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Landforms 100 200 300 400 500 EVERYTHING 100 200 300 400 500 Earth’s Layers 200 400 500 100 300 100 300 400 500 VolcanoWeathering 200 300 400 500 100.

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3 Landforms 100 200 300 400 500 EVERYTHING 100 200 300 400 500 Earth’s Layers 200 400 500 100 300 100 300 400 500 VolcanoWeathering 200 300 400 500 100 200

4 What is a natural feature of land called?

5 What is the name of this landform?

6 Land that is wide and flat is called this.

7 A deep valley with steep sides.

8 A large body of moving water.

9 A mountain the builds up around an opening in earth’s crust.

10 Math Melted rock inside Earth’s mantle and crust.

11 Math Melted rock that flows out of a volcano.

12 Math What happens when lava flows out of an opening in Earth’s crust?

13 Math Describe how a volcano is formed

14 Earth’s Outermost layer in which the continents are located.

15 The deepest and hottest layer of Earth, located at the center.

16 The layer below earth’s crust

17 The seven great areas of land that are on Earth’s crust.

18 The sudden movement of of plates on Earth’s crust is called ……

19 The slow process of breaking down rock into smaller pieces

20 The movement of weathered rock, sometimes caused by moving water or wind

21 An epic movement of rocks and soil down a hill is called ….

22 Water, wind, and glaciers can all cause ____________

23 Explain the difference between weathering and erosion.

24 Water covers ________ of Earth’s crust. a.¼ b.½ c.¾ d.none

25 A large body of salt water

26 Explain the difference between magma and lava.

27 This movement of plates can suddenly change the land of the Earth

28 What causes an earthquake?

29 Landform

30 Mountain

31 Plain

32 Canyon

33 River

34 Math volcano

35 Magma

36 Lava

37 A volcano forms

38 Lava that flows onto land pile up in layers and form a mountain.

39 Crust

40 Core

41 Mantle

42 Continent

43 Earthquake

44 weathering

45 Erosion

46 Landslide

47 Erosion

48 Weathering is the breaking down of rock and erosion is the movement of rock.

49 C. ¾

50 Ocean

51 Magma is melted rock in the earth’s crust and mantle. Lava is melted rock that flows onto land.

52 Earthquake

53 When rocks deep below the ground slide past each other and press against each other causing rocks to bend and snap.

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