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Published byEmery Rich Modified over 9 years ago
When Work Works Overview, Primer and Resources
Overview: About WWW and WWW Award 2
When Work Works (WWW) is a national initiative, led by the partnership of the Families and Work Institute (FWI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Families and Work Institute Society for Human Resource Management The goal is to help businesses of all sizes and types become more successful by reinventing their workplaces. The initiative administers the annual When Work Works Award, which recognizes exemplary employers for creating effective and flexible workplaces to increase business and employee success.When Work Works Award What Is When Work Works? 3
Conduct original research on the practices, programs and benefits provided by U.S. employers through the National Study of Employers; Share rigorous research and employer best practices on workplace effectiveness and flexibility; Inspire local employers to create more flexible and effective workplaces to benefit both business and employees; and Recognize exemplary employers through the When Work Works Award and local community events. What Is the Mission of When Work Works? 4
As the major outreach arm of the When Work Works initiative, Community Partners -connect community leaders from business, media and government to create change and make the community case for effective and flexible workplaces and -furthers the mission of When Work Works by promoting best practices and When Work Works award winners To view the list of partners: - unity-partners unity-partners What Is the Role of WWW Community Partners? 5
It is national in scope. It recognizes model employers of all types and sizes (10 employees to thousands) across the U.S. for their innovative and effective workplace practices based on FWI’s Effective Workplace model. It is worksite-based award honoring organizations that are using workplace flexibility as a strategy to make work work better—for both the employer and the employee. Employers benefit by just applying! -All applicants receive a free customized benchmarking report comparing their effective and flexible workplace practices to a nationally representative sample of U.S. employers and to award winners. For details, go to: What Is the When Work Works Award? 6
Applicants receive: -free customized benchmarking report comparing your worksite to competitors locally and across U.S. Winners receive: -local and national media attention for the things you’re doing to create an effective and flexible workplace; -kudos at public awards events; and -inclusion in When Work Works, Families and Work Institute, and the Society for Human Resource Management websites as top employers to help you attract the best employees.When Work WorksFamilies and Work InstituteSociety for Human Resource Management SAVE THESE DATES: WWW Award opens on August 17 and ends on November 6, 2015. There is no fee to apply! For details go to: Why Apply for the When Work Works Award? 7
Primer: Workflex and Effective Workplace 8
Short for workplace flexibility Workflex defines how, when and where work gets done in ways that work for everyone (including families, clients, coworkers, and communities). Workflex is a dynamic process by which employers and employees collectively create work strategies to help employees simultaneously achieve personal and professional goals. At its core, workflex is a process for solving problems and increasing effectiveness and efficiency on and off the job. What Is Workflex? 9
Many organizations have found that workflex isn’t just for the benefit of employees. When workflex becomes part of an employer’s business strategy there are an array of potential bottom-line benefits. Examples include: -managing employees across time-zones in a global economy, greater productivity -staying in operation during a natural disaster -reducing turnover and absenteeism due to work-life conflicts -increasing employee engagement and commitment, and -reducing real estate costs. What Can Workflex Do for My Organization? 10
1.Flex Time and Place 2.Choices in Managing Time 3.Reduced Time 4.Caregiving Leaves 5.Time Off 6.Flex Careers 7.Task Flexibility 8.Culture of Flexibility What Are the Different Types of Workflex? 11
Flex Time and Place -includes various forms of flexibility that affect when and/or where employees do their job -examples: flex time, telecommuting and compressed workweeks Choices in Managing Time -reflects the degree to which employees can exercise some choice about when they work from scheduling hours and overtime to deciding when they take breaks—and about how their time at work is spent. looks at differences that may exist between different employee groups (e.g. hourly and salaried employees or office and production line employees). Different Types of Workflex 12
