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Welcome to INTEGRAL Engineering July 2014 INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to INTEGRAL Engineering July 2014 INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to INTEGRAL Engineering July 2014 INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

2 About INTEGRAL Integral Engineering Pty Ltd (Integral) is a new Mackay based engineering firm that aims to provide high quality and cost-effective engineering solutions to clients in the Central Queensland region. Integral has been established through a restructure of ASPEC Engineering’s Mackay branch office. Integral aims to: Provide more cost effective engineering services in response to challenging market conditions Be an industry leader in the area of Structural Integrity and Structural Risk Management Continue to provide responsive and reliable engineering support to local port, mining and industrial clients Provide multi-disciplinary engineering design services for brownfield facilities through alliance partnerships with ASPEC and other local engineering firms Build on and develop close long term relationships INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

3 Outline 1.Fire and safety 2.All about Integral 3.Organisational structure 4.Administration 5.Information management 6.Integral Quality System 7.Where to go for help INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

4 Fire and Evacuation How to raise an alarm In line with occupational health and safety principles our training session begins with information about what to do in an emergency. In case of a fire the smoke alarms will automatically sound an alert alarm. Please note that the alarm system is internal and you will still need to call 000 to notify emergency services, if possible make contact with the building Chief Warden. Smoke alarms There are smoke alarms installed in the office. The alarm indicates that people should check their immediate area for signs of danger and make ready to evacuate. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

5 Fire and Evacuation How to evacuate The procedure for evacuation is as follows: Assemble at the floor evacuation point (INTEGRAL Reception), leaving bulky items in your office. Wardens will check all occupiable spaces on the floor. When exit stairs are clear people should descend in an orderly manner and move as a group to the emergency evacuation area which is situated on the grassed area across from Integral in front of Crane Logistics and await instructions from the Chief Warden. Do not re-enter the building! The floor evacuation point is the only staircase. Precautions It is the responsibility of all building occupants to take precautions to prevent the outbreak of fire in the building. These precautions include preventing the build up of rubbish which may increase the danger/severity of a fire, store flammable materials in a safe manner, checking to ensure fire fighting equipment is in safe working order and notifying building management if it is not, keeping passageways and fire exits clear from obstruction. Firefighting All building occupants should familiarise themselves with the different fire fighting equipment on premises including, fire extinguishers, hose reels, and fire blankets. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

6 Evacuation Route Fire and Evacuation INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

7 First Aid First Aid Officer Cecily Bella First Aid Kit There is a first aid kit located on top of the fridge in the kitchen. You must inform the First Aid Officer if you are injured or ill. If you use anything out of the First Aid kit, please advise the First Aid Officer, this allows us to replenish the kit as required and provides an opportunity for investigation and collection of required information. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

8 Approach INTEGRAL in the industry We provide engineering services to mining companies and ports Respected in the industry Participate in professional groups INTEGRAL clients Provides the best services to clients Maintains client relations Provides technical expertise Manages jobs Partnerships with companies in the industry INTEGRAL employees Take individual accountability and initiative Are adaptable and mobile Take responsibility for their professional development INTEGRAL work Standard systems are important to us We minimise overheads and support costs INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

9 Organisational Ethics INTEGRAL is an equal opportunity employer and we take our obligations under the Queensland anti- discrimination act very seriously. Harassment of or discrimination against another person will not be tolerated and may lead to the termination of your employment contract. Under the act it is unlawful to discriminate against someone on the basis of their age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, political or trade union activity, pregnancy, family responsibilities, religion, physical impairment or relationship status. INTEGRAL is committed to using best practice HR systems, one component of this relates to the management of employee grievances. If there is a situation in your work which you feel needs addressing, please speak with the Business Services Manager. If you do not feel comfortable doing this you are welcome to contact the Director. INTEGRAL is a non-smoking workplace and as such smoking is not permitted within the building. Smoking is permitted outside the front entrance of the building as long as you are further than 4 meters from the door. The use of illicit drugs is not permitted at any time you are representing INTEGRAL Engineering. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

10 People Craig Meng Company Director INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

11 Organisational Structure INTEGRAL Engineering’s company Principals are Dr Frank Gatto and Craig Meng. Frank is a non-executive Director based in the ASPEC Newcastle office. The Principals are responsible for managing and monitoring group performance, developing client relationships, business expansion, providing specialist advice, and managing strategic jobs. Craig is responsible for arranging monthly group meetings and submitting project reports, group level resource scheduling, developing and maintaining group documentation, visiting clients and referrers, and building the profile of INTEGRAL by attending conferences and writing articles for industry publications. Project leaders are selected on the basis of project specific knowledge and experience. Each employee may be project leader on a number of projects and a member of a number of other project teams. They are responsible for developing a comprehensive understanding of the project, preparing the proposal and job budget for the project, arranging resources, monitoring project progress and performance and checking deliverables. Individual engineers/drafters/technicians etc are responsible for their own professional development and training, attendance at meetings, producing deliverables of a high quality, and working as a member of a collaborative team. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

