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Placing Order Approval Process Manufacturing Delivery SUBMITTAL PROCESS.

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1 Placing Order Approval Process Manufacturing Delivery SUBMITTAL PROCESS

2 You have picked the product that best suits your project needs. You know how many runs you need to order, for your project. You’ve been given a quote. Submit your Purchase Order with 10% the initial deposit.

3 In most cases, after you have faxed or e-mailed the PO to the manufacturer, there’s not much to do. However, because Boca Flasher builds-to-order fixtures to custom lengths things are a little different. Most shop drawings look like this: Notice the Difference…

4 Ours drawings will more likely look like this: You may have 14 pages of this.

5 The PO looked something like this… What?! That’s only one line.

6 That one line could mean a lot of things. But let’s start out with some easy facts... DEPOSIT To get this train moving we first need a 10% deposit, unless the customer is a “terms” customer. You can contact our Accounting Department to confirm if the customer has “credit terms”. DRAWINGS We also need architectural drawings most likely. This can come from the distributor, the architect, the lighting designer, or the contractor. CAD is appreciated, scalable PDF’s usually are fine. APPROVAL there are a lot of ways that an order can be configured. The possibilities are endless. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE APPROVED.

7 Each black line represents a possible fixture in a single run for only one of our products.

8 The Good Stuff… Cable lengths are provided, so the contractor knows what s/he has to work with. Sometimes that info is in different places depending on which Boca product is being used. Fixture Attributes are all the spec’s for this type on this job. Each job is different. Make sure that this is correct! Each fixture gets a “name” or designator. This makes it easier to discuss individual fixtures, if needed. If no type name has been given, we’ll call it “Boca – X”. 7′-2 ¾“ ≠ (Does not)= 7′! Actual over all dimension of run length is always given. This includes the length needed for the power feed cable, connections, and end caps.

9 You’ve sent us the drawings and the initial 10% deposit. Now what? Boca Flasher’s CAD Technician will make the shop drawings. Project Mngr. will put together the package. This package should have everything the contractor needs to set up and install – including the installation manual. We’ll send it to you, then you send it to the distributor who will send it on to his client. Then we wait for approvals. Once we have received the cover letter signed, and everything checked off and approved, the remaining 40% deposit is required for production to start. (Total 50% deposit is required before we begin to manufacture.) Finally, the 4 to 6 week lead time clock can begin!

10 Need to know… Submittal Packages are typically not done for jobs under $5,000. If you need a Submittal Package for a job under $5K, you must request it. Please have the client send back the cover letter with a signature and all the good stuff checked off! Request for re-submits should also stamp the cover letter asking for another revised version. For Accounting questions e-mail Lakeisha Mixon For project questions e-mail Stephanie Burke When in doubt, email both.

11 Thank you for being a part of the Boca Flasher team.

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