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Longitudinal de la Sierra Road- Section 4: Huancayo – Izcuchaca – Mayocc - Ayacucho/Ayacucho – Andahuaylas – Pte. Sahuinto/Dv. Pisco – Huaytará – Ayacucho.

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Presentation on theme: "Longitudinal de la Sierra Road- Section 4: Huancayo – Izcuchaca – Mayocc - Ayacucho/Ayacucho – Andahuaylas – Pte. Sahuinto/Dv. Pisco – Huaytará – Ayacucho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Longitudinal de la Sierra Road- Section 4: Huancayo – Izcuchaca – Mayocc - Ayacucho/Ayacucho – Andahuaylas – Pte. Sahuinto/Dv. Pisco – Huaytará – Ayacucho

2 Huancayo Ayacucho Pte Sahuinto Dv. Kishuara Huanta Izcuchaca Mayocc Km 50+000 Km 154+000 Km 210+000 Dv. Pisco Andahuaylas Km 98+800

3 Structure Concession comprising road sections: Huancayo-Izcuchaca-Mayocc- Ayacucho/Ayacucho-Puente Sahuinto/Dv. Pisco – Huaytará – Ayacucho (Approx. 971 km).Concession comprising road sections: Huancayo-Izcuchaca-Mayocc- Ayacucho/Ayacucho-Puente Sahuinto/Dv. Pisco – Huaytará – Ayacucho (Approx. 971 km). Mode Comprehensive projects, the Concession Holder will conduct studies according to the terms of reference included in the basesComprehensive projects, the Concession Holder will conduct studies according to the terms of reference included in the bases Term 25 years25 years Competition factor Lower amount charged for Restoring and Improvement(PRM) Lower amount charged for initial periodic maintenance payments (PAMPI) Lower amount charged for maintenance and operation (PAMO) Financing In char ge of the Con cessi on hold er for the Rest oring and Impr ove ment work s, the Initia l Peri odic Main tena nce, Oper ation and Con serv ation. Rec over y throu gh PRM, PAM PI and PAM POIn char ge of the Con cessi on hold er for the Rest oring and Impr ove ment work s, the Initia l Peri odic Main tena nce, Oper ation and Con serv ation. Rec over y throu gh PRM, PAM PI and PAM PO PROMOTION PROCESS CHARACTERISTICS

4 STRATEGIC PARTNER Will be the operator and must possess and maintain a minimum share of 35% of the capital subscribed by the Concession holder.Will be the operator and must possess and maintain a minimum share of 35% of the capital subscribed by the Concession holder. WARRANTIES W. of Validity, Effectiveness and Reliability of the Offer: US$ 10MMW. of Validity, Effectiveness and Reliability of the Offer: US$ 10MM W. of Certain Fulfillment of the Contract: To be determinedW. of Certain Fulfillment of the Contract: To be determined W. of Certain Fulfillment of the Restoring and Improvement Works Execution: US$ 16MM.W. of Certain Fulfillment of the Restoring and Improvement Works Execution: US$ 16MM. W. of Certain Fulfillment of the Initial Periodic Maintenance Execution: US$ 18MM.W. of Certain Fulfillment of the Initial Periodic Maintenance Execution: US$ 18MM. 04 TOLL UNITS Will be given to the Concession holder once the operation begins.Will be given to the Concession holder once the operation begins. AWARD Will be awarded given a minimum of two valid economic proposals are receivedWill be awarded given a minimum of two valid economic proposals are received

5 BIDDER CHARACTERISTICS OPERATION In the last 10 years has been operating or has operated 01 or more asphalted road concessions totaling at least 100 km or in the last 05 years has been operating or has operated 01 or more asphalted road concessions that add at least 50 km ; in both cases, for a cumulative minimum period of 02 years. It is not necessary to prove the experience of the builder to be declared as a prequalified bidder. Accreditation will be presented by the winner of the contest within 30 calendar days from the date of the Award.

