. These are set out yearly across both key stages. Children’s abilities in these technical aspects of English are tested in the end of KS2 test. 2 July 2015

3 The New Curriculum 2 July 2015

4 How is it taught at Syresham? Years 1 to 4: Required grammar & punctuation content taught as part of learning to write a range of genres. Year 5 & 6: Grammar & punctuation content is still taught within writing genres. 1 x discrete grammar lesson per week. Recaps each aspect of required curriculum content. Teaches children to understand the question style & wording used within the test. 2 July 2015

5 Definitions Word Class. Vocabulary/Language. Sentence Class. Sentence Structure. Punctuation. 2 July 2015

6 Definitions – Word Class Words fall within different word categories. Nouns name things, ideas or people. They can be concrete, common, proper, abstract or collective e.g. cat, castle, love, fact Adjectives describe nouns e.g. red cat; bleak, intimidating castle; undying love; interesting fact. Verbs are doing or being words. They can behave in a range of ways e.g. kick, is, feel, seem. Adverbs describe how, where, and when things happen. They ‘describe’ verbs e.g. peacefully, carefully, outside, by the car, tomorrow, today 2 July 2015

7 Definitions – Vocabulary & Language Making the correct choice of word for right situation. Singular and Plural Tense Synonyms – same meaning Antonyms – opposite meaning Prefix & suffix. 2 July 2015

8 Definitions – Sentence Class A. Did you empty the dishwasher? B. You did empty the dishwasher. C. Empty the dishwasher. D. You did empty the dishwasher! 2 July 2015

9 Definitions – Sentence Structure A sentence - one or more clauses which combine to make meaning. There are a number of different types. Simple – one clause. Compound - two simple sentences joined by a connective. Clauses – main & subordinate. Complex– contains a subordinate clause or clauses. 2 July 2015

10 Definitions – Punctuation Give sentences clarity & meaning. Capital letters Full stops Apostrophes Commas in lists Commas to mark clauses Semi colons. 2 July 2015

11 Grammar & Punctuation Now it’s your turn... 2 July 2015

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