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1 All About Lions History History Organization Organization Service Service Membership Membership.

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Presentation on theme: "1 All About Lions History History Organization Organization Service Service Membership Membership."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 All About Lions History History Organization Organization Service Service Membership Membership

2 2 Founded - 1917

3 3 “You can’t get very far until you start doing something for someone else.” Melvin Jones Melvin Jones

4 4 Historical Highlights 1920

5 5 1925

6 6 1930

7 7 We Serve Historical Highlights 1930

8 8 1957

9 9 1968  SightFirst  Lions Quest  Grants

10 10  500 Grants Annually  Health Clinics  Training Centers  Vision & Hearing projects  Habitat for Humanity

11 11 1973

12 12 Historical Highlights 1987

13 13 Organization  Member  Club  Zone  Region  District  Multiple District  International Board of Directors

14 14 MemberOrganization

15 15 ClubOrganization

16 16 Club Structure Club president Club president Immediate past president Immediate past president Vice presidents Vice presidents Secretary/treasurer Secretary/treasurer Membership director Membership director Other elected chairpersons Other elected chairpersons Lion tamer Lion tamer Tail twister Tail twister

17 17 Club President Responsibilities  Calls club board meetings & club meetings  Creates agendas & plans with board  Conducts club meetings  Appoints committee chairpersons

18 18 Club President Challenges  Conduct efficient and enjoyable meetings  Keep members involved  Inspire members to achieve level of excellence

19 19 ZoneOrganization

20 20 RegionOrganization

21 21 DistrictOrganization

22 22 District Structure  District governor  Immediate past district governor  Vice district governor  Cabinet secretary/treasurer  Region & zone chairpersons  District committee chairpersons

23 23 District Governor Responsibilities  Represent the association in the district  Supervise district cabinet members  Promote association’s activities  Promote LCIF’s programs  Protect association’s registered trademarks  Preside at district meetings

24 24 District Governor Responsibilities (cont.)  Ensure clubs function according to Constitution & By-Laws  Ensure clubs are active & strong  Supervise organization of new clubs  Monitor club payments

25 25 Club and District Leadership Lead by example Lead by example Lead by listening Lead by listening Lead by enabling others Lead by enabling others Lead by recognition Lead by recognition Lead by inspiration Lead by inspiration

26 26 Multiple District Organization

27 27 Board of Directors Organization

28 28 International Board of Directors  President  Immediate past president  1 st vice president  2 nd vice president  International directors  Board appointees  Administrative officers: executive administrator, treasurer, secretary

29 29 Selection of Directors Elected by delegates to the annual convention – –Club delegates – –Past-presidents – –Past international directors – –Board appointees – –LCIF executive committee

30 30 Constitutional Areas USA, affiliates, Bermuda & the Bahamas Canada South America, Central America, Mexico, Caribbean Europe

31 31 Constitutional Areas Orient & Southeast Asia India, South Asia, Africa and the Middle East Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia & Islands of South Pacific

32 32 Even-numbered years Directors elected from: –Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and islands of the South Pacific –Orient and Southeast Asia –Europe –South America, Central America, Mexico and Islands of the Caribbean Sea –USA, its affiliates, Bermuda and the Bahamas

33 33 Odd-numbered years Directors elected from: –India, South Asia, Africa and the Middle East –Canada –Europe –Orient and Southeast Asia –South America, Central America, Mexico and Islands of the Caribbean Sea –USA, its affiliates, Bermuda and the Bahamas

34 34 Board Appointees

35 35 International Headquarters

36 36 We Serve

37 37 Adopted Service Program Categories Community servicesCommunity services Diabetes awarenessDiabetes awareness Environmental servicesEnvironmental services Hearing/speech and work with the deafHearing/speech and work with the deaf International relationsInternational relations Opportunities for youthOpportunities for youth Sight conservation and work with the blindSight conservation and work with the blind

38 38 Community Services Building HomesBuilding Homes Cultural and Community ActivitiesCultural and Community Activities

39 39 Diabetes Awareness EducationEducation Diabetes screeningDiabetes screening Lions Eye Health ProgramLions Eye Health Program Recreational campsRecreational camps

40 40 Environmental Services RecyclingRecycling Anti-PollutionAnti-Pollution Tree PlantingTree Planting Environmental projectsEnvironmental projects

41 41 Hearing/Speech & Work with the Deaf Communication DevicesCommunication Devices Hearing Aid RecyclingHearing Aid Recycling Hearing Ear DogsHearing Ear Dogs Hearing ScreeningsHearing Screenings Recreational CampsRecreational Camps Support ServicesSupport Services

42 42 International Relations Club twinningClub twinning Int’l Relations MonthInt’l Relations Month Lions’ Day at the U.N.Lions’ Day at the U.N. Interclub AssistanceInterclub Assistance Stamp ExchangeStamp Exchange World Peace DayWorld Peace Day

43 43 Opportunities for Youth Leo clubsLeo clubs Peace Poster ContestPeace Poster Contest Youth campsYouth camps Youth exchangeYouth exchange Services for ChildrenServices for Children Lions-QuestLions-Quest

44 44 Sight Conservation & Work with the Blind Assistive devicesAssistive devices Vision screeningVision screening Eyeglass recyclingEyeglass recycling Eye banksEye banks SightFirstSightFirst

45 45 SightFirst China Action Program Cataract surgeriesCataract surgeries Eyecare unitsEyecare units

46 46 Campaign SightFirst II Control and eliminate causesControl and eliminate causes Combat emerging threats to sightCombat emerging threats to sight Provide vision for allProvide vision for all

47 47 The Lion Magazine Lions chairpersons International Activities & Program Planning Division E-mail:

48 48 Why Membership Growth? Healthy clubs = Greater service

49 49 New member recruitmentNew member recruitment New clubsNew clubs Retention of current membersRetention of current members 3 phase approach to membership growth

50 50 Tips for recruiting new members Look to your friendsLook to your friends Look to new membersLook to new members Embrace diversityEmbrace diversity

51 51 Opportunities for creating new clubs Campus Lions ClubsCampus Lions Clubs New Century Lions ClubsNew Century Lions Clubs Leo Lions ClubsLeo Lions Clubs Traditional ClubsTraditional Clubs Club BranchesClub Branches

52 52 Member retention issues Interesting, effective meetingsInteresting, effective meetings Shared responsibilityShared responsibility InvolvementInvolvement Working togetherWorking together

53 53 All About Lions History History Organization Organization Service Service Membership Membership

54 54

55 55

56 56 Thank you and good luck!

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