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Riverside Centre, Derby Thursday 23 rd October, 2014 Steve Waters English Consultant While you are waiting for the session to start, please read the ‘Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Riverside Centre, Derby Thursday 23 rd October, 2014 Steve Waters English Consultant While you are waiting for the session to start, please read the ‘Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Riverside Centre, Derby Thursday 23 rd October, 2014 Steve Waters English Consultant While you are waiting for the session to start, please read the ‘Reading Texts Inserts’ for Paper 1 and Paper 2. They are marked with a yellow highlighter.

2  To establish the difference between teaching Functional Skills and GCSE English Language.  To consider how your teaching of English would change if you delivered GCSE English.  To support you in the delivery of GCSE English Language by providing a range of strategies and techniques.


4  First teaching Sept 2015.  November re-sit, but only for 16+.  Linear with terminal examinations unless coursework is the only option.  New 1-9 grading scale with 9 at the top. Grade 4 equivalent to current C grade.  Tiering only in some subjects (e.g. Maths and Science). No tiering in English Language.

5  Reading and Writing: 50% each.  Students are required to answer questions on unseen texts: 19 th, 20 th and 21 st century. The texts must include fiction, non-fiction and literary non-fiction.  Spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPaG) has an increased weighting of 20%.  Minimum exam time of 3.5 hours.  Speaking and Listening becomes Spoken Language and will be assessed separately: Pass, Merit or Distinction: Presentation with Q &A.

6 Functional SkillsGCSE English Reading: Select and use different types of text to obtain and utilise information; summarise ideas/information from different sources; identify the purposes of texts and comment on meaning; identify viewpoint, implicit meaning and bias; analyse texts in relation to audience. Paper 1 – 1hr 45 (40%) Paper 1 – 1hr 45 (40%) Section 1 Unseen 19 th century fiction  Extract: up to 650 words  Shorter response questions: close analysis of text.  Longer response questions: understanding of whole text.

7 Functional SkillsGCSE English Reading: On-screen assessment with paper- based option; task-based with multiple choice questions and free response. Externally marked. Each assessment contains two sources- candidates refer to both. 40 marks. Paper 2 – 2hrs (60%) Paper 2 – 2hrs (60%) Section 1 Comparison of two unseen texts from the 20 th and 21 st century.  One non-fiction; other literary non-fiction.  Extracts up to 800 words in total.  Shorter response questions: close reading of texts.  Longer response questions: compare writers’ use of language

8 Functional SkillsGCSE English Writing: Two tasks - free response, one persuasive; other on complex subjects. Present information/ideas concisely, logically and persuasively; use range of writing styles for different purposes and audiences; use range of sentence structures and paragraphs effectively; SPaG. Paper 1 – 1hr 45 (40%) Paper 1 – 1hr 45 (40%) Section 2 Creative writing  Choice of two tasks linked to theme of the 19 th century fiction.  Audience and purpose, together with SPaG, will be assessed.

9 Functional SkillsGCSE English Writing: On-screen assessment with paper- based option; task-based and free response. Externally marked. Two different types of writing to be produced. 50 marks. Paper 2 – 2hrs (60%) Paper 2 – 2hrs (60%) Section 2 Transactional writing  Choice of two tasks linked to the theme of the comparison texts.  Newspapers, articles, letters etc.  Audience and purpose, together with SPaG, will be assessed.

10 Functional SkillsGCSE English Speaking and Listening: Two tasks, one group discussion on unfamiliar topic; one individual presentation on familiar topic. Appropriate level of formality; present ideas/information clearly; persuasion based on evidence; make significant contribution to discussion; take on a range of roles. Spoken Language  Demonstrate presentation skills in a formal setting.  Listen and respond appropriately to spoken language, including to questions and feedback.  Use spoken Standard English effectively in speeches and presentations.

11 Paper 1: 1hr 45 (40%)Paper 2: 2hrs (60%) Section 1 Unseen 19 th century fiction  Extract: up to 650 words  Shorter response questions: close analysis of text. Longer response questions: understanding of whole text. Section 2 Creative writing  Choice of two tasks linked to theme of the 19 th century fiction.  Audience and purpose, together with SPaG, will be assessed.  (SPaG 20% of whole qualification). Section 1 Comparison of two unseen texts from the 20 th and 21 st century.  One non-fiction; other literary non- fiction.  Extracts up to 800 words in total.  Shorter response questions: close reading of texts.  Longer response questions: compare writer’s use of language. Section 2 Transactional writing  Choice of two tasks linked to the theme of the comparison texts.  Newspapers, articles, letters etc.  Audience and purpose, together with SPaG, will be assessed.  (SPaG 20% of whole qualification).

12 1. Skim-read the ‘Reading Texts Insert’ for Paper 1 (Marked with highlighter). 2. Scan the questions. What is your reaction to the structure and content? Annotate the paper with your reactions/thoughts. 3. Do the same for Paper 2. 15 minutes maximum for both tasks. Group discussion: 10 minutes.

13 1) Read Handout ‘EM Skills: Teaching English Language from 2015’. 2) Then, in pairs, discuss the differences between English Functional Skills and GCSE English Language. 3) Note your conclusions on Handout: ‘Differences between English Functional Skills and GCSE English: How would my teaching change?’ 4) Group discussion.

14 1) What skills, additional to teaching Functional Skills, are needed to teach GCSE English Language? Table discussion. During the discussion, add to notes on Handout: ‘Differences between English Functional Skills and GCSE English: How would my teaching change?’ 2) Table feedback, then group discussion.

15 The action planning grid covers: 1. Your own action plan; 2. A collective action plan as a group of English teachers in your institution. The collective action plan will enable you to share teaching ideas and lesson plans for the delivery of GCSE English and to develop ‘experts’ in each Section of both papers.

16  ‘ Write Online’: Crick Software: Online Demonstration of Trial. Motivational for reluctant learners. (See Handout from ‘Teach Secondary’).  ‘Assessment Word Glossary’: Handout. Ensure that students know the meaning of the assessment words used in questions/tasks within the context of the English exam.  Begin an answer by turning the words of the question/task into a statement (Obvious? Yes – but candidates often don’t do this) e.g. ‘From lines 1 to 5, identify the phrase which explains why there is no blood on the floor’ becomes ‘The phrase from lines 1 to 5 which explains why there is no blood on the floor is…’  Creative Education Pocketbooks: Range of titles with ideas for learning and teaching including literacy.

17  Edexcel ‘Grammar for Writing’: See Handout: ‘Strange Headline Generator’ (Powerpoint demonstration).  Geoff Barton, Headteacher and English Practical resources for students and teachers.  Andrew Moore’s site for English teachers.  Times Educational Supplement.  National Association for the Teaching of English.  National Literacy Trust.  General classroom English resources.

18 Thank you for your participation today. If you intend to deliver GCSE English Language, I hope your preparations go well. EM Skills are holding a full day workshop to support delivery of GCSE English on the 8 th December in London Steve Waters: English Consultant

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