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 School Level Process for Prioritizing PD Presentation to ESC WEST Principals January 21, 2015 Pam Marton – Common Core Director.

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Presentation on theme: " School Level Process for Prioritizing PD Presentation to ESC WEST Principals January 21, 2015 Pam Marton – Common Core Director."— Presentation transcript:

1  School Level Process for Prioritizing PD Presentation to ESC WEST Principals January 21, 2015 Pam Marton – Common Core Director

2 WHY DO WE NEED THIS?  There are not enough Substitutes to go around for all the schools that wish to have PD.  In any given day there are AT MOST 200-350 subs available to cover ALL Teachers who need to attend PD in the whole of LAUSD.  A system needed to be created to allow schools that MUST have PD during the school day to be able to access subs without overtaxing the system.

3 Short Term Targets of the PD Prioritization Process 1. Maximize Teacher & Admin presence at school sites. 2. Redirect PD to breaks, weekends and afterschool, and away from Mondays and Fridays connected to 3 day weekends. 3. Have a system to allocate NO MORE than 50-70 subs per day per for PD at each ESC: February – 70 Subs, March – 60 Subs, April – 50 Subs

4 Prioritizing Sub Requests Schools will need to demonstrate priority need and obtain approval from the ESC Superintendent or designee in order to access the substitutes.

5 How will ESC WEST allocate the 50 - 70 subs per day ? CRITERIA to determine the priority of PD Requests: 1. Ties to school plan 2. Direct classroom application

6 How will ESC WEST allocate the 50-60 subs per day? CRITERIA to determine the priority of PD Requests: 3. Supports Key District Priorities CCSS, ELD Standards, A- G, Integrated Technology 4. Includes Onsite Learning Development

7 School Steps to Prioritize PD  1. Review PD plan. ID all PD that may require use of subs.  2. Reschedule as much as possible to breaks, afterschool, weekends.  3. Prioritize the rest of PD that requires subs.

8 Tool to help you select dates  To assist you in selecting dates, you can see the already approved number of subs at each ESC at the following website: 

9 How to Request approval for Subs Go to the website:   Fill out the online form

10 Fill out the form online  Principal or designee should fill out the form to request approval for subs at least 30 days in advance, but NO LATER than two weeks in advance of the date that subs are needed.

11 Fequestly Asked Questions  Submit one form for each DAY that a Sub is needed.  If MANDATORY PD is provided by Central or ESC – Central or ESC point person will fill out the form.  If VOLUNTARY PD provided by Central or ESC the School Site fills out the form

12 What Criteria will be used to determine which PD takes Priority?  Mandatory PD or Required PDs take priority (CORE Waiver, CoP, SIG, Reed and events involving compliance)  Next priority will be given based on the 4 criteria listed earlier.  Schools that have moved contract dates due to the moratorium will be considered high priority.

13 How and When will I know if the Sub is approved?  An email will be sent BY ME at least 9 days prior to the PD indicating IF approval was granted or denied to the email address of the person that filled out the form.

14 What if I want to appeal a denial?  If PD request is denied, the Principals may request an exemption. There is no need to re-enter the PD info. The ESC will create an exemption form with the PD info and resubmit to Dr. Ruth Perez, copying the Principal.  Dr. Perez will “reply all” and either grant or deny the exemption.

15 Do We still need Conference Attendance Approval?  YES, Schools that are sending teachers to conferences, still must fill out the 10.12 form and submit an Exception Waiver to the ESC West Superintendent.  In addition the schools must do the online request for subs.

16 QUESTIONS ???  PAM MARTON – Common Core Director   (310) 914-2103

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