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L ITERACY N IGHT Kindergarten Reading: An overview of Daily 5, Guided Reading, TRCs and Letterland Mrs. Morrissey Kindergarten Team.

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Presentation on theme: "L ITERACY N IGHT Kindergarten Reading: An overview of Daily 5, Guided Reading, TRCs and Letterland Mrs. Morrissey Kindergarten Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 L ITERACY N IGHT Kindergarten Reading: An overview of Daily 5, Guided Reading, TRCs and Letterland Mrs. Morrissey Kindergarten Team

2 R EADING STRUCTURE IN KINDERGARTEN Consists of a rotation of Mini lessons and Guided Reading/Literacy Centers. Mini Lessons include Shared Reading, Phonemic Awareness Lessons, Letterland, Reading strategies, etc. All teachers use some form of literacy centers. Some use a program called “Daily Five.” All teachers have the components of listening to reading, word work, reading, and writing.

3 There are five components of the Daily Five:  Listen to Reading  Read to Self  Read to Someone  Word Work  Work on Writing

4 L ISTENING We hear examples of good literature and fluent reading by listening. We learn more words and expand our vocabulary. We do this through the use of computers, cassette players, and cd players.

5 R EAD TO S ELF R EAD TO S OMEONE The best way to become a better reader is to practice each day, with books you choose, on your just-right reading level. Reading to someone allows time to practice strategies, work on fluency and expression, check for understanding, and hear your own voice.

6 W ORD W ORK Correct spelling allows for more fluent writing. We practice sight words and word families by using magnets, letter tiles, wiki-sticks, letter beads, letter stickers, foam letters, etc.

7 W RITING The best way to become a better writer is to practice every day! Types: Narrative, Opinion, Informative

8 G UIDED R EADING Teaching reading strategies, listening to students read. Working with the teacher helps children become self reflective about their learning and behavior.

9 TRC S (T EXT R EADING AND COMPREHENSION ) Used to measure reading level of students Middle of year Benchmark: Level C (3-4) End of year Benchmark: Level D (5-6) There are oral comprehension questions Written comprehension is required for levels F and above

10 Phonics program used for students to learn letters and sounds. Each character is a letter with an action trick, story, and song. Students are taught short and long vowels, consonant digraphs (th, sh, ch) and consonant blends (sl, st, gr) Students learn how to blend and segment sounds (rollercoaster trick, word stretching)


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