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Smarter Space for Government Programme Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult

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Presentation on theme: "Smarter Space for Government Programme Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smarter Space for Government Programme Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Email: Web: UK Space for Smarter Government Programme 28 th May 2015 Dr Katherine Bass

2 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: What I will cover Introduction to the UK Space Agency The Space for Smarter Government programme Case studies and projects with public sector users

3 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Introduction to UK Space Agency Executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Responsible for all strategic decisions on the UK civil space programme and provide a clear, single voice for UK space ambitions. Our target is to capture 10% of the global market for space by 2030 (£40B), as set out in the Space Innovation and Growth Strategy. The £40 billion goal will be achieved through a mix of space infrastructure and space-enabled services, with the aim to grow downstream revenues from £8 billion to £37 billion and upstream from £1 billion to £3 billion (Space Growth Action Plan – IGS Market Analysis).

4 Civil Space Strategy – six themes Goal: £40B sector by 2030

5 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Opportunities from Space – the perfect storm Technological advances in satellite capability Political commitment and funding for developing operational applications and services Skills and people across UK public and private sector Help to navigate the industry and technology

6 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: SSGP Vision Government itself uses satellite enabled services for smarter, more efficient operations and making use of existing investment Government aspires to be a first, intelligent customer and drives growth through using satellite derived products and services. We want to help public sector save money, innovate and make more effective policy decisions using space enabled services Space for Smarter Government Programme Space Growth Action Plan 2014 –2030 Science and Technology Committee Report 2013 Space Growth Action Plan 2014 –2030 Science and Technology Committee Report 2013

7 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: SSGP What we do: Processes – Outputs – Outcomes

8 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Focal Areas 2014 - 2016 Chosen because they: Can be delivered now Help develop UK expertise and/or industry Have a strong user need/pull Allow SSGP to add value Each requires a partnership with end users to: Draft a strategic, long term vision / road map / action plan and Create tangible outputs towards SSGP and end user goals in the short term E NVIRONMENT L OCAL A UTHORITIES T RANSPORT N ATURAL H AZARDS R ISK M ANAGEMENT (NHRM)

9 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Developing a roadmap : use of space 2015-2020 Working closely with the end user set the vision e.g. By 2020 satellite data are playing an indispensable role in policy development and operations across the Defra network Consult widely - raising awareness of opportunities Articulate strategic and specific requirements Match needs to satellite enabled services Prioritise – on benefits / feasibility / cost savings Develop Action plan to realise vision and unlock barrier to operation (inc research, policy change, operational change, demo, business case) Monitor progress, develop innovative ideas

10 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: 14 tactical projects looking at how to operationalize SSGP Successes in Year 1 Programme set up, Board engaged Secured and spent a £1m budget from UKSA with help of review panel Collaboration between UKSA & Catapult opens doors to both govt & industry Developing awareness of space solutions, data and products Finding & establishing mechanism to deliver space solution Operational services Consolidate requirement across the government Brand identity established CS Live Website Local Authority /DCLG /Defra engagement All SSGP budget allocated 52 bids for 1 st Call led to 8 projects 13 bids for 2 nd Call led to 6 projects Strong user interest and engagement in many areas Leveraged funding from UKSA NSSP and IAP Emerging Technologies Royal Society EO study

11 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Summary SSGP is a strategic national programme with a big vision to help public sector save money, innovate and make more effective policy decisions using space Neutral team to work alongside end users to develop their strategic goals and move to operational services Communication, education and inspiration is key Now is the perfect time

12 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Risk Response – flooding, coastal erosion, building movement Mapping & Monitoring – habitats, biodiversity Air Quality – Airtext, local hot spot mapper Always Connected – mobile screening, police, Location Based Services (LBS) – waste management, tree mapping, graffiti, Case Studies: Summary

13 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Case Study: Risk Response Environment Agency: Disaster Charter & Copernicus Emergency Management Service evoked Data to government within hours Targeted response by ground crews, better distribution of pumping assets and warnings to residents Map extent of flooding, depth and volume of water SSGP1.5 Flooding information for Hampshire Case studies development and assessment of EO based flood information products. Flood maps Flood extent vs flood plain capacity Land cover information for flood-prone/flooded areas UAV survey of assets or flood plain

14 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Case Study: Risk Response SSGP 1.2 Coastal Sentry & RoofWatch Prototype and demonstrate benefits of satellites in the detection of damage caused by sever weather events, inc erosion and damage to buildings. A web based interface/dashboard prototype is also being developed SSGP1.1 Wall to Wall Soil Alerts Feasibility study of providing near real-time, high resolution, wall to wall soil moisture alerts for the UK to use in flood warnings SSGP 1.3 Sea Level Space Watch Prototype to support national flood defence planning, providing updated sea level advice.

15 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Case Study: Mapping & Monitoring Natural Resource Wales: LANDMAP Satellite imagery used to update existing mapping Rapid and cost effective automated habitat classification and change detection Can aid landscape assessments which helps inform local policy, guidance and decision making Can be integrated with existing GIS tools SSGP2.6 Enhancing the business case for operational use of EO for biodiversity (MEOW) This project is looking to answer the question: Is a national satellite-enabled service for land mapping feasible?

16 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Case Study: Air Quality airTEXT (air quality information service) airTEXT provides information on UV index, pollen count, air pollution and temperature Resulted in positive impact on users’ behaviour Less visits were made to health care units and awareness was raised of air pollution issues SSGP 1.4 Air Quality Hotspot Mapper Feasibility study to integrate satellite air quality data with local and traffic data to provide a bespoke GIS application with outputs relevant to local authority needs

17 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Case Study: Always Connected Emergency Services Network (ESN) An ESN needs to deliver critical voice and broadband services that are affordable, enhanced and flexible. SSGP 1.7 Design creation for always connected mobile medical screening vehicle Research & design a breast screening vehicle to exploit the benefits of satellite connectivity.

18 Led by the UK Space Agency Delivered in collaboration with the Satellite Applications Catapult Web: Case Study: Location Based Services SSGP 1.6 Using digital technologies to help keep Exeter clean, safe & well managed Location-based technology to allow citizens to quickly report safety & compliance issues within urban areas; specifically looking at tree management. Location-based technology can allow citizens to quickly report safety & compliance issues within urban areas: Waste management services Graffiti Street Scening (e.g. Reporting of potholes Broken/vandalised equipment Fly tipping

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