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Beginning the Adventure of Your Thesis/Project (SWRK500) or Advanced Research (SWRK501) & Capstone Course (SWRK502) ~ Culminating Experience ~ Prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning the Adventure of Your Thesis/Project (SWRK500) or Advanced Research (SWRK501) & Capstone Course (SWRK502) ~ Culminating Experience ~ Prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning the Adventure of Your Thesis/Project (SWRK500) or Advanced Research (SWRK501) & Capstone Course (SWRK502) ~ Culminating Experience ~ Prepared by: Prof. Francis Yuen

2 Accreditation Requirements CSU Requirements Second Research Course Thesis, Project, Examination SWRK500XX SWRK501X SWRK502X Culminating Experience SWRK 500- Thesis/Project SWRK 501/SWRK 502 Advanced Research & Social Work Graduate Capstone

3 Thesis or Project??? Thesis is an intellectual proposition based on original research and academic inquiry Project involves the development of a product supported by a research process Many of your culminating works could be both a thesis and a project. Please note the above are definitions from Prof. Yuen, not official CSUS definitions.

4 CSUS Catalog definition Plan A: Thesis A thesis is the written product of the systematic study of a significant problem. It clearly identifies the problem; states the major assumptions; explains the significance of the undertaking; sets forth the sources for, and methods of gathering, information; analyzes the data; and offers a conclusion or recommendation. Plan B: Project A project is a significant undertaking of a pursuit appropriate to the fine and applied arts or to professional fields. It must evidence originality and independent thinking, appropriate form and organization, and a rationale. It must be described and summarized in a written abstract that includes the project’s significance, objectives, methodology, and a conclusion or recommendation.

5 Thesis/Project Requirements Both require all phases of the research process Both must demonstrate social work relevance, academic rigor, and social validity and utility Protection of Human Subjects Applications must submitted for all forms of project/thesis

6 Thesis/Project Requirements (continued) Thesis requires a second reader who works with you and your advisor Project may include products such as: curriculum, video, manual, grant proposal, research report (which makes a project essentially the same as a thesis – the report is the product). A Thesis or a Project is a decision you will make with your thesis/project advisor

7 The 5 Chapters of A Thesis/Project Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Thesis Findings or Product of Project Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusions References Appendices

8 Considering the “Research” of A Thesis/Project – examples: Needs assessment for a community, a population, or a service program Survey of providers’ or consumers’ perspectives: Questionnaire and interviews Secondary data analysis Program evaluation Experimental designs Case studies Justification and data collection for product development and utilization

9 Human Subjects Application Process Plan with your Advisor when you should submit your Human Subjects Application –Applications and instructions are available on the Social Work Division and Graduate Studies websites EVERY thesis/project requires human subjects clearance No data collection can take place prior to human subjects approval The Division reviews applications about once a month—Schedule available on the web site

10 Selecting a Thesis/Project Advisor (7 Steps) Step One: Review List of Thesis/Project Advisors and their Research Interests Step Two: Identify Advisors who match your interests, working style and availability Step Three: Make appointments with several likely advisors to discuss interests, working styles, and “goodness of fit” Step Four: Choose and reach agreement with your potential Advisor

11 Selecting a Thesis Advisor (continued) Step Five: Advisors will have the sign-up forms referred to as the “VORTA” (Verification of Research Topic and Advisor). Step Six: Sign-up with your Advisor (Date to be announced) Step Seven: It is the student’s responsibility to sign up with a thesis advisor by the end of the Spring semester.

12 Considerations Each Thesis/Project Advisor can advise ten (10) students Keep updated on Thesis/Project Advisor openings by checking the white board in the Social Work Office Group Thesis/Project is limited to 2 students. Follow University format, filed with Grad Studies, stored in CSUS Library. SWRK501/502 option.

13 CSUS Thesis/Project Formatting Workshop Requirement Attend a CSUS Graduate Studies Thesis Formatting Workshop or review the PowerPoint online Complete a Certificate of Workshop Completion The certificate needs to be turned in with your thesis/project to Graduate Studies.

14 SWRK501/502 501 Advanced Research Methods 502 Social Work Graduate Capstone Based on PowerPoint developed by Dr. Teiahsha Bankhead 2011

15 An Alternative to Traditional Thesis/Project Two courses instead of guided study 1.501 Advanced Research Methods 2.502 Social Work Graduate Capstone Instructors (not yet assigned) Scheduled course meetings –Different from instructor to instructor

16 Self-assessment Considerations for this Option 20 students per class Equivalent to SWRK500 in demand & rigor Work well with the structure of a regular class Interest in quantitative/qualitative analysis Not wed to a particular topic or project Group work with partner and in class Flexibility

17 Organization of SWRK501 Advanced Research Methods SWRK 501 Advanced Research Methods course with a particular focus Fall semester Begins with question of how to utilize particular research methods Extension of SWRK210 in terms of methods or statistics Offers a deepened investigation of the research methods and appropriateness of their use Interactive – group work with student colleagues Lab work Guest speakers from field with living laboratory research possibilities

18 Organization of SWRK502 Social Work Research Capstone SWRK 502: Capstone Project Spring semester Group projects Human subjects review Organized around similar group and faculty interests Integrated paper as a result, not filed in library or with grad. studies, no more than 2 students working on each – less choice in research topic Community service, secondary data, …

19 Sign Up for SWRK501/502 Meet with the course instructors or email professors to explore that option Complete the VORTA form

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