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Faculty of Economics and Business Undergraduate Professional Study Programme Course coordinator: Boglarka Kiss Kulenovi ć (signatures, final exams) Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Economics and Business Undergraduate Professional Study Programme Course coordinator: Boglarka Kiss Kulenovi ć (signatures, final exams) Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Economics and Business Undergraduate Professional Study Programme Course coordinator: Boglarka Kiss Kulenovi ć (signatures, final exams) Course teacher: Višnja Kabalin Boreni ć (predrok) English for Business 1

2 Contact information for: Boglarka Kiss Kulenovi ć (signature, exams) Office hours: Monday: 11:30-12:30 Tuesday: 10:00 – 12:00 Office 20 (6 J.F. Kennedy Square) Webpage: faculty webpage E-mail:

3 Contact information for: Course teacher: Višnja Kabalin Borenić (predrok only) Office hours: Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 (except last Tuesday of any month: Council) Wednesday: 16:00 – 17:00 Friday: 14.00 – 15.00 Office 16 (6 J.F. Kennedy Square) Webpage: faculty webpage E-mail:

4 COURSE REQUIREMENTS regular attendance: If you want to take the progress test (predrok), you cannot miss more than 4 classes. (1 day = 3 classes) active in-class participation passing progress test or exam.

5 TWO WAYS TO GET A GRADE 1) PROGRESS TESTING - BEFORE REGULAR EXAM DATES regular attendance active class participation progress test (minimum 51%) oral exam Final grade = written test + oral test + class participation

6 2) REGULAR EXAM DATES final comprehensive written test (regular exam period) final comprehensive oral exam (regular exam period)

7 Classes: 21, 22, 28 May 15:00 – 16:15 16:30 – 17:45 18:00 – 19:15 23 May (Saturday) 10:00 – 11:15 11:30 – 12:45 13:00 – 14:15 Progress test: 1 June, 2015

8 REQUIRED LITERATURE Download the coursebook from the faculty website Print it out and bring it tomorrow

9 Production decisions What?Who?How? For whom?Why? Easy decisions? What are they based on?

10 SOME BASIC PREMISES… Resources are scarce. Human wants exceed resources. The allocation of scarce resources depends on a society’s answers to some basic questions. ECONOMIC QUESTIONS → TYPE OF ECONOMY What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Why to produce? MARKET ECONOMY PLANNED ECONOMY MIXED ECONOMY

11 Unit 1: ECONOMIC SYSTEMS → CB, pp 3-5 tasks: I - V

12 Work in groups: Compare the first two types of economies on the basis of... 1. Workers’ motivation to work 2. Choice of products 3. Quality of products 4. The existence of a large poor-rich gap

13 Discuss the images that follow: Which type of economy does each image illustrate? Why? Explain your answer using the coursebook.

14 Unequal distribution of income: Homelessness

15 No comptetition: lower quality of products and standard of life

16 Unequal distribution of income: Large poor-rich gap

17 No competition: Little variety and choice for consumers

18 Competition: Main aim is to lower costs → Outsourcing

19 No competition: Unmotivated workers, standardisation

20 Competition: decreasing costs can affect workers negatively: Sweatshops

21 → CB, p 5, tasks VI - VIII

22 How do mixed economies work? Public or private sector? The two sectors are interconnected! → CB, p 7


24 ECONOMY and its “cousins” ? A word family? E.g. PEND (to hang): depend suspend independent pendant suspense pendulum compensation

25 Words belonging to the same word family as “ECONOMY” economiceconomicaleconomise economisteconomics → CB, p 10

26 Unit 2: Sectors of the economy

27 Which sectors of the economy?

28 labour-intensive ??? Use your smartphones to check on the meaning and usage of: Harvest Consumer goods Extract Capital goods Outsourcing → CB, p 13: I Read the text and say... Tasks II – VII

29 HW (21 May, 2015): CB, pp 6, 8, 9, 16

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