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Olympic Weightlifting. Weightlifting vs. Power Lifting In the sport of weightlifting, athletes are given three snatch attempts and three clean and jerk.

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Presentation on theme: "Olympic Weightlifting. Weightlifting vs. Power Lifting In the sport of weightlifting, athletes are given three snatch attempts and three clean and jerk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olympic Weightlifting

2 Weightlifting vs. Power Lifting In the sport of weightlifting, athletes are given three snatch attempts and three clean and jerk attempts In the sport of Power Lifting, athletes generally perform three squats, bench presses and deadlifts The lifter with the highest total in each weight class wins

3 Weightlifting vs. Power Lifting

4 Usefulness of the Olympic Lifts The Olympic lifts are useful as a training tool for many other sports, as well general strength and conditioning and functional fitness The lifts are all ground based like most sporting activities and activities of daily living The lifts are very time efficient, using multiple muscle groups in each exercise

5 Usefulness of the Olympic Lifts The lifts are useful at developing proprioception and neuromuscular efficiency The lifts are very useful for developing core stabilization, strength, and power Researchers at Appalachian State University found that activity of the trunk muscles during squats and pulls from the floor (dead lifts) is greater or equal to that produced with many common stability ball exercises.

6 Usefulness of the Olympic Lifts Power development statistics for a 100kg male – Bench Press300 – Back Squat1100 – Deadlift1100 – Snatch3000 – Snatch 2 nd pull5500 – Clean2950 – Clean 2 nd pull5500 – Jerk 5400 Power = force * distance / time

7 Usefulness of the Olympic Lifts To perform the lifts properly requires a great amount of flexibility in the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, and wrists

8 Usefulness of the Olympic Lifts The lifts will condition your body to receive a load in a strong position

9 Weightlifting Safety Injuries per 100 participant hours Soccer6.20 Track and Field0.57 Football0.10 Basketball0.03 Gymnastics0.044 Powerlifting0.0027 Tennis0.001 Volleyball0.0013 Weightlifting0.0017 Weight Training0.0035

10 Weightlifting Safety Correct Footwear Correct Clothing Safe, Efficient Technique No Horseplay Be Aware of Others Use Spotters When Appropriate Hand Care Discourage Limit Attempts too often and with beginners

11 Weightlifting Safety Warm-up, Stretch, and Cool-down “Miss” Correctly Drop Barbell in Controlled Manner Discourage Training Alone with beginners Follow Planned Program Low Resistance When Learning New Skills Avoid Big Jumps Individual Progression

12 Weightlifting Safety Ensure Platforms Are Well Spaced Out Ensure Lifting Surfaces Are Non-stick and not slick Ensure Barbells Are Loaded Correctly and Evenly Ensure All Equipment is Stable Ensure That Bars Are Straight and Revolve

13 Weightlifting Safety Insure enough mobility to achieve proper technical positions – Overhead Squat, Active Straight Leg Raise, Front Squat w/ parallel arms Insure no previous conditions that contraindicate weightlifting training

14 Weightlifting Technique

15 Snatch

16 Weightlifting Technique


18 Clean and Jerk

19 Starting Position: Snatch & Clean All Body Levers Are “Tight” Set-Up of Feet Under Bar Feet Straight ahead or Slightly Turned Out and in the “Vertical Jump” Position The Back Is “Flat” and Even Concave Arms Are Straight and the Elbows Are Rotated Out The Head Is Up and the Eyes Are Focused Straight Ahead The Hips Are Higher Than the Knees The Shoulders Are In Advance of the Barbell

20 Starting Position: Snatch & Clean

21 Lift Off: Snatch & Clean Legs extend at knees Balance shifts to heels Angle of hips stays consistent Shoulders are over the bar Elbows out Hips and shoulders rise simultaneously Head position – neutral

22 Lift-off: Snatch & Clean

23 Passing the Knees: Snatch & Clean Shins Vertical Balance & Weight stays on heels Angle of hips stays consistent Shoulders are over the bar Elbows out Hips and shoulders rise simultaneously Head position – neutral

24 Passing the Knees: Snatch & Clean

25 Power Position: Snatch & Clean Position where “power spike” and impulse against the floor occurs Knees and hips shift forward and down slightly to jump position Balance shifts towards mid-foot, but heels must stay flat Elbows stay out Arms straight Head position – neutral

26 Power Position: Snatch & Clean

27 Extension: Snatch & Clean Quick fast punch against platform Extension of ankle, knee, hips Traps punch quickly Bar jumps Elbows stay out Arms straight Head position – neutral to slightly up

28 Extension: Snatch & Clean Catch

29 Pull Under: Snatch & Clean Actively jump under the bar Arms pull actively into position against the bar

30 Catch: Snatch & Clean Feet and hands hit together Body tight Catch and ride into bottom position

31 Snatch

32 Jerk: Start Position Bar above clavicles on shoulders Fingers on bar, elbows down slightly Inflate lungs, lift chest

33 Jerk: Dip & Drive Hips lower directly under bar, weight towards heels Drive quick and strong against floor, weight moves towards ball of feet Chest up and strong throughout

34 Jerk: Split & Catch Both Feet Move simultaneously and land together Drive body down against bar Front Shin almost vertical, weight on ball of rear foot Shoulders and Hips in line on catch Feet and hands hit together

35 Clean and Jerk

36 Barbell Variations Power Snatch Hang Snatch Power Clean Hang Clean Lifts off blocks Power Jerks Squat Jerks

37 Power Snatch

38 Hang Snatch

39 Power Clean

40 Hang Power Clean

41 Power Snatch Off Blocks

42 Power Jerk

43 Clean and Squat Jerk

44 Other Variations Kettlebell snatch Kettlebell clean Dumbbell snatch Dumbbell clean

45 Kettlebell Snatch

46 Kettlebell Clean

47 Dumbbell Snatch

48 Dumbbell Clean

49 What Not To Do








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