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SiS Technical Training Development Track Day 10. Agenda  Introduction to Integration Broker  How to Expose and Consume WebServices.

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Presentation on theme: "SiS Technical Training Development Track Day 10. Agenda  Introduction to Integration Broker  How to Expose and Consume WebServices."— Presentation transcript:

1 SiS Technical Training Development Track Day 10

2 Agenda  Introduction to Integration Broker  How to Expose and Consume WebServices

3 Integration Broker Architecture Integration Broker is a Middleware Technology platform to integrate data between PeopleSoft and/or non-PeopleSoft applications. Facilitates both Synchronous & Asynchronous messaging. Used for communication between systems. Exposes PeopleSoft business logic as web services to PeopleSoft and third- party systems. Consumes and invokes web services from third-party and PeopleSoft systems. PeopleSoft Integration Broker consists of two Sub-Systems: 1. Integration Gateway – resides on PeopleSoft web server. 2. Integration Engine – resides on application server as part of PS Applications.

4 Integration Broker Architecture WebServices: PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to provide web services to other PeopleSoft systems and external integration partners by generating Web Services Description Language (WSDL) documents. The system enables you to consume WSDL documents from other PeopleSoft and third-party systems. Integration Gateway: The integration gateway is a platform that manages the receipt and delivery of messages passed among systems through PeopleSoft Integration Broker. Supports the leading TCP/IP application protocols. Provides listening connectors and target connectors that transport messages between integration participants and the integration engine.

5 Integration Broker Architecture Integration Engine: The integration engine runs on the PeopleSoft application server. Rather than communicating directly with other applications, the integration engine sends and receives messages through one or more separately installed integration gateways. Sends and receives messages asynchronously (like email) or synchronously (suspending activity to wait for a response). Handles security features such as authentication and cookies.

6 Workflow Technology Development

7 Integration Broker Concepts Gateways: Are the pathways between systems. There is always a LOCAL gateway in PeopleSoft which refers to the source PeopleSoft system. Other gateways may exist - for example when there are differences between PeopleTools versions. Domains: Refer to PeopleSoft application server (tuxedo) domains for publish/subscribe (pub/sub) services. These are turned on at the application server and required for Integration Broker to work.

8 Integration Broker Concepts Nodes: Define what application a message belongs to - any system that integration broker can talk to (including the local system) will have a node. Messages: Define the structure of the XML sent between nodes. The key difference between asynchronous and synchronous messages is acknowledgement - synchronous messages need to be acknowledge by the receiver, asynchronous ones don't. Web services typically use synchronous messages.

9 Integration Broker Concepts Queues: Are used to manage and group messages so that all messages are sent through the multiple pipes. Queues are used for administration of integration broker to avoid stopping everything when something is wrong. Services: Group service operations into the conceptual service provided. For example, you might have a service based on a component interface. The service operations would be the methods (create/find/get/update/update data) and the service would be the interface to that component interface.component interface

10 Integration Broker Make Real-Time enterprises a reality! Multiple disparate systems no longer a challenge PeopleSoft was the first ERP vendor to adopt a Pure Internet Architecture and leader in Web services area, even before the standards existed Integration Broker is a platform that delivers high performance, standards- based integration

11 Training Survey Please provide your feedback at:

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