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1/17 RDF Gravity 2/17 Content 1. Introduction  Problem statement and Existing Solutions 3. RDF Gravity 4. Conclusion 5. References.

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Presentation on theme: "1/17 RDF Gravity 2/17 Content 1. Introduction  Problem statement and Existing Solutions 3. RDF Gravity 4. Conclusion 5. References."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/17 RDF Gravity

2 2/17 Content 1. Introduction  Problem statement and Existing Solutions 3. RDF Gravity 4. Conclusion 5. References

3 3/17 Problem statment and existing soulitions A tool for visualizing directed graphs built in RDF and OWL. Allows users to interact with this kind of data in an intuitive way.  Overview graphs, and  edit them. Tools avaible as a standalone tool or as a part of a bigger tool. (SemanticStudio, Graphl, Cypher…).

4 4/17 RDF Gravity (RDF GRAph VIsualization Tool ) Its main features are: ▫Graph Visualization (Renderers/ Zoom/ Selection) ▫Filters - enabling specific views on a graph. (Global, Local, Namespace, Instance level) ▫Full text Search/ RDQL queries ▫Visualizing multiple RDF files

5 5/17 Graph Visualization Select and manipulate Zoom Automatic Graph Layout

6 6/17 Graph Navigation Outgoing and incaming nodes. Literals Instances

7 7/17 Graph Filtering The tool allows a user to apply filters to have specific views on the graph. Filters enable hiding of particular nodes or edges from the graph. There are two types of filter : ▫Global Filters ▫Local Filters

8 8/17 Global Filters Global Filters allow a user to hide specific edges and concepts based on type. They are global.

9 9/17 Local Filters Local Filters allow a user to hide or view (include) edges of a particular type from the RDF Graph. Local Filters are "one-time filters" and unlike Global Filters, they are not persistent. Local Filter Panel provides three options on its user interface: ▫Apply Filter ▫Include Visible Type ▫Include Type

10 10/17 Local Filters(2) Apply Filter: This option is used for applying Local Filter on selected edges from the Local Filter Panel.

11 11/17 Local Filters(3) Include Visible Type: This option is used for including selected edges from the Local Filter Panel.

12 12/17 Local Filters(4) Include Type: This option is also used for including selected edges from the Local Filter Panel. Unlike "Include Visible Type" option, this option will include all selected edges.

13 13/17 Search Full Text Search: the Query Tab allows a user to input any string, choose what he wishes to search (Resources, Properties or both) and then search for the query.

14 14/17 Search(2) A user can also make RDQL queries and the resulting triples from the query are directly visible on the Graph Panel.

15 15/17 Conclusion RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologies. Main Features: ▫Graph Visualisation ▫Global & Local Filters ▫Full Text Search ▫Visualising Multiple RDF Files

16 16/17 References RDF GRAVITY, Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthale:http://semweb.salzburgresear, Salzburg Research, Austria.

17 17/17 Thank you for attention. Questions? Lazar Arsić 2011/3301

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