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13/4/15 Essay Structure 3 TP: Good writers write in a formal style and link their ideas well Bell work: How can we link the paragraphs in a discursive.

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Presentation on theme: "13/4/15 Essay Structure 3 TP: Good writers write in a formal style and link their ideas well Bell work: How can we link the paragraphs in a discursive."— Presentation transcript:

1 13/4/15 Essay Structure 3 TP: Good writers write in a formal style and link their ideas well Bell work: How can we link the paragraphs in a discursive essay? Give some examples.

2 Do  Do not use Write in proper, complete sentences Abbreviations (i.e./e.g./etc./UK/&) Use complete words and expressions Contractions (isn't/don't/won't) Use proper, standard English Slang (e.g. bloke/geezer etc) Colloquial language (gonna/pop etc.)

3 Pair Activity Read the letter on the handout you’ve been given. It is written in an informal way but it should have been written in a formal style. In pairs, rewrite the letter in a more formal style, using the notes provided to help you.

4 Formal Style: Example Dear Sir, Teenagers have just as much right to vote in the election as adults. As citizens of this country, many of us care deeply about what happens to it. Some people think teenagers are too irresponsible to make the important decisions involved in voting but many of us are far more mature than most adults. In conclusion, we should be given a chance to prove ourselves as the mature and responsible young people we are. Yours faithfully, Andrew

5 We are going to read an example of a discursive essay
We are going to read an example of a discursive essay. You are then going to provide detailed answers to the following questions.

6 Questions: 1. What is the main idea the writer is arguing about?
2. Each paragraph has a sub-topic which contributes to the essay's main topic: what is the key argument of each paragraph? 3. What evidence does the writer offer to support the arguments? 4. Does the writer link ideas clearly in the essay? If yes, give examples of linking words/phrases he/she uses.

7 Paragraph 2 - tests can now be done using modern technology.
1.The writer is trying to argue that it is time to stop using animals for scientific experimentation. 2. Paragraph 1 - the writer introduces the argument: experiments on animals should cease. Paragraph 2 - tests can now be done using modern technology. Paragraph 3 - animals are different: they do not respond to tests as humans do. Paragraph 4 - they cause animals too much pain. Paragraph 5 - death-rate in UK has remained constant: experiments have not improved things. Paragraph 6 - the other side of the argument: animal experiments have been useful. Paragraph 7 - secondary argument justifies experiments: test tube tissue research is limited; whole animal testing is still needed. Paragraph 8 - author re-states conviction that experiments are not necessary. Paragraph 9 - conclusion: new methods needed to replace current animal testing methods.

8 3. Paragraph 1 - not relevant: introduction. Paragraph 2 - use of test tube technology; computers. Paragraph 3 - aspirins affect animals badly, but not humans. Paragraph 4 - animals given no anaesthetic. Paragraph 5 - more long-term sickness, despite greater number of animal experiments. Paragraph 6 - alternative arguments: benefits to diabetics, even animals. Paragraph 7 - living tissue not as satisfactory as whole animal testing. Paragraph 8 - Dr. Hadwen Trust re. human cartilage; research into cancer and multiple sclerosis. Paragraph 9 - not relevant: conclusion. 4. There is clear evidence of good linkage in the essay: One of my main reasons...' (para 2) 'Moreover...' (para 3) clearly continues argument 'In addition...' (para 4) clearly moves argument on 'On the other hand...' (para 6) signals clearly that the writer is moving on to arguments the opposing side would offer in support of experiments 'In conclusion...' (para 9) clearly indicates argument drawing to a close

9 14/4/15 Essay Writing TP: write our discursive essays Bell work: Choose one of the linking words/phrases from the pack on your table. Write a sentence, using that word at the beginning. If you finish, choose another linking phrase and write a different sentence.

10 You are now ready to write your discursive essay!
Remember to use all of your notes and include the findings of your research…

11 OPTIONS FOR ESSAY BODY STRONGLY FOR/AGAINST BALANCED 1st argument for/against 2nd argument for/against 3rd argument for/against 4th argument for/against 5th argument for/against 1 paragraph summing up some of the arguments for the other side 1st argument for 1st argument against 2nd argument for 2nd argument against 3rd argument for 3rd argument against

12 15/4/15 Essay Writing TP: write our discursive essays Bell work: Rewrite the following introduction with correct punctuation. thirteen years of young peoples lives are spent in school and many say these are the best years of their lives however school brings rules and boundaries including the need to wear school uniform in my opinion this is completely unnecessary

13 Corrected Version Thirteen years of young people’s lives are spent in school, and many say these are the best years of their lives. However, school brings rules and boundaries, including the need to wear school uniform. In my opinion, this is completely unnecessary.

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