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Quote of the Day Karen Stewart EEX 5752. Why? Foster independence and self-advocacy Life skills Vocational skills Social skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Quote of the Day Karen Stewart EEX 5752. Why? Foster independence and self-advocacy Life skills Vocational skills Social skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quote of the Day Karen Stewart EEX 5752


3 Why? Foster independence and self-advocacy Life skills Vocational skills Social skills

4 Frederick Douglass Born in Maryland in 1818 Son of a slave woman and an unknown white man Forced into slavery at 15 and escaped when he was 20 Became an abolitionist leader and public speaker Social reformer, writer, and statesman Fought for rights of women and African Americans

5 References

6 Reference: Adapted from Family Activity

7 Materials: “Who is in my family?” worksheet, letter to family, an index card, quart sized Ziplock plastic bag Instructions: Send home an index card in a large plastic storage bag with each student. Have the family fill out the worksheet with each of their names, favorite food or meal, and why it is their favorite. Then, the family picks one food/meal and the parent and student write how to make it. Students share with the class, and we will use the recipe cards to create a class family recipe book.

8 Letter home Dear Family, We are making a class recipe book and we need your help! Here’s what to do: 1. Fill out family names, their favorite food or meal, and why it is their favorite. 2. Pick a favorite meal or food as a family. 3. Write the recipe, or the meal, and how to make it on the index card in the bag. 4. Send back to school by Thursday. If you have more family members than spaces on the worksheet, you can use the back, or ask for another paper to be sent home. The class will put together the recipe book to bring home so we can all try our classes favorite recipe or meal. The food can be breakfast, lunch or dinner food, desserts, snacks, or anything else. From, Ms. Stewart’s 2 nd Grade Class

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