12 Organisational Structure INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

13 Roles & Responsibilities Directors Lead the company Monitor performance Develop client relationships Business expansion Provide specialist advice Manage strategic jobs Mentor project leaders and staff Manage group performance Resource scheduling for group Mentor staff Recruitment Develop client relationships and business Project Leaders Manage jobs Develop client relationships and business as part of team Work on jobs Engineers, technicians, drafters, support staff Self development to higher level Work on jobs Manage small jobs/ tasks INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

14 Life Long Learning INTEGRAL actively supports staff to further develop their knowledge, skills and abilities. Staff are encouraged to gain membership of relevant professional associations and groups, for example Engineers Australia or the Australian Steel Institute. Staff with a specific interest area relevant to their work is encouraged to seek specialised training in this area. Staff are encouraged to gain membership of associations and professional groups Engineers Australia National Professional Engineers Register (NPER) Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) Australian steel Institute INTEGRAL professional development register INTEGRAL updates this with the training that you provide Email any addition PD activities to Cecily Bella Meet professional association requirements (150 hours over three years for the National Professional Engineers) Attend development opportunities: Through IE Aus, ASI, private reading etc) INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

15 Administration Extended Hours Working of extended hours on a long-term basis is not encouraged. However all staff are expected to do what is necessary to meet short-term deadlines Leave applications Should be submitted for approval by the Director well in advance of taking that leave. Travel bookings Should be made through the Business Services Manager. Expenses Should be requisitioned through Business Services Reimbursement Receipts need to be submitted through Xero as soon as practical. Login to Xero will be created by Business Services. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

16 Timesheets Timesheets should be recorded daily and submitted for approval by the Director by 3 p.m. every Friday afternoon, or as requested from time to time. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

17 Expenses paid by Integral Credit Card Each office has a rubber stamp for expenses. Please use this stamp whenever possible and fill out the relevant details on any expenses/receipts/invoices. This applies also to any overhead purchases. Name: Your Name Project: Project Number or if it is an overhead use Overhead codes : Mackay - IE OH Ford Territory Mackay – AE05 Toyota Prado Mackay – AE03 Payment Method: Account payable (not yet paid so Integral needs to pay it) Cash (if Integral need to reimburse you because you have paid with cash or your own personal c/card Billable and Non Billable: This obviously only applies to Project Expenses and not overheads. Please tick if the expense is a billable expense (we can invoice the Client) or tick Non Billable (if we can’t invoice Client). Any significant expenditure not billable on a project shall be approved by Business Services or Director. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

18 Staff Locations Please advise your Supervisor if you are: On Site At Client Meetings On Training If you are sick/unable to come into the office please call/email your Supervisor. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

19 On-Line Website Access Timesheets Remote E-Mail Google Apps The INTEGRAL website is the remote contact point for staff to access online resources. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

20 Home Page INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

21 Member Area INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

22 Software and Applications Engineering Space Gass 10 Strand 7 Drafting Autocad Navisworks Prosteel 3D INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction General Outlook Microsoft Office WorkflowMax Xero Google Apps

23 I.T. DriveInformation i:/Integral Projects Administration Knowledge Red Dingo Software Temp Archived Projects m:/ASPEC Mackay server archive INTEGRAL uses a number of different information storage systems. Employees can store data on the c:/ drive of their own computer, but generally should work off i:/ when in the office. Different types of information are stored in specific drives, as shown in table below. Remote access to these drives is available through a VPN. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

24 Information Management Project Set up New Project registered and numbered INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

25 Information Management Project Set up Folder Location - Project related emails are retained and stored on the server for future. INTEGRAL has a colour coding system for the folders in which project information is stored, which is as follows: Black means unsuccessful, green means current/active, red means closed/completed, yellow means prospective jobs. access. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

26 Information Management Project Set up Folder Structure on server INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

27 Information Management Project Set up Relevant Staff advised of new project INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

28 Where to go for help? Document sourcing: Cecily Bella Weekly timesheets: Cecily Bella Payment and finance: Cecily Bella Room bookings/Admin: Cecily Bella Safety/Quality/Training: Cecily Bella IT Support (Atlantic Digital): Derry Crittenden Brendan Moore Immediate concerns about your work can be addressed to the project leader or Business Services. Please consult with these people before approaching either of the principals. INTEGRAL Engineering Staff Induction

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