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1 Time and Territory Management. 2 It’s All About the Benjamins!!

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1 1 Time and Territory Management

2 2

3 It’s All About the Benjamins!!

4 4 Time and Territory Management T&T is driven by your goals Four categories for time management in sales: planning and preparation travel and waiting face-to-face selling non-selling activities (paperwork, sales meetings, customer training)

5 5 Account Analysis Drives T&T Management Time management is most effective when it is well planned Planning: –analyze accounts –know where you are going and why –schedule as far in advance as possible –use telephone as much as possible, but don’t undervalue face time –review business plans and “to do” lists –Email inbox is NOT a “to do” list –determine BEST time to visit people –have contingency plans

6 Gotta Know What You’re Aiming For

7 7 Elements of Time and Territory Management for the Salesperson Salesperson’s territory sales quota Account analysis Set account objectives and sales quotas Territory-time allocation Customer sales planning Marketing for Different types Of customers & clients Marketing for Different types Of customers & clients Territory and customer evaluation Territory and customer evaluation

8 8 T&T Travel: –route calls to reduce travel time –always make appointments –use your lunch time (and dinner if possible) –use waiting time for paperwork, calls, e-mails,…/ –get on a routine!! Face-to-Face: –see the right person –prepare carefully - know your purpose - over prepare –send materials in advance –get right to the purpose - don’t waste time –listen and take notes –qualify early –contact multiple contacts in company in one trip

9 9 T&T Non-Selling Activities: –keep office routine to a minimum - do outside of prime selling time –don’t stop after a sale or string of bad luck –keep office talk, personal business to minimum –pay extreme attention to customer service –manage your relationships with internal people (office staff, TRS Service, GM,..) - you WILL need these people to jump through hoops for you on occasion- make sure they want to help you

10 10 Tid-Bits from the Field Use Outlook Calendar, train yourself, and be faithful to it. Manage both personal and professional life with same system “Boiler plate” as much as you can Phone calls and in-person are primary communication tools. Email is a written follow-up tool. Send immediately following meetings confirming what was agreed to Always get back to people within hours if possible - regardless of the time of day

11 11 Undifferentiated Selling Approach Single-selling approach Target accounts

12 12 Account Segmentation Based on Yearly Sales Yearly Sales Customer (actual orNumber of Size potential)AccountsTime % Extra largeover $200,000570% Large$75,000-200,000520% Medium$25,000-75,000210% Small$1,000-25,00000

13 13 Account Segmentation Approach Extra Large Large Medium 1 1 2 2 Target AccountsMultiple Selling Strategies

14 14 Account Time Allocation by Salesperson = CustomerCalls perCalls perNumber ofNumber of SizeMonthYearAccountsCalls per Year Extra large4485240 Large4485240 Medium224248 Small1*40** Total12 528 *every 3 months ** opportunistic calls only

15 15 Daily Customer Plan Sales Calls HoursCustomers Prospects 7:00-8:00 A.M.Stop by office: pick up literature, submittals, etc. 8:00-9:00Travel & pickup biscuits 9:00-10:00JJ Kirlin; biscuits for Team “A” 10:00-11:00Travel & return phone calls/emails 11:30-1:00 P.M.Lunch and learn with RMF Engineers 1:00-2:00Travel & return phone calls/emails 2:00-3:00 Visit Billy Bob’s HVAC 3:00-3:30Travel & return phone calls/emails 3:30-4:30MCC: Negotiating Project “X” 5:00-6:00Plan next day—do paperwork

16 16 Example of Net Sales by Customer and Call Frequency RALEIGH SALES ENGINEER “X” JJKMCCIveyComfortS. Piping Calls Per Month44444 Year-to-date3641291438 Last call9/209/188/188/109/19 Net sales in dollars Current month$60K$250K$0$0$0 Year-to-date This year$350K$1.4MM$110K$600K$750K Last year$300K$275K$250K$150K$80K

17 Embedded PowerPoint Video

18 18 What is your time & territory worth???

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