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Week 3 source analysis homework Today you should be handing in all your homeworks for the last two weeks as some of you have failed to do so. This will.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 3 source analysis homework Today you should be handing in all your homeworks for the last two weeks as some of you have failed to do so. This will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 3 source analysis homework Today you should be handing in all your homeworks for the last two weeks as some of you have failed to do so. This will be the last week you will be doing a source question and this will help us see what we have to do for paper 2. Ms Stamp will be notified if your work is not in again.

2 Study Source H. Are you surprised by Source H? Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge. [7] SOURCE H The Treaty of Versailles seeks to punish one of the greatest wrongs ever done in history, the wrong which Germany sought to do to the world and to civilisation, and there ought to be no weak purpose with regard to punishment. She attempted an intolerable thing, and she must be made to pay for the attempt. President Wilson speaking in September 1919 during his speaking tour around the USA.

3 Think ….. Who is speaking? When was he speaking? Was this before of after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles? What do we know about how the USA reacted to the treaty? What do we know about what the man speaking wanted from the treaty? Thinking of all these things …. Underline what makes it surprising!

4 Study Source H. Are you surprised by Source H? Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge. [7] Now … answer the question! - What is the source – who, when, what? -What things surprise you about this source? Explain why they surprise you. -What things do not surprise you about the source? What else do we know that could explain this opinion? -Overall how much does it surprise you?

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