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Reinforcement Video Training Module #5 Megan Delcourt, M.A., Behaviour Analyst Maria DeBrouwer, CYCW WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids.

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Presentation on theme: "Reinforcement Video Training Module #5 Megan Delcourt, M.A., Behaviour Analyst Maria DeBrouwer, CYCW WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids."— Presentation transcript:


2 Reinforcement Video Training Module #5 Megan Delcourt, M.A., Behaviour Analyst Maria DeBrouwer, CYCW WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

3 What is Reinforcement Reinforcement is the process in which an occurrence of a behaviour is followed by a consequence that results in an increase in the future probability of the behaviour (Martin & Pear, 1999) WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

4 Educators Check List Choosing ReinforcersDelivering ReinforcersFading Reinforcers WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

5 Reinforcement WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

6 Thinking Outside of the Box Not all of our students are…. Some of our Students.. Require reinforcement to teach skills Are hardwired differently Require individualized teaching plans Motivated by good grades Motivated by verbal praise Motivated to learn WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

7 Determining Reinforcers Do NOT determine what is motivating for your student….. WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

8 “A true reinforcer is something that a person would jump through hoops to have access to. If an item does not have that intrinsic/physical effect, it is not motivating enough” Reinforcement Computer Special Interest MusicBookFoodCharacterToy WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

9 Determining True Reinforcers School – Conduct a Preference Assessment Is there something that the student gravitates towards? (i.e. computers?) Does the student like to have conversations about a special interest? Does the student bring a toy to school? Home Send home a note to the parent/s/caregiver/s and ask for information on what their child likes to do at home WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

10 Techniques Token SystemChoice Board WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

11 Teaching New Skills When teaching a new skill, it is important to reinforce the skill every time it is exhibited The student should never miss their opportunity to be reinforced WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

12 Delivering Reinforcement Immediate Predictable Guaranteed Enthusiastic Effective Frequent Brief WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

13 Fading Reinforcement Once the skill has been taught, you should have faded your reinforcement gradually (delay in gratification) adding in more expectations and time WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

14 Common Difficulties Consistency Between Staff Student Boredom (Satiation) Personal Opinions Vary Tangibles (Options) Students Interests Change Often WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

15 Thank You Module #6 “Visual Supports” This module has been brought to you be the Behaviour Support Team Strategic Plan 2015 WCDSB, HDSB & Erinoakkids

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