6 Construction The builder must prove that he has executed at least 100 km in the last 15 years, among "New Roads“, "rehabilitation" and / or "improvement“. The extension can be accumulated in both directions of the road, only in case of separate roads (highway). Financial criteria Minimum net worth: TBD, audited financial statements of the last three years available, or similar documents. Reference letter issued by a Banking Entity or an International Financial Institution according to the Bases. Minimum social capital To be determined BIDDER CHARACTERISTICS

7 SUB SECTIONS TO BE DELIVERED BY THE GRANTOR* 574.589 km 1.Dv Huancayo – Pnte Chanchas: 3.834 km. 2.Pte. Chanchas - Huayucachi: 2.820 km. 3.Huayucachi – Imperial: 26.567 km. 4.Imperial – Izcuchaca: 31.219 km. 5.Mayocc – Huanta: 32.756 km. 6.Ayacucho (Emp PE-28A) – Km. 00+000: 7.628 km. 7.Abra Tocto – Ocros: 48.80 km 8.Ocros – Chincheros: 55.200 km. 9.Chincheros – Sta María Chicmo: 66.022 km. 10.Andahuaylas – Dv. Quishuará: 54.307 km. 11.Dv. Quishuará – Dv. Sahuinto: 62.711 km. 12.Dv. Sahuinto – Pte Sahuinto: 13.739 km. 13.San Clemente – Pnte Choclococha: 163.810 km. 14.Pte. Choclococha –Ayacucho: 5.176 km. * With the Service Indices indicated on the Bases

8 INTERVENTIONS IN CHARGE OF THE CONCESSION HOLDER RESTORING AND IMPROVEMENT Izcuchaca y Mayocc : 116.8 km (Reference amount: US$ 162 millions) INITIAL PERIODIC MAINTENANCE (279.5 KM) Huanta – Ayacucho: 42.25 km Ayacucho (Km 0+000)-Abra Tocto: 50.00 km Snta María de Chicmo-Andahuaylas: 20.34 km Pnte Choclococha - Ayacucho: 166.89 km (Reference amount : US$ 178 millions) Concession operation, scheduled and periodic maintenance throughout the 971 km, during the term of the concession. Note: The amounts for the operation and the scheduled and periodic maintenance are not included in the indicated amounts.

9 Ayacucho Pte Sahuinto Huancayo Andahuaylas Huanta Mayocc Izcuchaca Huacrapuquio La Esmeralda Huanta Ocros Chicmo Auquibamba Pisco Socos) Rumichaca) Pacra) TOLL UNITS: Existing and provided Existing 1.UP Huacrapuquio 2.UP Pacra 3.UP Rumichaca 4.UP Socos Provided 1.UP La Esmeralda 2.UP Huanta 3.UP Ocros 4.UP Chicmo 5.UP Auquibamba One month after the Contract Subscription: Actual toll + VAT Actual toll + VAT On the reception date or the intervention completion in sub sections: US$ 1.5 + VAT

10 Publishing of the CD agreement approving the Promotion Plan January 30th 2015 Call February 22nd and 23rd 2015 Consultation on Bidding Documents Up until September 2015 Answers to the Consultation on Bidding Documents Up until October 2015 Presentation of Envelope N° 1 (prequalifying credentials) Up until October 2015 Partnership term, to changes in conformation or withdrawal of a prequalified bidder member Up until October 2015 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE

11 Delivery of the Final Version of the Contract approved by the Directive Council of Pro Inversion Within the next 320 calendar days after publication of the CD agreement approving the Promotion Plan Submitting of Envelopes Nº 2 y Nº 3 (technical and economic proposals) November 2015 November 2015 Opening of Envelope Nº 3 and Award date December 2015 Contract Subscription Date Will be given via Notice Will be given via Notice TENTATIVE SCHEDULE

12 Important: This presentation has been elaborated by PROINVERSION and provided only for informative purposes to assist potential investors define their interest on participating in the Comprehensive Projects Contest related to the Concession of the Longitudinal of the Sierra Section 4. Accessing this document constitutes acceptance by potential investors, that the Peruvian Government, PROINVERSION and its Consultants, are not subject to any present or future responsibility nor a legal liability originated from this document. QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Tel.: 2001200 (direct) Fax [511] 2212935 tramo4longitudinaldelasierra


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