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Ecology Unit Review RULES  One player from each team will come to the front to answer a question.  The 1 st player to touch the “buzzer” must answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Unit Review RULES  One player from each team will come to the front to answer a question.  The 1 st player to touch the “buzzer” must answer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ecology Unit Review

3 RULES  One player from each team will come to the front to answer a question.  The 1 st player to touch the “buzzer” must answer the question.  If the player answers the question correctly, his/her team gets a point.  If the player answers the question incorrectly, his/her team loses a point.  After one round of play, the team will vote off one member of the opposing team that has answered a question correctly.

4 PENALTIES  If any player says the answer out loud, their team will lose a point.  Any player disrupting the game will cause their team to lose a point.  Players will given a set amount of time to answer the question, if not answered in the allotted time – loss of a point.

5 Let the games begin!

6 QUESTION 1  Q – The study of living things is called?  A - Biology

7 QUESTION 2  Q – These organisms are the same _____________  A – Species.

8 QUESTION 3  Q – Factors that affect the growth or survival of a population.  A – Limiting factors

9 QUESTION 4  Q - All the different populations in a given place at the same time.  A – Community

10 QUESTION 5  Q – Name this biome.  A – Taiga

11 QUESTION - 6  Q – An organism that is able to capture energy from the sun and convert it to food.  A – Autotroph or producer

12 QUESTION 7  Q – A graph that shows a population of horseflies over a year increasing exponentially in the spring then dying off in the fall is a ____________________ graph.  A – Boom & Crash

13 QUESTION 8  Q – The population of fish has increased dramatically causing the competition for food to increase. This an example of a ___________ ____________ _____________.  Q – Density dependent factor

14 QUESTION 9  Q – What do the arrows represent in the food chain?  A – The direction of energy flow

15 QUESTION 10  Q – Name the term used to describe the different levels of an Energy Pyramid.  A – Trophic Levels


17 Trivia!! Q - Name the movie A - The Little Mermaid

18 QUESTION 11  Q – These organisms are all ________.  A – Heterotroph or Consumer

19 QUESTION 12  Q – The largest of ALL biomes with the most biomass.  A - Marine

20 QUESTION 13  Q – The ecosystem in which an organism lives or its address.  A – Habitat

21 End of Round #1

22 Say Good-Bye!!  Each team has 60 seconds to choose a player from the opposing team to kick off! The player must have answered at least ONE QUESTION CORRECTLY!

23 QUESTION 14  Q – Elephants have a gestation period of about 2 years and have only 1 or 2 calves. This species would show what type of population graph?  A – S - Curve


25 Trivia!!  Q – What is the stage name of Christopher Brian Bridges? A - Ludacris

26 QUESTION 15  Q – The amount of precipitation is considered a/an _____________ factor of an ecosystem  A –Abiotic Factors

27 Question 16  Q – A stable, mature community that undergoes little change.  A – Climax community

28 Question 17  Q – This flock of seagulls represents a ________________.  A - Population

29 Question 18  Q – The biome that receives less than 25 cm of rain and is usually found in the interior of continents.  A – Desert

30 QUESTION 19  Q – Carbon is released into the atmosphere by ____________.  A – Respiration or burning of fossil fuels

31 QUESTION 20  Q – The changing of liquid to a gas.  A – Evaporation


33 Trivia!!  Q – What do you call a group of Guinea Pigs? A – A Herd!!!

34 QUESTION 21  Q – Name this Biome.  A – Temperate Deciduous Forest


36 QUESTION 22  Q – A relationship in which both organisms receive a benefit.  A – Mutualism

37 QUESTION 23  Q – The process of the bacterial conversion of N 2 to a form of nitrogen that can be utilized by plants.  A – Nitrogen Fixation

38 QUESTION 24  Q – The succession that would begin after all plants and animals have been removed from an ecosystem and only soil remained.  A – Secondary Succession

39 QUESTION 25  Q – Name the 4 characteristics of life.  A – Reproduce, react to stimuli, grow or change, show organization

40 QUESTION 26  Q – A single step in which energy is transferred from one organism to another by consumption.  A – Trophic level.


42 Trivia!   Q - Which automobile was first introduced as the "people's automobile" in 1937? A - VW BEETLE


44 END OF ROUND 3 Before voting off one member of the opposing team, you may vote one member of your team back on! They will have immunity!

45 QUESTION 27  Q – Herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores can all be classified as this.  A – A consumer or a heterotroph

46 QUESTION 28  Q – A stable, mature community that undergoes little change.  A – Climax community

47 QUESTION 29  Q – Water enters the atmosphere by which biotic process?  A - Respiration or transpiration


49 Trivia!!  Q - What is the name of the tiger in “Aladin”? A - Rajah

50 Question 30  Q – The biome that is found in South America, North America, Africa, Europe and Australia. It receives between 75 cm and 25 cm of precipitation per year.  A – Grassland (savannah)

51 QUESTION 31  Q – This organism’s choice of nutrition classifies it as a ____________________  A – Carnivore

52 QUESTION 32  Q – Which level will contain the most available energy?  A – E A B C D E

53 Question 33  Q – Which level will contain herbivores?  A – C


55 Trivia!  Q – What is the only planet not named after a god? A - Earth

56 QUESTION 34  Q – Which level would contain the tertiary consumer?  A – A



59 Trivia!!  Q - What animals milk is used to make authentic Italian mozzarella cheese? A - The Water Buffalo

60 QUESTION 35  Q – The burning of fossil fuels releases _______ into the atmosphere. A – Carbon or CO 2

61 QUESTION 36  Q – A deer being a primary consumer is part of its ___________.  A - Niche

62 QUESTION 37  Q – What type of symbiotic relationship is this?  A - Parasitic

63 Question 38  Q – Water which is absorbed by the ground and stays there.  A – Ground Water


65 Trivia!!  Q - What type of hairs are the last ones to lose their color as you age? A - Eyelashes

66 QUESTION 39  Q – All the areas of the Earth that support life or all the ecosystems.  A - Biosphere

67 QUESTION 40 LAST QUESTION  Q – All the three cycles release their material back into the ecosystem by __________.  A - Decomposition

68 Last Test of the YEAR!!  1. Complete review.  2. Don’t neglect your studying!!  3. Bring pen/pencil.  Good Luck! 


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