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User Readiness for GRB and HRIT/EMWIN
Paul Seymour and Matthew Seybold NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/Satellite Products and Services Division NCWCP College Park, MD and NSOF Suitland, MD V1 Slide 1
GRB L-Band Down-Link User NSOF WCDAS (and CBU) GRB – L-Band dual CP
GRB X-Band to L-Band Distribution
GRB – L-Band dual CP GRB – L-Band dual CP GRB – X-Band GRB – L-Band dual CP User NSOF WCDAS (and CBU) GRB
GRB and HRIT/EMWIN in the GOES-R System
HRIT/EMWIN – L-band GRB – L-Band dual CP GRB – L-Band dual CP GRB – X-Band GRB – L-Band dual CP HRIT/EMWIN – S-band User NSOF HRIT / EMWIN WCDAS (and CBU) HRIT / EMWIN GRB
GRB Downlink Characteristics
Input Center Frequency: MHz Content (specified for each of two polarization channels: LHCP, RHCP) L1b data, QC data and metadata: ABI, SUVI, EXIS, SEISS, MAG L2 data, QC data, metadata: GLM GRB Information Packets Data rate 31 Mbps maximum data rate 15.5 Mbps instantaneous maximum for each polarization channel Downlink link margin: 2.5 db Compression - Lossless compression required JPEG2000 (ABI, SUVI) and SZIP (GLM); EXIS, SEISS and MAG data will not be compressed Format Outer Frame Format: DVB-S2 Inner Frame Format: CCSDS Space Packet Coding BCH + LDPC (2/3) for 8-PSK and LDPC (9/10) for QPSK Modem Required C/No (dB-Hz): 78.6 Maximum Demodulator Required Eb/No (dB) for 1x10-10 BER: 3.7 dB (8 PSK); 3.9 dB (QPSK) Minimum Antenna System G/T (dB/K) : 15.2 db/K (at 50 Elevation) V1 Slide 7
Transition from GVAR to GRB
GOES Variable (GVAR) GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) Full Disk Image 30 Minutes 5 Minutes (Mode 4) 15 min (Mode 3) Other Modes Rapid Scan, Super Rapid Scan 3000 km X 5000 km (CONUS: 5 minute) 1000 km X 1000 km (Mesoscale: 30 seconds) Polarization None Dual Circular Polarized Receiver Center Frequency MHz (L-Band) MHz (L-Band) Data Rate 2.11 Mbps 31 Mbps Antenna Coverage Earth Coverage to 50 Data Sources Imager and Sounder ABI (16 bands), GLM, SEISS, EXIS, SUVI, MAG Space Weather ~2 Mbps Lightning Data 0.5 Mbps V1 Slide 6
Details of the GRB Dual Polarized Signal
GRB LHCP: L1b products from ABI 0.64 um band and 6 IR bands (3.9, 6.185, 7.34, 11.2, 12.3, and 13.3 um) GRB RHCP: L1b products from ABI bands 0.47, 0.865, 1.378, 1.61, 2.25, 6.95, 8.5, 9.6 and 10.35um, L2+ GLM, L1b SUVI, L1b EXIS, L1b SEISS, and L1b Magnetometer products Ensures load balanced utilization of the two circular polarizations, allowing users to receive all GRB products with a dual-polarized system (both LHCP and RHCP), and allowing users flexibility to receive GOES Imager legacy channels with a single polarized system (LHCP only). V1 Slide 8
Details of the GRB Dual Polarized Signal
Reception of the GRB data requires a fixed dish antenna Dual feed horns connected to 2 Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) The LNA outputs are connected to RF/IF down-converters RF/IF down-converters connected to DVB-S2 capable receivers The GRB downlink center frequency of MHz requires an antenna G/T of 15.2 dB/K for worst-case locations. This equates to a 4.5 meter dish with a system noise temperature of 120 K. Most CONUS locations are anticipated to have acceptable performance with a 3.8 meter dish. You will need a new receive system from antenna to computer. V1 Slide 8
GRB Ground Antenna Sizes
GOES-West GOES-East V1 Slide 10 NOTES: Calculations based on available data as of May 2011 Each antenna size is usable within the indicated contour Rain attenuations included are: 1.3/1.6/2.0/2.2/2.5 dB (3.8 to 6 m) 4. An operating margin of 2.5 dB is included as the dual polarization isolation is likely to vary within each antenna size area
GOES-R Rebroadcast (GRB) Simulators
Self-contained hardware & software with pull out keyboard and screen Available for 90-day loan periods with potential extensions Includes training & tech support Loans commenced Nov 2013 and slated through 2019 10 loans completed Requests: V1 Slide 3 Project Manager at HITS: Ed Czopkiewicz )
Status of GRB Simulators
Current Status Sim 1 – At CIRA/CSU in Ft. Collins, CO. Anticipated return to Depot on 6 Jun 2015. Sim 2 – At NOAA Sat Conference. Anticipated return to Depot on 1 May 2015. Sim 3 – At Harris Melbourne factory for support of NWS GRB Antenna program. Anticipated return to Depot on 20 Sep Sim 5 – At University of WI – SSEC. Anticipated return to Depot on 15 Jul 2015. Projected Loans Sim 1 – None at this time Sim 2 – None at this time Sim 3 – None at this time Sim 5 – Lockheed Martin at King of Prussia, PA in mid-August 2015 UW - SSEC CIRA/CSU Lockheed Martin HITS-Omaha Industry Day RT Logic Honeywell Global Imaging Sea Space Quorum Communications Locations Current General Dynamics EEC Telespace Past Harris Future V1 Slide 4 Sim 4 is at Melbourne and is supporting testing for NSOF, WCDAS, CBU. Simulators are available only within U.S. There are EAR restrictions. Simulator specifications are available, so those may be provided upon request. (OSPO - Marlin Perkins, Harris - Ed Czopkiewicz). We could potentially explore availability of software for international needs, but we would need to hold some technical discussions to gain a better understanding of the on-site data receipt plans. Aug 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 Nov 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 May 15 Jun 15 Jul 15 GRB Sim 1 GRB Sim 2 GRB Sim 3 GRB Sim 4 GRB Sim 5 Available Out To User At Factory NOAA Sat Conf Depot Repair
