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Entrepreneurship Education in Training firms Austrian experiences with a unique principle of education and a challenging teaching method Gerhard Geissler.

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurship Education in Training firms Austrian experiences with a unique principle of education and a challenging teaching method Gerhard Geissler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurship Education in Training firms Austrian experiences with a unique principle of education and a challenging teaching method Gerhard Geissler Vienna, 11th march 2015

2 How do you think about this thesis? that it does not prepare young graduates for self-employment and business entrepreneurship. It encourages the students to follow the tradition of job-seeking. I. Patil, Director of the Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai University The weakness of our education system is

3 Agenda  The curriculum for higher vocational schools in Austria  First discussion session  Entrepreneurship  Entrepreneurship Education  Training firm  Entrepreneurship Education and the Training Firm  Final discussion session

4 The curriculum for higher vocational schools in Austria

5 Clusters of the curriculum for higher vocational schools Clusters Forms IIIIIIIVVΣ Personality and Career 6554323 Language and Communication 8987840 Entrepreneurship – Economy and Management 8111214954 Society and Culture 2422212 Mathematic and Natural Science 5455423 Focus Subjects --2226 2933323428158

6 Excerpt of the curriculum: The cluster „Entrepreneurship – Economy and Management“ Subjects Forms IIIIIIIVVΣ Business3333214 Accounting and Management Control3333214 Business Training, Project Management, Training Firm, Case Studies -22318 Informatics-12216 Office Management222--6 Law---3-3 Economics----33 8111214954

7 Excerpt of the curriculum: The cluster „Entrepreneurship – Economy and Management“ Subjects Forms IIIIIIIVVΣ Business3333214 Accounting and Management Control3333214 Business Training, Project Management, Training Firm, Case Studies -22318 Informatics-12216 Office Management222--6 Law---3-3 Economics----33 8111214954

8 Competence structure model of the education standards for the cluster “Entrepreneurship – Economy and Management”

9 Normative basis of the competence structure model of the education standards for “Entrepreneurship – Economy and Management” The education standards are based on:  An economic understanding of an eco-social-market economy  An understanding of enterprises based on the new management-model of St. Gallen  An understanding of competencies based on the definition of Franz Weinert  A polyvalent understanding of formation that allows a general entrance into a professional field  An understanding of education that fosters entrepreneurship education as a principle in the curriculum

10 Eco-social market economy

11 St. Gallen Management-Model

12 Definition of competencies – Franz Weinert “Competences are those cognitive abilities and skills, motivational, volitional and social dispositions and abilities that are needed for the process of problem solving in variable siutations.” (Weinert 1999, 2001)

13 First discussion session

14 ??? How would you adopt this normative basis of Austrian vocational schools into the curricula of your country? What type of economy do want? What is your opinon on the „nature of an enterprise“? What should school graduates do after school and which vocational competencies do they therefore need?

15 Entrepreneurship

16 What do we know about successful entrepreneurs? RequirementsProcesses The new enterprise Person demographic characteristics human capital (content) traits (personality) values business idea motivation entre- preneurial behavior networkteam Organi- zation business plan location strategy finance marketing organization Extern dimension micro-social environment market oppor- tunitiy current situation structure of the sector general macro-economic and social environment

17 Which of these key factors of successful entrepreneurs can be taught in arranged teaching/learning processes? RequirementsProcesses The new enterprise Person demographic characteristics human capital (content) traits (personality) values business idea motivation entre- preneurial behavior networkteam Organi- zation business plan location strategy finance marketing organization Extern dimension micro-social environment market oppor- tunitiy current situation structure of the sector general macro-economic and social environment

18 How should we teach? School promotes independent thinking and behavior and enhance self-responsible acting. It is supposed to convey the knowledge and skills that will develop my personality and a wide range of task specific competencies that allow my orientation in a modern world. Nice! Sit down!

19 Entrepreneurship Education

20 Entrepreneurial autonomy Founding companies Setting up businesses Professional autonomy Employees as co-entrepreneurs Level I: Entrepreneurship – business education Level IV: Entrepreneurship – promoting an “entrepreneurial spirit” i.e. attitudes such as independence, assumption of responsibility etc. Level III: Entrepreneurship – promoting civil society (social entrepreneurs)... through development of pedagogic objectives such as maturity, responsibility & a well-informed outlook Level II: Entrepreneurship – economics education (context and conditions of market economy) … Understanding market economy – introduction to micro and macroeconomics & economic policy Entrepreneurship education between entrepreneurial/professional autonomy and promotion of civil society

21 Portfolio of competencies of an entrepreneur Entrepreneurial competence Professional competence Metho- dological competence Self- competence Social competence Entre- preneurial teaching- learning gap Know-howKnow-whatKnow-whyKnow-whoKnow-when Basic economic knowledge + Knowledege about how to start a business + general knowledge Procedural knowledge + Strategic knowledge Entrepreneurial attitudes: Curiosity, creativity, achievement orientation etc. Ability to comunicate, sensibility + Ability to act autonomously + Ability to act in Solidarity Beyond the possibility to be developped at school or university.

22 Training firm

23 The training firm is a place of learning for training and further training of business people where practical knowledge is trained in an action-oriented manner. A training firm is a virtual enterprise, acting like a real enterprise. The traded goods and the money do not really exist. What is a training firm?

24 Entrepreneurship Education in the Training Firm

25 Business plan as subject-specific didactic approach to link up business knowledge and skills Level I Understanding the market economy – including complex economic issues Level II Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship as a curricular/didactic orientation to determine content of curriculum and skills Level III – “Entrepreneurship as basic qualification of the citizen” (cf. Faltin/Zimmer 1998, p. 261) Social business as entrepreneurship’s contribution to a dynamic civil society and thus to the promotion of counter-hegemonic projects Promotion of entrepreneurial virtues ranging from the spirit of innovation and motivation to the assumption of responsibility for oneself and society Level IV – Transmission of attitudes and skills for a dynamic economy and society “Principles of construction” for the curriculum of a training firm on the basis of the four-level model of entrepreneurship education

26 Final discussion session

27 ??? 1.What was new? 2.What was interesting? 3.What was surprising? 4.What do like to know?

28 Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Geissler, MSc Department of Management Institut of Business Education Building D2 Welthandelsplatz 1 1020 Vienna +43 1 313 36 4421 Thank you!

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