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How to write an effective paragraph. Claim What is it? Common IssuesHow do we fix it? Not specific enough Used a fact instead of making an argument Had.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write an effective paragraph. Claim What is it? Common IssuesHow do we fix it? Not specific enough Used a fact instead of making an argument Had."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write an effective paragraph

2 Claim What is it? Common IssuesHow do we fix it? Not specific enough Used a fact instead of making an argument Had multiple sentences to make a point Quoted the text (without quotation marks) Use of 1 st or 2 nd person Cut it down to ONE statement (clear and concise) Do NOT use facts from the article…facts can’t be argued! Think about what YOUR answer to the question is…and use YOUR OWN WORDS!

3 Topic and Controlling Factor Dogs make wonderful pets because they help you to live longer. Teen pregnancy may be prevented by improved education. My first day of high school was a disaster.

4 Set Up What is it? Common IssuesHow do we fix it? Repeated your tie-in Completely unrelated thoughts No back ground information given Not written in your own words Think about what the reader needs to know before you drop in the evidence Think background information! Pretend the reader knows nothing about your topic and has not read the article that you did!

5 Set-Up leads into your evidence First, I walked into the wrong classroom for first period.

6 Evidence Common IssuesHow do we fix it? No quotation marks No lead in Evidence did not match the claim Don’t forget to put quotation marks around the text that you copy (or it’s plagiarism) Make sure you lead in the quote with a transition statement (i.e. The author states, etc.) Make sure you RE READ your claim and make sure that it matches your evidence What is it?

7 Evidence- specific example; usually a quote, if text-based I was sitting in class where all the other students were taking notes on how to do equations, which would have been perfect, but I was supposed to be in Geometry not Algebra. I had already missed 20 minutes of my first one-hour class. When I finally walked into the correct class, all twenty five students stared at me and the teacher said “you’re late.”

8 Tie In Common IssuesHow do we fix it? Summary of evidence Repetition of Set up or some other part of the paragraph Use of 1 st or 2 nd person Make sure you are extending or explaining the quote. Think about what the evidence means BEYOND what it literally says. Think of it as almost a conclusion statement…what final thought do you want to leave the reader with? What is it?

9 Tie-In analyzes and explains the evidence This was a horrible, and embarrassing, first impression to make as a new student and was only the beginning in a long chain of events that led to an awful first day of high school.

10 CSETSETC Paragraph To increase the level of rigor and sophistication of writing, add more SETs. In one paragraph, you could add up to three: CSETSETSETC the final C = Conclusion

11 Grammar/Conventions What is it? Common IssuesHow do we fix it? Grammar errors Not re-reading work No flow through the sentences (did not read like a paragraph) Missing words or ideas RE READ everything. Fix errors before turning work in! Add in missing ideas or thoughts and polish work!

12 Example of CSET Response- Social Studies After looking at the following cartoon and watching the video, CHOOSE a prompt to answer using the CSET (or CSETSETC) strategy. 1.How does the cartoonist employ satirical devices to accomplish his purpose? 2.What is the message of the cartoonist and how is it conveyed?


14 Peer Edit 1.Switch papers with your shoulder partner. 2.Read their paragraph once for meaning. 3.Read it a second time and use the highlighters to indicate the necessary pieces of a paragraph. 4.Use the rubric and assess your partner’s writing. 5.Provide constructive feedback using TAG

15 Peer Edit Highlight using this key: Claim Set-Up Evidence Tie-In

16 Example of CSET Response- Science Use your organizer from the Close Read Now, respond to one of the following prompts using a CSET paragraph:

17 Example of CSET Response Science Using this article as a source, how might you characterize the roles/purposes of the scientific community when it comes to handling new information/potential discoveries ? In his article, Chang uses the words “gatekeeper” and “overseers.” What is the effect of using these terms? (Hint: Consider how these terms reinforce his main idea/primary purpose).

18 Peer Edit Highlight using this key: Claim Set-Up Evidence Tie-In

19 Action Item Select ONE text from your curriculum to use for a Close Read. Write at least ONE prompt for a text that YOU would like to use from your curriculum for close reading. Write a model CSET paragraph to respond to the prompts- what are you expecting from the students?

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