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Queueing Theory.

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1 Queueing Theory

2 Overview Introduction Basic Queue Properties Stochastic Processes
Kendall Notation Little’s Law Stochastic Processes Birth-Death Process Markov Process Queueing Models

3 Why Queueing Theory Mathematical properties of lines or “queues”
Useful to understand delays and congestions in computer networks Tool for packet switched networks Limited service/processing capability Probabilistic arrivals Server Departures Queue Customers (Arrivals) Example Queueing System

4 Analysis Analysis of the queue can help identify numerous transient and steady state properties about the system, including # of customers in system/queue Response time Wait time Utilization Throughput

5 Queue Properties Arrival process Service patterns Number of servers
The rate and distribution that customers arrive to the system Service patterns The rate and distribution at which the system can process customers Number of servers Queueing discipline First in-First out, Last in-first out, Round Robin

6 Queue System Notation A/B/X/Y/Z Kendal Notation
Interarrival time distribution M – Exponential D – Deterministic G – General # of parallel service channels Queue discipline FIFO – First in first out LIFO – Last in first out RSS – Random selection of service GD – General discipline (Default = FIFO) A/B/X/Y/Z Service time distribution M – Exponential D – Deterministic G – General Capacity of the System (Default = infinite)

7 Queue Performance Parameters
T – Time in system, W = E[T] Time in the system Tq – Time in queue (Wq = E[Tq]) S – Service time (1/μ = E[S]) Arrival rate (λ) Server Departures Queue Nq – # customers in queue Ns – # customers in service # customers in system Lq – avg. # customers in queue N – # customers in system L – avg. # customers in system

8 Queue Stability μ – service rate λ – arrival rate
λ/μ - traffic intensity λ/μ < 1 for stable queue λ/μ = .1 – light load λ/μ = .5 – moderate load λ/μ = .9 – heavy load

9 Little’s Law Intuitively, longer service times equals longer queues
Average number of customers in a queueing system equals the arrival rate of new customers times the customer service rate Intuitively, longer service times equals longer queues Examples Traffic jams occur with accidents, bad weather Jimmy John’s has less seating than Zoe’s

10 Little’s Law Your computer networking professor receives 30 s per day, on average he has 15 unchecked messages, how long until he responds to your ? L= λW W = L/λ = 15/30 = .5 day A switch receives 100 packets every second, the switch can process each packet in 8ms, what’s the number of packets in system? L = λ/W L= 100 pps x .008sec = 8 packets

11 Little’s Law Derivation
4 3 2 1 N Time t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 T Show: LT = WNc Nc/T – arrival rate

12 G/G/c General Properties
Useful Equations (c = number of servers): L = λW [Little’s Law (also Lq = λWq)] r = λ/μ [work load rate] ρ = λ/cμ [utilization/traffic intensity] p0 = 1 – ρ [probability system is empty]

13 Utilization vs Queueing Delay
Avg. Queuing Delay [W = 1/(μ-λ)] Utilization [ρ = λ/μ] Can’t fully utilize network without long delays!!!!

14 Stochastic Processes

15 Stochastic Process Probability process that takes random values, X(t)=x(t1),…,x(tn) for times t1,….,tn Can be Discrete-time T = {0, 1, 2, ….} Example: coin flip Continuous-time T = {0< t < ∞} Example: stock market, weather

16 Probability Review Bernoulli trial
Random experiment with only two outcomes Example, flip of coin (heads and tails) If I flip 5 coins, what is the probability of 3 heads? Binomial distribution Possible combinations of k events Probability of n-k non-events Probability of k events

17 Poisson Distribution Assume arrival times of some event follow an exponential distribution X(t) for t≥0 represents the number of arrivals up to time period t px(t) = probability x arrivals in time t

18 Poisson Distribution Example: Probability of seeing exactly 5 packets
Assume 5 (λ=5) packets arrive per second Probability of seeing exactly 5 packets p(5) Probability of seeing less than 10 packets in a second 1-[p(0) + p(1) + … + p(10)] P(0) .007 P(1) .034 P(2) .081 P(3) .135 P(4) .175 P(5) P(6) .141 P(7) .101 P(8) .061 P(9) P(10) .013

19 Poisson Process Superposition Decomposition
λ1 λ2 λ Superposition Multiple Poisson processes aggregate to Poisson process with higher rate Decomposition Single Poisson process decomposes to multiple lower rate Poisson processes . . . λn λ1 λ2 λ . . . λn

20 Exponential Distribution
Used to model Arrival rate Service rate Memoryless (Markov) property Pr(T > s+t |T > s)= Pr(T > t) λ=1

21 Markov Process Discrete or continuous process where Classified by:
Pr(Xn = xn |Xn-1 = xn-1, Xn-2 = xn-2, … ,X0 = x0) = Pr(Xn = xn |Xn-1 = xn-1) Memoryless process Present state only the precious state, not those earlier Classified by: Index set (discrete, continuous) State space Markov Chain – discrete Markov Process – continuous

22 Birth-Death Process (BDP)
Continuous time Markov chain State n represents size of population pn is probability system in state n Transition types λi – birth rate, moves system from state n to n+1 μi – death rate, moves system from n to n-1 λ0 λ1 λ2 λk 1 2 k μ1 μ2 μ3 μk-1

23 BDP Probabilities Flow balance
pn is steady state probability of system being in state n Steady State Probability

24 Queue Models

25 Types of Queues M/M/1 M/M/c M/M/c/m M/G/1
Single queue and single server M/M/c Single queue, c servers M/M/c/m Single queue, c servers, m buffer size M/G/1 General service distribution

26 Single Server Queue M/M/1 Single queue and single server
Customer arrival – Exponentially distributed with λ Service time Exponential distribution with μ Server Departures Queue Customers (Arrivals)

27 M/M/1 Properties Birth-death process where: Flow equations: λ λ λ λ 1
1 2 k μ μ μ μ

28 M/M/1 Probabilities Steady State Probabilities for M/M/1

29 M/M/1 Properties L – average number of events in system
W – average time spent in system Use Little’s Law (L=λW)

30 Example Assume a network: What is average # packets in system?
Receives packets at 100pps (λ=100) Can process 200 pps (μ=200) What is average # packets in system? What is average time a packet is in system

31 Example Assume a network where:
Packet sent at 1000pps Average packet size is 1000bits Question: To ensure average delay less than 50ms, what should be link speed? 10ms?

32 Statistical Multiplexing vs FDM/TDM
Network has m users, each send packets at λ/m pps What’s the average delay? Statistical Multiplexing Users share single network which can send μ pps FDM/TDM Users all allocated μ/m of network bandwidth Essentially m independent M/M/1 queues Usually better to have one big server/network!!!!

33 Multiple Server Queue M/M/c Single queue with c servers λ/c Server 1 λ
. . . λ/c Departures Server c Queue Customers (Arrivals)

34 M/M/c Properties Birth/death rates: Utilization: λ λ λ λ λ 1 2 … c c+1
1 2 c c+1 μ

35 M/M/c Probabilities Steady state probabilities:

36 M/M/c Properties Average time in system: Average number in system:

37 Examples Assume a network: What is average # packets in system?
Receives packets at 100pps (λ=100) Two processor computes 100 pps (μ=100, c=2) What is average # packets in system? What is average time a packet is in system

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