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‘Helping Schools Build Capacity, and engage in school to school support, to deliver teacher education’. UCET Primary and Early Years Symposium Prof Des.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Helping Schools Build Capacity, and engage in school to school support, to deliver teacher education’. UCET Primary and Early Years Symposium Prof Des."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Helping Schools Build Capacity, and engage in school to school support, to deliver teacher education’. UCET Primary and Early Years Symposium Prof Des Hewitt Head of Primary Education Centre of Professional Education University of Warwick

2 Constructive alignment ITE CPD School improvement Children’s outcomes

3 If someone is hungry, don’t give them a fish, show them how to use a fishing rod

4 Principles of good teaching Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; Good teaching comes from the identity and the integrity of the teacher; Community is at the heart of reality and therefore at the heart of teaching; Community in education is expressed through the interrelationships of teachers, learners and their parents. Glennon (1998)


6 Some emerging themes A focus on children and young people Building professional relationships Civic duty: beyond commercial contracts Looking beyond the political context Moving from Initial Teacher Education to Lifelong Teacher Education Moving from English Teacher Education to International Teacher Education

7 DETAILS MERGER AND JOINT GOVERNANCE THROUGH STRUCTURAL AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGES University free school, UTC’s and Academies e.g. University sponsorship of Academies, UTC’s and University Schools CO-DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY University and school Alliances e.g. Some examples of Teaching School Alliances and Universities working in networks with shared strategy, resources and accountability to address agreed aims PARTIALLY INTEGRATED SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP School networks working jointly with Universities beyond placement provision e.g. Developing city schools networks sharing school and ITE priorities with cooperation towards some agreed aims TRADITIONAL SCHOOL- UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP PLACEMENTS Individual schools providing 5-13 week placements for trainees to observe effective practice and practise the art of teaching e.g. typical PGCE 6 week placement ENHANCED SCHOOL PLACEMENTS Individual schools providing 1 day to 1 week placements for trainees. Providing additional and different experiences to that available on traditional placements e.g. SEN placements and Leading Partners for Literacy PROJECT-BASED SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCES Short-term projects often jointly organised between school and University e.g. arts project with agreed outcomes for school and University ONE-OFF EVENTSTime-limited experiences for trainees and children e.g. assembly or Skype Masterclass

8 Teacher Education Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Recruitment Interview Needs analysis Training plan Personal and professional biography child Professional family School context Children Community institutional ITT Provider-based training School-based training Placements Modelling Enhanced opportunities Excellence Understanding Knowledge Skills Values Effective practice Adaptation, change and leadership Resilience NQT induction year Adaptation Accountability Change CHILDREN’S OUTCOMES Grade 3 interventions Coaching Subject knowledge development Mentor training School improvement ITE and school action planning

9 ITE Strategic Priorities Excellence Partnership Research-inspired International

10 Some ways forward Focus on constructive alignment of ITE, school improvement and CPD Building Teacher Education through existing networks Co-location and co-employment of ITE staff between schools and University School-based Teaching Fellows Multi-platformed sessions: ITE, CPD, mentor training Inter-professional/ inter-disciplinary learning Internal moderation with and by schools Lifelong Teacher education

11 Contact Prof Des Hewitt

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