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A NEPRA Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. initiative

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1 A NEPRA Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. initiative
                A NEPRA Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. initiative Sandeep A Patel, CEO                       _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member:- National Solid Waste Association of India International Solid Waste Association, Austria Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, UK

2 Boon for me – it has become easy to explain what we do….
Disclaimer – Most of the photos have been taken from google search engine for images, and belong to their respective owners.

3 Is it a ONE TIME – PHOTO OPP???

4 Then what? Effective Waste Management & RECYCLING is the logical second step to Swachh Bharat

Is it our TOLERANCE or IGNORANCE??? Towards WASTE?

6 Current Scenario In , India was generating 1,27,486/- MT MSW per Day, (Source:- CPCB / MOEF Report 2013) Avg. 24% is DRY WASTE, ie. 31,500+ / DAY which could have been RECYCLED. Waste Pickers are integral part of Indian Waste Management Scene Most of Municipal Solid Waste plant are non-operational or running below 30% capacity Most technology failed because waste is Not segregated. Opportunity to Impact : Million Waste Pickers in India - (Source World Bank Report 2010 from link -

NO If recycled or processed in Right way, its always safe, Plastic is GOOD, E-Waste is GOOD, if handled responsibly. PROBLEM is with the way it is handled – that is HARMFUL.

8 its part of Life like an Organ in our Body.
Can we BAN Plastic 100%?? NO, its part of Life like an Organ in our Body. What can we do then??

9 There is no doubt on “We have to Stop this”?

10 Big Question is HOW???… Answer is in your SCREEN
Technology for RECYCLING Available – But, Input parameter have limitations, hence, effective Segregation is important. Collection should make Economic sense Bigger challenge is HOW to scale this

11 RECYCLING Eco-system - Problem Area
Suppliers/ Waste Generators include Industry BOP/ Rag Pickers/ Household Hotels and Corporate Establishments WASTE GENERATORS/ Collectors Consumers of Waste Include Aggregators Recyclers Industry WASTE RECYCLERS / Representatives Plastic Waste / Dry Waste does not get COLLECTED efficiently. Due to Low Density realization for Waste Pickers low. Contamination Level high Ecosystem to bring in the change at Scale non Existent. PRESENTLY - Door to Dump, Waste Picking / poor collection service, Eco-system / Collaboration Dependent on Plant Waste/ unorganized sector / non reliable

12 Waste Generators want Options of Service provider
Knowledge about what they generate Consistent Pickup - Service Purpose - Feel Good Information / Confirmation Certification Transparent Process Sustainability Reporting

13 Waste Recyclers want Options of Supplier Consistent Quality material
Transparent Process Consistent supply – mainly plastics - SME Business Referrals Sustainability Reporting

14 We need to Create an Ecosystem

15 Staying Ahead – Big Brands do.
Innovation with a Purpose and Sustainability as focus will give you an leading edge for doing business TODAY and in the FUTURE. I am sure every one has seen the new Levi’s Ad. We see them making clothes from Plastic Waste. – btw its only PET waste. You feel proud to wear your Levis – since it an environmental friendly company, Just Imagine – what you can make you team feel by doing just that. – make your stakeholders proud.

16 Eco-Innovation Eco-innovation makes both economic and environmental sense. It means being economically competitive while respecting the natural environment.

17 It is an ECO-Innovation.
Eco-Innovation is the process of developing new products, processes or services which provide customer and business value but significantly Decrease Environmental Impact Is the outcome of over failures… It is an ECO-Innovation.

18 NEPRA About Nepra Sector Offering
Dry Waste Management Company – which COLLECTS waste from Waste Generators/ BOP in a TRANSPERENT manner, SEGREGATES it and SENDS to AUTHORISED RECYCLERS. Sector Unorganised and Unregulated – Exploitation Driven Inefficient Supply Chain and Under recovery of Recyclables Offering Integrate informal waste pickers into the formal system Sourcing waste directly from them . Offer fair and transparent prices. Provide scheduled waste pick-up services to Corporate and Retail customers Sort, segregate and value-addition on the procured waste which is then sold to recyclers and product manufacturers

19 Why Nepra Unique approach Scale & Impact
950+ waste pickers in Ahmedabad. 80% sourcing (by volume) is from BoP. 4200+ tons handled since Jan 2013. 3 MRF (Material Recovery Facility) . Handling avg 10 MT/day. – increase to 50Mt/day in 3 months. Unique approach Waste pick-up as a service, All Dry Waste OLA of Waste & Recycling Industry Instead “end-of-pipeline” target at Source Multiple commodity - Value chain –. Extended Producer Responsibility Compliance possible Technology Driven – Transparent, Scalable

20 Hybrid Model for Collection
Scalability / Transparency / Analytics / Control Ingredients for solution Awareness / Transparency / Infrastructure / Multiple Waste Value chain / Technology Hybrid Model for Collection

21 Customized End to End - ERP
Sorting Facility knows incoming and Sales Team knows what's ready for SALES after segregation.

22 MRF – Material Recovery Facility
Market size is over 750MT

23 At MRF, we convert Waste into Commodity
Various types of PAPER is sorted and goes to respective RECYCLERS who make new paper out of it, Closing the CYCLE. Plastics – HDPE / PP / LDPE/ ABS / HIPS / etc are Sorted, Grinded, Washed & make into Granules being sold at upto Rs./kg Metals - are sorted into MS / SS of various types / Copper / etc and sold at their respective market prices.




27 Our ECO-SYSTEM approach
Waste Collection as Consistent Service – All Dry Waste Waste Picker Inclusion RECYCLERS – get Consistent Quality Material. India’s First Waste Management company with real-time Data on WASTE. Micro Entrepreneurship in Collection –Asset light. Recycle Rewards DTH / Mobile Recharge Games on Android – Let’s Recycle /Segregate / Recycle Run. Circular Economy – A4 Printer paper / Garbage Bags

28 Clients



31 Visit:-
Thank you. Sandeep – Visit:- Your Questions

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