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Presentation on theme: "WATAUGA COUNTY SCHOOLS MIDDLE GRADES PRE-MATH 1 & MATH 1 PLACEMENT Advanced Math Placement Procedure."— Presentation transcript:



3 Multiple Criteria 7 th Grade Pre-Math 1 5 th Grade EOG Scale Scores Reading Math 6 th Grade EOG Scale Scores Reading Math EVAAS projection Actual Grades Teacher Feedback Attendance 8 th Grade Math 1 7 th Grade EOG Scale Scores Reading Math IAAT EVAAS projection Actual Grades Teacher Feedback Attendance

4 Rubric Format The placement forms will be in a rubric format Each criteria will have a point value (5 possible each) All point values will be added A minimum value will determine placement eligibility Will result in less subjectivity

5 Evidence for Each Criteria Value points needed to be determined for each criteria  EOG data – based off of new scale scores  EVAAS data – projections based off of new scale scores  IAAT  Actual Grades  Teacher feedback – new rubric asking for same information from multiple teachers  Attendance

6 EOG Data Evidence In the past, the lowest Level IV scale scores served as evidence for placement 5 th Grade 6 th Grade 7 th Grade Reading 362362 363 Math 363 364 367 The new lowest Level IV scale scores are… 5 th Grade 6 th Grade 7 th Grade Reading 464 465 469 Math 460 461 461 Based off of 2012-2013 EOG data: 36 students for Pre-Math 1 46 students for Math 1

7 EOG Data Evidence It would be ideal to have between 80-100 students meet the initial criteria in order to reach the appropriate students Therefore, lowest Level IV scale scores are not appropriate evidence for placement in advanced math What now? I took the 84 students currently in Pre-Math 1 and 91 students currently in Math 1 and analyzed their 2012-2013 EOG data

8 EOG Data Evidence Pre-Math 1 – Current Students Mean462.9405 Median463 Mode463 Standard Deviation5.258043 Range26 Minimum450 Maximum476 Count84 6 th Grade EOG Scale Scores

9 EOG Data Evidence Mean464.6071 Median464.5 Mode459 Standard Deviation5.872168 Range28 Minimum450 Maximum478 Count84 Pre-Math 1 – Current Students 6 th Grade EOG Scale Scores

10 Level II Level III Level IV Level II

11 EOG Data Evidence Math 1 – Current Students Mean460.8462 Median461 Mode467 Standard Deviation4.979788 Range21 Minimum450 Maximum471 Count91 7 th Grade EOG Scale Scores

12 EOG Data Evidence Math 1 – Current Students 7 th Grade EOG Scale Scores Mean467.7363 Median467 Mode460 Standard Deviation6.336552 Range28 Minimum455 Maximum483 Count91

13 Level II Level III Level IV

14 EOG Data Evidence Based off of this data, the following evidence and value points were determined: Scale ScoreRating 450-4531 Point 454-4562 Points 457-4593 Points 460-4624 Points 463+5 Points 5 th Math 5 th Reading 6 th Math 6 th Reading 7 th Math 7 th Reading Scale ScoreRating 450-4531 Point 454-4582 Points 459-4633 Points 464-4684 Points 469+5 Points Scale ScoreRating 450-4531 Point 454-4582 Points 459-4623 Points 463-4674 Points 468+5 Points Scale ScoreRating 450-4541 Point 455-4592 Points 460-4643 Points 465-4694 Points 470+5 Points Scale ScoreRating 450-4531 Point 454-4572 Points 458-4613 Points 462-4654 Points 466+5 Points Scale ScoreRating 455-4571 Point 458-4622 Points 463-4683 Points 469-4734 Points 474+5 Points

15 EOG Data Evidence 5 th Math Scale ScoreRating 450-4531 Point 454-4562 Points 457-4593 Points 460-4624 Points 463+5 Points Minimum Scale Score of current students Average Scale Score of current students Level II-III Level III Level IV Except 6 th &7 th Math 3 points – Level III-IV due to higher standard in math

