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Be Content with your Mathematical Content By: Diana Allen, Janis Kluesner, Sharon Kramer, and Sandy McFarland.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Content with your Mathematical Content By: Diana Allen, Janis Kluesner, Sharon Kramer, and Sandy McFarland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Content with your Mathematical Content By: Diana Allen, Janis Kluesner, Sharon Kramer, and Sandy McFarland

2 Numeration/Number Sense Prime and Composite –Prime number: a whole number greater than 1 that has exactly two whole number factors, 1 and itself. –Composite number: a whole number that has more than two whole number factors. –Two (2) is the only even prime number –One is considered neither prime nor composite

3 Numeration/Number Sense 5 th grade project Sieve of Eratosthenes Use during or after Unit 1

4 Numeration/Number Sense K p. 141 Skip Counting 1 st Lesson 3.2- Part 1: Introducing Even and Odd Numbers 2 nd Lesson 6.10 Array Bingo Math 3 rd Lesson 4.3 Equal Shares Division Arrays 4 th Factor Bingo 5 th Sieve of Eratosthenes

5 First Grade Numeration/Number Sense Lesson 3.2- Part 3-Extra Practice p. 174, 177 Lesson 3.3-Part 2 p.181 Lesson 3.4- Exploration A p. 184 Lesson 3.14-Part 3-Enrichment p. 235

6 Operations and Computation Fraction: A number in the form a/b. Fractions can name parts of a whole, compare quantities, or represent division. Decimal: A way of expressing a fractional part of a whole. The decimal point separates the whole number and fractional part.

7 Operations and Computation 2 nd Grade Lesson- Forming Fractions on the Geoboard Lesson 10.7 Exploration C

8 Operations and Computation K p. 180 Intro. of the Quarter 1 st 8.8 Part 3 Enrichment-Making Fraction Creatures 2 nd Exploration 8.2 Relationships of shapes 3 rd Making a number line poster of fractions T.E. p.609 4 th Skip Count/Calculators Lesson 4.10 5 th Fraction Capture Game

9 First Grade Operations and Computation Lesson 3.11-Part 1 p. 217 Lesson 8.2-Part 1 p. 620 Lesson 8.6-Part 1 p. 640, Part 3- Enrichment(Literature) Lesson 8.8-Fractional Parts of a Collection Part 1 p. 650 Lesson 8.9-Exploration A & B p. 654

10 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Order of Operations –Do the operations in parentheses first. –Calculate all the expressions with exponents –Multiply and Divide in order from left to right –Add and Subtract in order from left to right Patterns Simple Equations

11 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra 4 th Grade Lesson Math Message-Part 1 Lesson 3.9

12 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra K“What’s My Rule?” Fishing p. 99 1 st “ Penny Cup” Game 2 nd Lesson 10.11 3 rd Math Journal 2 p.170 4 th Parentheses in Number Sentences Lesson 3.9 5 th Name That Number Game (Online)

13 First Grade Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Lesson 5.12 Part 1-p. 389, Part 3- Extra Practice p. 392 Lesson 5.13 Part 1-p. 394, Part 3- Extra Practice & Enrichment Lesson 6.8 Part 1-p. 524, Part 3- Reteaching p. 526 Lesson 9.3 Part 2-p. 685

14 Geometry Quadrilaterals/Quadrangles: Angles Triangles: A polygon with three sides and three angles. Triangles can be classified as equilateral, isosceles, scalene, acute, right, or obtuse.

15 Geometry 5 th Grade Lesson- Angles of Polygons Lesson 3.9 Part 1

16 Geometry K Pattern Blocks p. 16 1 st Lesson 8.1- Part 2 Identifying Geometric Shapes p. 616 2 nd Explorations 9.7 Measuring area with a centimeter grid 3 rd Explorations 7.9 Similar polygons 4 th Straw Constructions Lesson 1.3 5 th Math Journal pp 88-90 (cooperative learning activity)

17 First Grade Geometry Lesson 7.1- Part 1 p. 567 Lesson 7.4- Part 1 p. 579 Lesson 8.3- Part 2 p. 627 Minute Math- p. 17-18

18 Measurement Perimeter of polygons: The distance around a closed 2- dimensional shape. Circumference of a circle Area: The amount of surface inside a closed boundary. Area is measured in square units.

19 Measurement *Kindergarten Core Activity- Rope Shapes p.110 *1 st Grade Project- Autumn Leaves p.408

20 Measurement K Kindergarten Core Activity- Rope Shapes p. 110 1 st Lesson 7.6-Part 2-Investigating Polygons with Geoboards p. 591 2 nd Explorations 8.2(B) Measuring Area 3 rd Perimeter of polygons (234) 4 th Kitchen Layouts and Perimeter Lesson 8.1 5 th Math Masters p.149

21 First Grade Measurement Lesson 5.4-Exploration A p. 352, Part 2 p. 353 Projects 2 and 4 Lesson 7.3-Part 3 Enrichment p. 577 Lesson 7.6-Part 2-Investigating Polygons with Geoboards p. 591 Minute Math book-p. 53, 55, 58-60

22 Data Analysis and Probability Find the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data. –Mean: sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of pieces of data in the set (also referred to as the average) –Median: The middle value in a set of data when the data are listed in order from smallest to largest. In an even number of data, the median is the mean of the two middle values. –Mode: The value or values that occur most often in a set of data. –Range: The difference of the maximum and minimum of a set of data.

23 Data Analysis and Probability 3rd Grade Lesson Lesson 3.1 Part 1- A “Class Shoe” Unit of Length

24 Data Analysis and Probability K Graphing Sums of Dice Throws p. 296 1 st 10.1 Part 1- Mode and Median 2 nd Lesson 11.9 Comparing Precipitation 3 rd SRB pp. 74-75(789-790) 4 th Mental Math and Reflexes 3.1 5 th Math Boxes: 1.2, 1.4, 1.10, 2.1, 2.3, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 5.13, 6.9

25 First Grade Data Analysis and Probability Lesson 6.12- Part 1 p. 545 Lesson 9.6- Part 2 p. 699 Lesson 10.1- Parts 1 and 3 p. 727, 729

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