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 This term applies to any force that divides people within a state. Questions:  What centrifugal forces are at play in Eastside?

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2  This term applies to any force that divides people within a state. Questions:  What centrifugal forces are at play in Eastside?

3  Any force that unifies and unites people within a state. Questions:  What centripetal forces are at play in Eastside?  As we change scale upward, what forces still apply centripetally and centrifugally?

4  Much like the various ‘hats of identity’, centrifugal and centripetal forces change roles at various scales. A person may be an American (centripetally)  At another scale we have the centrifugal forces of:  Religion  Gender  Race  Region, Language or Dialect  Education  Politics  Etc..

5  One of the most powerful centripetal forces is nationalism. Identity based on nationhood Encourages loyalty to a single country Promotes loyalty and commitment Emotional

6  One of the most powerful centrifugal forces is nationalism. Can lead to separatist movements Can promote civil war  Wars effects ripple outward  Promotes new grievances Encourages a state to counter with power devolution.

7  Unitary – highly centralized government where the capital city serves as a focus of power. Less variance spatially in the way the country is ruled Culture of the capital is culture of the nation  Less accommodating for minorities

8  Federal – a government where the state is organized into territories, which have control over government policies and funds. Government broken into spatial components of varying degrees of autonomy and control.  Provinces could have various laws as they sought fit  Accommodates regional interests and concerns

9 Nigeria’s Federal Government – Allows states within the state to determine whether to have Shari’a Laws Shari’a Laws Legal systems based on interpreting traditional Islamic laws

10 Devolution – Movement of power from the central government to regional governments within the state. - Think “top-down” What causes devolutionary movements? Ethnocultural forces Economic forces Spatial forces

11 Eastern Europe devolutionary forces since the fall of communism


13 Scotland rise in independence movement is coupled with: - European Union - Scotland’s oil resources

14 Catalonia, Spain Barcelona is the center of banking and commerce in Spain and the region is much wealthier than the rest of Spain.

15 Honolulu, Hawai’i A history apart from the United States, and a desire to live apart in order to keep traditions alive.

16  Balancing and addressing the diverse interests and needs of a multicultural state has some specific challenges. Centrifugal and centripetal forces can be one and the same but act differently at different scales.  Example – Kurds in Iraq  Members of Iraq’s new government  But also seeking autonomy eventually for a new sovereign Kurdistan Balancing the allowance of federal variance while still maintaining sovereignty.

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