Reduced Time -Includes options for working fewer hours while staying in the same position -includes such things as access to part-time or part-year schedules -often used in order to retain talented, experienced and otherwise valued employees through periods of high home and personal life demands or through transitions into or out of full-time work e.g., phased retirement, or return to work programs for veterans Different Types of Workflex (cont’d) 13
Caregiving Leaves -looks at whether the organization offers its employees leaves for birth, adoption and caregiving of ill family members and whether any of this leave is paid -considers how the organization will continue operating during the leave and how the employee will be reintegrated after the leave Time Off -includes policies and practices that apply when employees take time away from work, including scheduled absences (such as vacations and time for training), formal policies for taking sick days and planned sabbaticals, and informal access to time off for unanticipated or unplanned events -also consider how the organization will continue operating while an employee is off Different Types of Workflex (cont’d) 14
Flex Careers -refers to flexibility over the course of an employee’s career or working life -includes provisions that enable employees to enter, exit and re- enter the workforce and to increase and decrease their workload or pace Task Flexibility -includes efforts to create reasonable work demands by adjusting job descriptions to leverage employee strengths, distribute job tasks more equitably, and focus employee efforts and evaluations on high value activities Culture of Flexibility -reflects whether supervisors are knowledgeable about flexible practices and promote and communicate them effectively Different Types of Workflex (cont’d) 15
Opportunities for Learning -A job where the meaning and importance of the work is clear; that encourages learning and creativity; and has enough task variety to keep you interested. Culture of Trust -A workplace culture where supervisors are trustworthy, ethical, and seek your input to improve performance. Work-Life Fit -Having the support, schedule and flexibility you need at work in order to effectively manage your work and personal/family What Are the 6 Components of an Effective Workplace? Supervisor Support for Work Success -Supervisors who provide you with honest and relevant information needed to do your job well and who recognize you when you a job is well done. Satisfaction with Earnings, Benefits & Advancement Opportunities -Having reasonable benefits and earnings for your job and adequate opportunities for advancement. Autonomy -ability to decide or have input into what your job entails, how it is done, and to be true to yourself while doing it. 16
Better employee outcomes: Employee engagement Job satisfaction Turnover intention Better health and well-being outcomes: Overall health Frequency of minor health problems Indicators of depression General stress level Frequency of sleep problems Effective Workplace Is Associated With… 17
Resources for Effective and Flexible Workplaces 18
How flexible is your workplace? Based on the prestigious When Work Works Award, the free Workflex Assessment tool will let you know how you stack up against your competitors In just 15 minutes you will have: -your workflex score and -a benchmark of how you compare to others across the U.S. in your industry. Go to: assessment assessment Get Your Workflex Checkup Today! 19
Want to know which U.S. employers offer telecommuting among a host of flexible and work-life friendly options? The Guide to Bold New Ideas is a free searchable tool that profiles promising and innovative practices from When Work Works Award winning employers who are making work “work” better for both the bottom line and for employee. Go to: recipients recipients Top U.S. Employers Are Just a Click Away! 20
FLEX At A Glance highlights the business case for flex and includes: -Reasons why flexibility works for employers and employees -10 Strategies to Implement Flex Free Downloads: -All states excluding CA s/FlexAtAGlanceBrochure.pdf s/FlexAtAGlanceBrochure.pdf -CA version s/CA-Flex-Brochure.pdf s/CA-Flex-Brochure.pdf Use This Brochure to Pitch Flexibility to Your Leaders 21
The Workflex Employee Toolkit helps employees partner with their employers to develop workflex plans that benefit both employers and employees The toolkit provides: -workers a blueprint for making workflex a reality in their careers -provides a realistic perspective on what workflex options are possible for the companies that employ them -features real-world advice and guidance from workplace experts including self-assessment tools; direction on how to ask for workflex; and how-to make it work once implemented Free Download: effective/guides-tools/workflex-employee-toolkit effective/guides-tools/workflex-employee-toolkit Helping Employees Start Workflex Conversation 22
The companion piece to the Employee Toolkit, the Workflex: The Essential Guide includes:Employee Toolkit -research, legal and experience-based perspectives and in-depth case studies of workplace flexibility and -templates check-lists, tools and techniques needed to translate those perspectives into action Available: the-essential-guide-to-effective-and- flexible-workplaces.html the-essential-guide-to-effective-and- flexible-workplaces.html Must-Have Workflex Employer Resource 23