16 EVAAS Data Evidence Previously, students who had an 85% or greater probability of scoring a Level III or higher on the Math 1 (Algebra 1) EOC were eligible for placement in advanced math With new test data, looking at the 85% probability left a small pool of students To determine at what probability should be considered as evidence, we looked at the EVAAS data for students currently in advanced math

17 EVAAS Data Evidence Math 1 – Current Students Mean 85.27407 Minimum34.7 Maximum99.9 Count81 EVAAS has a natural cut off point at 70% probability of proficiency 70% probability produces 89 current 7 th graders and 91 current 6 th graders

18 EVAAS Data Evidence Based off of this data, it was determined that students should have at least a 70% probability of scoring a Level III or higher on the Math 1 EOC The following value points show evidence for EVAAS Criteria: ProjectionRating 70%-73%1 Point 74%-77%2 Points 78%-81%3 Points 82%-85%4 Points 86% +5 Points

19 IAAT Data Evidence The following value points show evidence for IAAT Criteria: Scale ScoreRating 164-1691 Point 170-1742 Points 175-1823 Points 183-1904 Points 191+5 Points

20 Actual Grades Evidence A student’s actual grades for the five core academic areas will be considered. The average (rounded) grade for two semesters will be calculated for each area and points will be given based off of that average. The average points will be used as the final point value. The following are value points for Actual Grades: Actual GradesRating 83-84 C+1 Point 85-90 B-,B2 Points 91-94 B+,A-3 Points 95-98 A4 Points 99-100 A+5 Points Note: Grades based off of new grading policy Should this range be changed?

21 Actual Grades Evidence Student A has the following grades: Semester 1 Semester 2 Average Math 95 90 93 Language Arts 90 86 88 Reading 94 96 95 Science 89 84 87 Social Studies 100 97 99 Rating 3 2 4 2 5 Average Rating: 3 Example

22 Teacher Feedback Evidence To limit subjectivity and to encourage feedback from all teachers involved, a teacher feedback rubric will be used to rate a student’s work habits, conduct, etc. Teachers will rate students based off of: Motivation Active participation Study habits Personal conduct Organizational skills The average of the teacher ratings will be used as the final rating Are there any additional criteria you would like to add?

23 Attendance Evidence Days MissedRating 9-10 days1 Point 7-8 days2 Points 5-6 days3 Points 3-4 days4 Points 0-2 days5 Points Due to the fast paced nature of advanced math, attendance habits can effect a student’s ability to be successful in the class. Considering past attendance can help determine if a student should be placed in an advanced math course.

24 Placement Forms All criteria for placement is on a one page form (with teacher feedback rubric on back) A rating guide will be provided separately Points can be assigned by one teacher/counselor/administrator, but the final decision should be made as a team

25 Placement Forms A student can score a possible 35 (Math 1)/40 (Pre-Math 1) total points 18/20 or more points will be considered evidence for placement in advanced math The average student (i.e. receive 3 value points for each criteria) will score 20/24 points Should 18 and 20 points be the minimum number required for placement?

26 Placement Forms Students that score 1-2 points below and above the minimum rating should be considered carefully A team of current teachers, future teachers, counselors, and principals should determine if a student will be successful in an advanced math course together Parents can be valuable resources in determining placement as well

27 Jane Smith7 4 4 days4 9390 8992 9795 10097 9091 96 90.5 98.5 91.5 90.5 4 5 3 3 34 76.1 466 460 3 3 2 1732 22

28 Jane Brown7 3 6 days3 9390 8992 9795 85 9091 96 90.5 91.5 90.5 4 2 3 3 33 72.1 460 2 3 1 1732 17 9087.5

29 Feedback 1.Rating are based off current students. Do you feel that this is a good population to determine ratings? 2.Should there be a point for automatic placement? 3.Any questions/concerns?

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