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Lesson 9: Managing Inventory

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1 Lesson 9: Managing Inventory
Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory Lesson 9: Managing Inventory Viewing and adjusting the inventory contents of locations in ICBS-R Configuring a WMS Solution Yantra Company Confidential

2 Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory
Objectives Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory After completing this unit, you should be able to: View inventory at Node or location level View Inventory details using the Mobile Console Modify inventory attributes Define Inventory Statuses and Inventory Transition Rules Query Inventory Adjustment Reasons Notes: Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring a WMS Solution Yantra Company Confidential

3 Inventory Control Features
Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory Yantra provides the following inventory control features: Comprehensive synchronous control between inventory movements and system inventory information Inventory tracking at a detailed attribute level Trackable ID Tag Attributes (date last tested, manufacturers name and model etc.) Comprehensive inventory audit trail Industry standard count processes Notes: Inventory defines the comprehensive functionality of Yantra WMS to track, monitor, and maintain inventory in a warehouse. Inventory visibility is provided through consoles that provide the necessary granular information. Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring a WMS Solution Yantra Company Confidential

4 Viewing Location / Node Level Inventory
Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory Select the Location Inventory Console from the Inventory Menu Notes: Use Location Inventory Console to view and manage all inventory and it’s attributes for a node. Both Location Level and Node level information are available through this Console. Location Inventory Console also supplies location level information for each of the Containers in locations. Node Level Demand Type information is only available if the Yantra DOM solution is also implemented. Pend In Quantity: The number of units of an item having open tasks to move into the location. Pend Out Quantity: The number of units of an item having open tasks to move out of the location. Supply Type: Inventory may move from one supply type to another during its lifespan in a node Typical Node Supply Types: On Hand- Total Quantity in Node Held- Subset of On Hand Qty that is considered unavailable for consumption by some demands for the item Demand Type: Typical Demand types in a Node are: Allocated- Inventory intended to fulfill a request Open Order- Inventory uncommitted to a request Navigation: View inventory at a location: log on to the Yantra WMS console as a WMS user and navigate to the Inventory > Inventory Console menu option. Enter the node where the location is defined and click Search. Select the location you want to view the details for and click View details. To view inventory at node, select the location and click Node Level Inventory. Click View Details to see the Location’s Inventory Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring a WMS Solution Yantra Company Confidential

5 Location Inventory Details
Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Adjusting Location Inventory
Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory Click ‘Adjust Location Inventory’ from the Inventory Menu Select Location and Item ID to adjust Notes: Inventory Adjustments can be performed through Adjust Location Inventory menu option as is shown above. An alternative is to access it through the adjust inventory action from inventory console detail screen. Specify the Node, Location, Item/PC/UOM, quantity, and reason code for your adjustment. If your item is tag or serial tracked the system will prompt you for the information accordingly. Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring a WMS Solution Yantra Company Confidential

7 Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved.
Adjust the Inventory Note that the Adjustment Reason Code is required Document # is pre-populated along with node specific adjustment account code but may be edited Incident/Other Order # (not mandatory) - If entered, the accounting information and incident information will populate. Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory
Inventory Attributes Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory Inventory Attributes specify the characteristics of inventoried units that uniquely define the inventory Inventory tag attributes for trackable items include: Manufacturer’s name Manufacturer’s serial number Manufacturer’s model Manufactured date Date last tested Owner unit ID # Notes: Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring a WMS Solution Yantra Company Confidential

9 Tag Attributes for Trackable Inventory
Required fields for adjusting inventory for trackable items. Note: Only one trackable item can be adjusted at a time. Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory
Unit 9 Summary Lesson 6: Configuring Inventory In this lesson, you learned: Location Inventory Console reflects current inventory details at a given location Inventory attributes specify the characteristics of stocked units that uniquely define the inventory Inventory status is an attribute associated with a stocked item or container. It is defined for an Enterprise/Node combination and is linked to Supply Types Notes: Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring a WMS Solution Yantra Company Confidential

11 Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved.
Questions Copyright 2002 Sterling Commerce, Inc. All rights reserved.

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