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© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 1 Movement terminology.

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Presentation on theme: "© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 1 Movement terminology."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 1 Movement terminology

2 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system What you will learn about in this topic: 1.Movement terms 2.Sporting examples of movements Movement terminology 2

3 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 3 Learning objectives By the end of this presentation you should be able to: Understand how different sports use different movements to perform skills Describe the main movement terms Explain a range of sporting movements using correct terminology

4 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Range of movements There are a range of main movements: Adduction Abduction Flexion Plantar flexion Dorsi flexion Extension Rotation Movement terminology 4

5 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Adduction This movement brings part of the body towards the centre. Adduction is adding it to the body. Movement terminology 5

6 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 6 Adduction occurs in a butterfly swimming stroke.

7 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 7 Abduction This is the opposite action to adduction, where the limbs are moved away from the centre. A way to remember this is that when someone is kidnapped, they are abducted (taken away).

8 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 8 A goalkeeper abducts their arms when reaching for a save.

9 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Flexion This is closing the angle at a joint. When preparing to throw a ball, the angle at the elbow decreases. Catching a ball and bringing it to the body is flexion at the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. Movement terminology 9

10 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 10

11 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Plantar flexion This is the action of the toes moving down when standing on your toes with the top of the foot moving away from the body. Movement terminology 11

12 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 12 A high diver will use this action as the take-off is initiated.

13 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Dorsi flexion The movement of the toes up when standing on heels with the top of the foot moving towards the body. Movement terminology 13

14 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 14 When a long jumper plants their foot for take-off, at the heel first action, they apply dorsi flexion.

15 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Extension This is the opposite of flexion and is when the angle increases between the bones at a joint. Movement terminology 15

16 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system In the run up for a jump the long jumper takes off and extends the take-off leg to generate as much upward lift as possible. This is an example of extension at the hips. Movement terminology 16

17 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Rotation The angles do not change but the joint moves in a circular motion. The throwing action of the service in tennis and the bowling action in cricket or rounders demonstrates this type of movement. Movement terminology 17

18 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 18 The throwing action of the service in tennis and the bowling action in cricket or rounders demonstrates rotation.

19 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Task Work in groups to prepare a comedy sketch that incorporates all of the movement terminology to help you remember the terms. For example, you could perform a mime or a mockumentary with a cheesy voice-over. Movement terminology 19

20 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Exam question 1. Choose a sporting skill and describe how the body’s joints perform the essential skill. Movement terminology 20

21 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 21 What you have learnt in this topic: 1.Movement terms 2.Sporting examples of movements

22 © Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL 1.2.5 A healthy, active lifestyle and your skeletal system Movement terminology 22 Learning objectives You should now be able to: Understand how different sports use different movements to perform skills Describe the main movement terms Explain a range of sporting movements using correct terminology

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