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School Safety and Security Informational Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "School Safety and Security Informational Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Safety and Security Informational Meeting
ALICE Informational Meeting ALICE is one element of an overall safety and security plan for schools. This is an ongoing initiative for our District. The main thrust of this presentation is the concept of moving beyond lockdown as the only response to an active shooter/active killer in one of our schools or at one of our sites.

2 School Safety and Security
The goal of ALICE is to empower all staff in the school to respond in any emergency situation. This may include an active shooter in the school. Reminder to staff to ask questions at any time.

3 School Safety and Security Other key pieces include the following:
ALICE is one part of an overall safety and security plan. Other key pieces include the following: Site based safety committees and audits Evacuation procedures/plans Drill schedule and practice Entrance control plans Cameras Communication tools Panic alarms Threat assessments And many others!

4 Map of school shootings 1992-2013
This shows the school shootings that have happened in the US since 1992. Map of school shootings

16 School Shootings since Sandy Hook (as of 10/28/13) 17 dead 18 wounded “There’s a greater chance of being killed by lightning than in a school shooting….” Really? Since Oct. 3, 2012: 1 lightning death at school event 44 deaths in school shootings The Columbine killers were in active shooting for 8 ½ minutes in the high school library. The Virginia Tech killer for 8 minutes in Norris Hall. This gives credence that police will not arrive immediately and we will be responsible for our own safety and that of our students.

25 years of mass shooting events have yielded a national average for the arrival response time of Law Enforcement to an active shooter scene. How long will it take the police to arrive? 5-6 Minutes

7 We Have Three NATURAL Responses
Flight: Evacuate Freeze: Lockdown (Secure-in-Place) Fight: Counter Strategies Which is the preferred? Situational – there is no “one best answer.”

8 A.L.I.C.E. Alert Lockdown I nform Counter Evacuate
Common Sense, just not Common Knowledge Alert Lockdown I nform Counter Evacuate ALICE is NOT a linear, sequential response. ALICE is based on the premise that information, authorization, and proactive training are the keys to surviving an Active Shooter. Stress: Not linear. Stress: Depends on real-time information and use of best judgment. Stress: There is no way to anticipate every possibility. Do not become a victim of paralysis by analysis/what if questioning.

9 ALICE moves from, “What if?” to
ALICE is not a complete procedure; it is a set of general recommendations that has to fit each building and grade level. There is no way to anticipate every possibility. ALICE moves from, “What if?” to “When-Then.” Who knows best which “general recommendations” can be made to fit your environment? It has to start with who best knows the environment (classroom, workspace, general surroundings), and that should be you, correct?

10 Alert Information is the key to good decisions
Information should flow in all directions Provide as much initial information as possible to as many people as possible Use any and all available means: Texts, PA, Digital Signage, Web, Twitter, Facebook, Bells, etc. Invite questions or comments about this. Who is authorized to call an alert? What information is provided during an alert?

11 Lockdown Excellent starting point
Locked doors provide a time barrier. Locks can, and have been defeated. * Windows and blinds? BARRICADE: The idea is to create a stronghold that nobody can breach… BE A HARDER TARGET!

12 Lockdown is a semi-secure starting point from which to make survival decisions. If you decide not to evacuate, then secure the room. *Lock the door. *Tie down the door, if possible, using belts, purse straps, shoe laces, etc. * Barricade the door with anything available (desks, chairs, etc.) What is the goal of this lockdown procedure? Windows and blinds Why do we say, “Semi-secure?” (We have video of people breaking through doors easily) ADD VIDEO LINK

13 Lockdown- Secure the door and move out of the doorway .
Look for alternate escape routes (windows, other doors). Call 911. Silence or place cell phones on vibrate. Do not open the door for anyone. Police will enter the room when the situation is over.

14 Inform Provide as much real-time information as possible - by all means possible. Use the information to make single or collective decisions as to the best option for survival. Information can create options for us. Example: “Armed intruder in main gym. Shots fired.” Discuss how this information could assist you?

15 Allows staff members to make informed, common sense decisions!
All staff members are empowered to pass on real time information Provide who, what, where, when and how information if possible Use plain language Allows staff members to make informed, common sense decisions! Can’t stress enough: Plain language.

16 Counter This is the use of simple, proactive techniques if you are confronted by the Active Shooter. Anything can be used as a distraction. Create as much noise and distraction as possible. Throw things to disrupt and create a distraction. Staff could use the swarm technique LAST RESORT

17 Evacuate This is our best option if there is a way to get out safely.
If the intruder is inside, you get outside. Establish reunification/Rally points . Concern for outside shooter/accomplice is very limited. Stress reunification/rally points.

18 School Safety and Security
We MUST change our mindset from believing that our only option is to lockdown. The Staff will determine what the best option is to keep you and your students as safe as possible at this critical moment. Empowering EVERYONE to make decisions that can save lives!

19 Why do we practice?: Everyone knows exactly what to do when a fire alarm sounds. You’ve practiced it since you were in kindergarten (or before). The last time a child or teacher died in a school fire was …..? 1958 1958

20 “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing
“In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The next best thing is the wrong thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” Theodore Roosevelt

21 Pulling a fire alarm Calling 9-1-1 Making an all-call
With that quote in mind, we have taught staff that they are authorized to make decisions to protect themselves and their students, such as… Pulling a fire alarm Calling 9-1-1 Making an all-call Ask teachers for comments. The answer to all these questions is YES you are authorized!

22 QUESTIONS? Comments/suggestions for the site-based and District’s Safety Committees to consider.

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