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Which of the following amino acids would be first to elute at pH 7 from an anion-exchange column? a). glutamic acid b). alanine c). lysine d). asparagine.

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Presentation on theme: "Which of the following amino acids would be first to elute at pH 7 from an anion-exchange column? a). glutamic acid b). alanine c). lysine d). asparagine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which of the following amino acids would be first to elute at pH 7 from an anion-exchange column?
a). glutamic acid b). alanine c). lysine d). asparagine e). glycine

2 A mixture of lysine, glycine, alanine, isoleucine and glutamic acid are separated by ionic exchange chromatography. What is the order of elution of these amino acids if : Use a cation exchange resin? b) use an anion exchange resin? Which column would give the best separation?

3 Glycine, alanine, valine and leucine can be successfully separated by ionic exchange
chromatography even though their pKas are almost identical. Explain the behavior of these amino acids.

4 Since these four amino acids can be separated by ion exchange chromatography, but that their pI are virtually identical, another property must be responsible for this behavior. A close look at the structure of glycine, alanine, valine and leucine reveals a progressive increase in the hydrophobic character of their side chain. We can deduce that these amino acids can establish hydrophobic interactions with the ion exchange resin, allowing their separation.

5 Consider the following peptide:
A-L-K-M-P-E-Y-I-S-T-D-Q-S-N-W-H-H-R Indicate the fragments generated after the following digestions : trypsin chymotrypsin

6 Trypsin hydrolyzes the peptide bond on the carboxyl-side of the basic amino acids lysine and
arginine. A-L-K M-P-E-Y-I-S-T-D-Q-S-N-W-H-H-R Chymotrypsin hydrolyzes the peptide bond on the carboxyl-side of the large hydrophobic amino acids F, Y, W, and M A-L-K-M P-E-Y I-S-T-D-Q-S-N-W H-H-R

7 We load a DEAE-cellulose column adjusted to a pH of 6
We load a DEAE-cellulose column adjusted to a pH of 6.5 with the following mixture of proteins: ovalbumin (pI = 4.6), urease (pI = 5.0) myoglobin (pI = 7.0). The proteins are eluted first with a buffer of weak ionic strength at a pH of 6.5, and then the same buffer containing increasing amounts of sodium chloride is used to elute the proteins. What order are the proteins eluted?

8 myoglobin will elute first, since it will not bind to the resin (pH<pI: positive net charge);
the pI of urease (5,4) is closer to the pH of the buffer that is the pI of ovalbumin (4,6): urease will therefore carry a lower number of negative charges than ovalbumin. We can therefore predict that urease will elute at a NaCl concentration which will be lower than the one required to elute ovalbumin.

9 DEAE cellulose columns are rarely used at pH greater than 8.5. Why?

10 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase has a pI of 6
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase has a pI of 6. Explain why the buffer used for a chromatography on DEAE-cellulose must have a pH greater than 6 but less than 9 in order to ensure the enzyme is efficiently bound to the column.

11 At a pI above 6, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
has a net negative charge (pH>pI): it will bind the resin. At a pH value above 9, the diethylamino group of the resin is deprotonated, preventing any separation of the enzyme as a function of its charge.

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