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Common Tuning Opportunities

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1 Common Tuning Opportunities
I got the tee shirt Andrew com

2 Common Tuning Opportunities

3 COBOL - Table initialization
Do we have to initialize? Keeping a count of rows Rewriting data anyway COBOL Initialize is fast Table to Table copy is fastest 05 COBOL-TABLE-INIT ```````````````````````````````` 100-MAIN INITIALIZE COBOL-TABLE-INIT ```````````````````````````````````````````` MOVE COBOL-TABLE-INIT TO COBOL-TABLE-ORIGINAL

4 COBOL - Inspect verb It’s expensive
It’s more expensive when using COBOL reserved words (low-values, spaces) Use a literal instead ‘ ‘


6 COBOL – Mismatched Data Types
In: Arithmetic Counters Compares Forces a conversion of working storage items, sometime multiple conversions Get the compile listing PMAP (pseudo assembler) and see exactly what’s going on.

7 File I/O - Buffering QSAM VSAM
We’re finding buffering isn’t helping anymore. The DASD and Tape hardware are compensating for bad buffering & blksize(ymmv) VSAM Sequential – data buffers (1/2*CIs per CA +1) Direct Index buffers (Total CIs – Sequence set CIs +1) Batch LSR (JCL or SMS) – advanced buffering, caches the whole index and LRR data CIs.

8 File I/O – OPEN/CLOSE Repetitively opening and closing files
SVC 19 & 20 (may also include SVCs 18,26,48,56,99,120, 130)

9 File I/O – Inserts High Wait Time and High CA splits
Is the input file sorted correctly? Is the VSAM file in the right order? It’s better to insert at the end of file.

10 File I/O – Read or update the same data
Look at the number of EXCPs compared to number of records. Number of Logical Operations (read, update) vs. number of records We’ve seen very unusual numbers Hundreds of thousands of reads to VSAM files that contain a few thousand records Batch LSR is a good band aid but fixing the logic is the real solution.

11 CICS – Memory Management
Module with Getmain / Freemain Descriptors SVC 120 Use the CPU attribution report to determine what modules / transactions are causing the modules to be invoked

12 CICS – Auxiliary Trace High CPU to Trace Domain modules(DFHTRPX)
We turn them on to debug a problem, then never turn them off They can be dynamically turned on/off (CETR)

13 CICS – Monitors High CPU time to modules associated with CICS monitors
Monitors are not bad Sometimes turning certain options on, is Contact the Vendor to discuss

14 DB2 – Access Path Table Space scan generally bad
# matching index columns vs predicates Stage 1 vs Stage 2 predicates

15 DB2 - Reading Data Repetitively
Same as the File I/O, some programs read the same data over and over (reference data), rather than reading it once and storing locally. Will probably get a DB2 buffer hit so the SQL runs fast but still incur the CPU overhead of going to DB2



18 DB2 – Improper Cursor Usage
Reading a whole table with singleton selects Probably a place that a table space scan would be better The number or executions on the select matches the number of rows in the table Using a cursor when only one row is returned The number of Opens = the number of Fetches = the number of Closes Incurring the overhead of setting up a cursor when all or most of the time, only one row is returned


20 DB2 – Lack of Joins Especially in shops that migrated from IMS to DB2
Two or more separate SQL statement that are run the exact same number of times Look for common columns Using the joins can significantly reduce the number of calls to DB2


22 DB2 – Full Runstats Still see a lot of objects that do not have current Runstats, especially tables that have been set up for distributed application DB2 has gotten better in choosing the correct access path if you give it the right information to make the decision


24 DB2 – Compression See a lot of large tables without DB2 compression.
It’s not your father’s compression


26 DB2 – Useless SQL Mostly in DB2 DDF
Thousands of executions in a 15 min period Distributed app trying to keep a thread or connection open ? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SYSIBM.SYSTABLES SELECT CURRENT DATE FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1


28 DB2 – Monitors PDT Modules – CA Detector

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