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PROMOTIONS EXERCISE 2015 HR Partners Trade Union Representatives / Role Analysts.

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Presentation on theme: "PROMOTIONS EXERCISE 2015 HR Partners Trade Union Representatives / Role Analysts."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROMOTIONS EXERCISE 2015 HR Partners Trade Union Representatives / Role Analysts

2 CONSIDERING PROMOTION What am I applying for, Promotion or Contribution, or both? Promotion is based on evidence of significant and permanent role changes, and increases in responsibility Contribution is where you have delivered exceptional service for a one off event or a sustained time period Remember you are not automatically considered for contribution so you must complete the relevant parts of the form

3 CONSIDERING PROMOTION – ACADEMIC Which Career Track for Academics? There are 3 career tracks to reflect the different balance of activities undertaken by colleagues at Aberdeen: Teaching & Research – career progression through Lecturer – SL-Reader – Chair) Research – those seeking career progression predominantly through Research (RF – Senior RF – Reader – Chair) Teaching & Scholarship – those seeking career progression predominantly via teaching –( TF – Senior TF – Chair)

4 CONSIDERING PROMOTION – ACADEMIC The Application Process - what you need to complete: You need to refer to the National Academic Role Profiles Update your Job Description (located within the Application Form) Include a Personal Statement State your Referees (for Grades 8/9) Include an updated CV Speak to your Line Manager / HR Partner / Trade Union Representative. We are here to give you guidance and feedback on your application BEFORE the February deadline The Committee is looking for key evidence of: Research Grants Conferences Attended Presentations, Publications (helpful to include details Author, Co Author, Contributor, impact) Membership of professional bodies Teaching activity Supervision activity Public Engagement and outreach activities

5 CONSIDERING PROMOTION – ACADEMIC What happens next: Your application is reviewed by your College Committee 2 Role Analysts will match your application References will be sought for Grades 8/9 You will receive feedback following the main Promotions Committee in June If you are successful your new pay award will be effective from 1 st August 2015 If you are unsuccessful you will be encouraged to meet with your HoS or HoC

6 CONSIDERING PROMOTION – PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The Application Process - what you need to complete: Update your Job Description (this is located within the Application Form) HERA criteria / 14 elements / numerical scoring process Include a Personal Statement State your Referees (for Grades 8/9) Include an updated CV Include an organisation chart Speak to your Line Manager / HR Partner / Trade Union Representative. We are here to give you guidance and feedback on your application BEFORE the February deadline The Committee is looking for key evidence of: What has changed in your role What contribution you make to your School/Section/University What level of impact your work has A clear and concise description of your role

7 CONSIDERING PROMOTION – PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Academic Related Role Matching Trial (Grades 5-9): Partnership approach with Trade Unions We want a process that is Simple, Consistent and Transparent Voluntary to complete Trial Application Form – please do!! Help is available from your HR Partner

8 CONSIDERING PROMOTION – PROFESSIONAL SERVICES What happens next: Your application is reviewed by your College or Professional Services Committee 2 Role Analysts will score your application References will be sought for Grades 8/9 You will receive feedback following the main Promotions Committee in June If you are successful your new pay award will be effective from 1 st August 2015 If you are unsuccessful you will be encouraged to meet with your HoS/HOC or Head of Section

9 CONSIDERING PROMOTION What if I am unhappy with the outcome? All unsuccessful applicants for promotion have the right of appeal on procedural grounds

10 CONSIDERING PROMOTION Any Questions? HR Partners Jenny Asher – Head of HR Partners Sacha Nicol – CASS Debs Marwick – COPS Lindsey Hamilton, Fiona Macaskill, and Susan White – CLSM Therese McCloskey – Professional Services

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