GRB Summary GRB allows real time distribution of all Level-1b GOES-R data products for direct readout users. Direct Readout users need to upgrade all equipment for GOES-R: Significant increase in data rate!!! New data format!!! GRB simulators may be scheduled now for Direct Broadcast reception equipment development and testing. GRB Simulator located in the Patuxent Room Thru Wednesday Afternoon Documents and updates to be posted on the GOES-R web site: V1 Slide 19
User Readiness for GRB and HRIT/EMWIN
Paul Seymour and Matt Seybold NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/Satellite Products and Services Division NCWCP College Park, MD and NSOF Suitland, MD V1 Slide 20
Transitioning HRIT/EMWIN from GOES NOP to GOES-R
NOAA NWS Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) is a priority-driven weather data broadcast service broadcast Alerts/Watches/Warnings Forecasts, Graphic Format Products and Imagery Low cost ground receive stations The NOAA NESDIS Low Rate Information Transmission (LRIT) is a collection of reduced resolution GOES and MTSAT imagery and products GOES Visible, Infrared and Water Vapor Imagery at 4 Km Spatial Resolution MTSAT Visible, Infrared and Water Vapor Imagery on LRIT-West Tropical Storm Information Copy of GOES Data Collection Service (GOES-DCS) The GOES-R HRIT/EMWIN service combines LRIT and EMWIN with GOES-DCS on a single ~ 1 Meter Antenna V1 Slide 23
Transitioning HRIT/EMWIN from GOES NOP to GOES-R
Improved data products for hemispheric retransmission Faster full disk images: between 15 and 30 minutes Warnings, Watches, Tropical Storm Information Copy of GOES Data Collection System (GOES DCS) Requires new antenna and receiver hardware Receiver frequency shift to MHz from: EMWIN MHz and LRIT BPSK Polarization; EMWIN shift from Offset QPSK Data Rate to a combined 400 Kilobits per Second from: EMWIN: 19.2 Kbps and LRIT : 128 Kbps (combined 147.2) V1 Slide 24
Transition from LRIT and EMWIN to HRIT/EMWIN
LRIT / EMWIN Based on GOES NOP HRIT/EMWIN On GOES-R Series Full Disk, NH, SH images 3 Hourly Full Disk; .5 hour NH/SH; follows GOES East/West Schedule. RSO issue Variable but planned 3 Channels of Full Disk every 15 minutes Polarization LRIT BPSK EMWIN offset QPSK BPSK Receiver Center Frequency LRIT MHz (L-Band) EMWIN MHz (L-Band) MHz (L-Band) Data Rate LRIT 128 Kbps EMWIN 19.2 Kbps 400 Kbps Antenna Coverage Earth Coverage to 50 Imagery Data Sources GOES NOP Imager (IR,VIS,WV) MTSAT Imager ABI (3 or more bands) HBI (3 bands hourly-GOES W EMWIN Products Full Suite of Current Products Combined w/ LRIT Products GOES DCS Copy of DCS observations Copy of observations V1 Slide 25
HRIT/EMWIN Downlink Characteristics
Coding – BPSK Convolutional rate ½ code with constraint length 7 concatenated with Reed Solomon (255,223) with Interleave = 4 Square Root Raised Cosine filtering using an Alpha factor of 0.3 The resulting “Necessary Bandwidth” for this signal will be MHz Modem Required: predicted C/No is in the range of dB Maximum Demodulator Required is - Eb/No is 4.6 dB for a BER of 1x10-8 after decoding Minimum Antenna System At 5 degree elevation, the minimum antenna is 1.2 meter. At 10 degrees or more elevation the minimum size is 1.0 meter Using a LNA or LNB with a system noise temperature of about 200 K will provide a G/T of 1.0 dB/K or -0.3 dB/K respectively V1 Slide 27
Downconverted, Amplified Signal
SDR Hardware Overview Low Noise L-band downconverter was designed at DCID Downconverted, Amplified Signal Digitizer Options: USRP1, USRP2 OSMO SDR Aerospace AID Blade RF Operating Systems: Windows Linux
HRIT/EMWIN Summary HRIT/EMWIN will provide at least 3 channels of GOES-NOP and / or GOES-R imagery along with warnings, watches and forecast products along with a copy of the GOES-DCS observations New data rate, center frequency and modulation (EMWIN Users) Ground receive stations are COTS utilizing a 1 – 1.2 meter antenna Take the time to talk to the vendors supplying LRIT Receive Stations Prototype demo in the hallway through Thursday afternoon Documents and updates to be posted on the GOES-R web site: -- V1 Slide 19
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