Free Workflex Guides include best practices and case studies from companies who have made work work for their organization and employees For companies who want to explore ways to create work environments that are work-life friendly and productive, with low turnover and absenteeism rates First in the series: Workflex and Manufacturing Guide: More Than A DreamWorkflex and Manufacturing Guide: More Than A Dream Next: Workflex and Telework Guide Free Downloads: effective/guides-tools/workflex-guides effective/guides-tools/workflex-guides Workflex Guides to Help Work Work 24
Manufacturing and Workflex Guide includes: -experience-based perspectives with case studies of workplace flexibility and employee support in a manufacturing context with a focus on production line employees -features WWW Award winners and other companies with real examples straight from factory floors, and insights on how to make workflex a reality -an array of options and flexible shift arrangements Join the conversation #WorkflexManufacturing Free Download: nufacturing-guide.pdf nufacturing-guide.pdf Manufacturing and Workflex Do Mix! 25
Most comprehensive study of the practices, policies, programs and benefits provided by U.S employers to address the changing needs of today’s workforce and workplace Conducted in 1998, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014 NSE serves as the benchmark for the When Work Works Award (WWW) Free Download - Full report 4NationalStudyOfEmployers.pdf 4NationalStudyOfEmployers.pdf Free Download - Paid leave report -leave-nse.pdf -leave-nse.pdf National Study of Employers (NSE) 26
The only ongoing study of its kind or scale, provides valuable, timely information on the work and personal/family lives of the U.S. workforce Conducted approximately every five years, the NSCW provides trend data starting from 1977 Widely used by policy makers, employers, the media and others interested in the widespread impacts of the changing conditions of work and home life Free Downloads: effective/resources/national-study-of-the- changing-workforce effective/resources/national-study-of-the- changing-workforce National Study of the Changing Workforce (NSCW) 27
Provides a snapshot of the caregiving issues facing working and non-working individuals One of the Highlights from the 2014 Older Adult Caregiver Study is: -Many see caregiving responsibilities as the domain of women, but it turns out slightly more working men than working women provided some sort of elder care in the last five years Free Download – Study: s/2014-Older-Adult-Caregiver-Study.pdf s/2014-Older-Adult-Caregiver-Study.pdf Free Download – Infographic: s/Adult-Caregiver-Infographic.pdf s/Adult-Caregiver-Infographic.pdf Highlights from the 2014 Older Adult Caregiver Study 28
In today’s world, the differences between men and women in the workplace and the access they have to workplace flexibility may not always be what you expect. Check out the stats in this Gender and Work Infographic Free Download: GenderInfographic.pdf GenderInfographic.pdf Infographic: Gender and Work 29
This Workflex: A Win-Win For Everyone Infographic focuses on the impact workplace flexibility can have on productivity, personal health and well- being, cost savings, etc. Free Download: oads/FlexWinWin-v4-200ppi.pdf oads/FlexWinWin-v4-200ppi.pdf Infographic: WORKFLEX a Win-Win For Everyone 30
The first step toward getting your flexibility and effective workplace initiative implemented is to make the business case This Flex and the Bottom Line Infographic shows the kind of success other organizations have experienced as a result of using workplace flexibility-it can help you make the business case for flex Free Download: nfographic-BottomLine-v1.pdf nfographic-BottomLine-v1.pdf Infographic: Flex and the Bottom Line 31
A quick snapshot of When Work Works mission and When Work Works Award Use this flyer to explain When Work Works to your leadership Free Download: oads/WWW-an-overview.pdf oads/WWW-an-overview.pdf When Work Works – An Overview Flyer 32
An Effective Workplace model recognizes that employees are an organization’s greatest resource and make a critical difference in the organization’s ability to not merely survive, but to thrive Based on 2008 National Study of the Changing Workforce data, Families and Work Institute identified six criteria of effective workplaces that include both work and non-work factors, all of which benefit both the employee and the organizationFamilies and Work Institute Free Download: s/EffectiveWorkplace-1pager.pdf s/EffectiveWorkplace-1pager.pdf Effective Workplace Flyer 33
The flyer that answers these questions: -What is workflex? How does it work? And how can workplace flexibility help my organization? Use this Workflex Primer on workplace flexibility to pitch effective and flexible programs to your top leadership Free Download: Workflex_Primer.pdf Workflex_Primer.pdf Workflex Primer Flyer 34
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