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INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 1. 2 Ensure Effective, Efficient and Sustainable Management of Water Resources Ensure Collaborative and Co-Ordinated.

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Presentation on theme: "INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 1. 2 Ensure Effective, Efficient and Sustainable Management of Water Resources Ensure Collaborative and Co-Ordinated."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Ensure Effective, Efficient and Sustainable Management of Water Resources Ensure Collaborative and Co-Ordinated IWRM for Wise Socio-Economic Development Ensure Effective and Efficient Management of ICMA Resources Promote Knowledge Generation and Distribution Promote and Pursue an International Developmental Agenda 2

3 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMMES 3 Achieving Equity Water Availability & Flow Management Managing Water Quality Generating & Managing Knowledge Achieving Compliance and Enforcement Generating Revenue 3


5 5 Knowledge generation and sharing at a global level –Recorded deliverables include; sharing knowledge and expertise on hydrological data network, sources and data acquisition; real time measurement of water quality; water resources information management database; and strategic adaptive management for river operations. Progressive development of corresponding capacity in terms of personnel to enable effective implementation. Additional capacity came as a result of filling of critical positions created by organizational restructuring. Significant progress on the merger Preparing the IUCMA to access water authorisation and registration management system functions.

6 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 6 Building partnerships for sustainable IWRM Accomplishing reporting requirements Management of risks Water Quality Management Water Allocation Plan Supporting Water Management Institutions

7 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 7 Validation and verification of water use –The loss of cadastral data from the Surveyor General’s office delayed the commencement of the validation and verification project. The delay enabled us to better our data and imagery acquisition. Accurate calculation of land-use and volumetric water use. We now have the best in the country. –High resolution land cover and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) –Taking, storing (volume calculations) & Forestry –Forestry as at 1972 (required licenses)


9 9 Example of the 1972 Forestry land-cover Database

10 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 10 Support for WMIs –I&P continued to provide support and engage –Some key issues discussed in the sub-catchment forums are: Water Quality Status in municipal areas, mining and industries. Water Use Licensing Resource poor farmers Funding from Department of Water and Sanitation Water tariffs from the Irrigation Boards and usage Conditions for drilling domestic boreholes for house hold water use in terms of licensing and related tariffs involved. The progress on the process of establishing other WUA’s in the sub- catchment. The water trading policy amongst water users Metering of water use. –The DWS has embarked on the status quo analysis of all water management institutions (WMIs) that forms part of the disestablishment process of irrigation boards and the other WMIs. ICMA provided information and needed support.

11 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 11 Stakeholder Empowerment and Interactions –The ICMA I&P in collaboration with DWS conducted a number of stakeholder empowerment workshops with HDIs in the Sabie, Sand, Upper Komati and Lower Komati sub-catchments. –The I&P has conducted a number of workshops with emerging farmers throughout the Inkomati-Usuthu WMA –Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) forums and environmental activities such as the Water Week, World Environment Day celebrations and Wetland Forums –Participated in the development of the Water Safety Plan BBR LM Marketing and Communications –2 Inkomati Flows Newsletters were developed. The Inkomati flows is the ICMA newsletter that informs the public and stakeholders on the activities of the institutions. –3 programme based information brochures were developed. These brochures were based on the Inkomati Rivers Classification project, the Sabie & Sand ecological status as well as the Eco status of the Crocodile River catchment –The website has also greatly improved

12 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 12 Systems for integrated planning and operations of river systems effectively implemented –Both the Crocodile and Sabie Decision Support Systems (DSS) are operational on the ICMA river operations server. –The operating committee for the Crocodile River (CROCOC) is fully operational and the reporting of water quality has been added to the agenda during the year. –Unfortunately, there have been delays in the establishment of the Sabie Operating Committee. Stakeholder-centred implementation of Reserve



15 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 15 Authorized Water Use –Some license applications carried over to 2014/15 Metered water use –installation of the Water Meters in the Middle Komati


17 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 17 Discharge and water resource quality effectively monitored –The target of 1968 samples not achieved.1850 samples taken due to lack of flow in some non-perennial streams –The bio-monitoring of the Komati River could not be commissioned due to financial constraints. The Crocodile River study finalised. Proactive AMD Strategy –draft strategy submitted for review by the ICMA and comments sent to the service provider for corrections. The strategy was rolled over to the 2014/15 financial year for finalization. Water resource pollution remedied –Eighteen (18) reported pollution incidents were attended to and remedied to the satisfaction of the ICMA.


19 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 19 Water Quality status report –Status reports at catchment forum meetings (target exceeded). –The microbial quality of water in the entire WMA is a cause for serious concern. –Attributed to Municipal WWTWs. –The situation is pretty much the same throughout the WMA.




23 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 23 Good corporate governance –No variation from the expected performance regarding good corporate governance, provision of legal services as well as operational risk management.

24 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 24 Member GB ORD GB SPEC GB W/S GB S/H AUDITEXCOWACORemCoTOTAL BENCH- MARK BENCHMARK44215443 Ms TP Nyakane- Maluka 4421N/A4 318 Mr CJH du Preez4321N/A 4 1415 Ms EG Mashele4421N/A 4 15 Ms LS Masilela442L4N/A 1416 Mr BK Mokoena4421N/A4 318 Mr F Roux4421N/A 4 15 Mr SE Thwala33113N/A 31418 Mr TG Mokoena442LN/A4 31718 Member GB ORD GB SPEC GB W/S GB S/H AUDITEXCOWACOTOTALBENCHMARK Audit committee external members 4421544 Mr S Mthembu3N/A2 5 89 Mr NL MathebulaN/A12 5 87 Mr M Secker211N/A4 87

25 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 25 Corporate Services –Performance management of employees through quarterly reviews was effective throughout the year with a motivated workforce. –The employment equity (EE) plan continues to be monitored to ensure equity in line with national governmental goals. –Quarterly labour forum meetings continued to be held which boost staff morale. –A few key policies were reviewed including the governing board charters and code of conduct to ensure sustainable good corporate governance. –Almost all planned targets under corporate services have been achieved, bar the filling of prioritized positions.


27 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 27 DESCRIPTION Audited 2011/12 Audited 2012/13 Audited 2013/14 SALARIES AND WAGES 13 636 713 17 169 91623,996,245 TOTAL GOODS AND SERVICES 12 211 922 15 950 68217,162,186 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 698 862 1 376 308 1 455 814 TOTAL BOARD RELATED COST 1 259 415 2 097 683 1 413 928 GRAND TOTAL 29 249 341 37 132 64244,964,948

28 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 28 DESCRIPTION Audited 2011/12 Audited 2012/13 Audited 2013/14 AUDIT FEES 102 600 121 192140,509 ADVERTISING AND MARKETING 510 897 794 4961,092,290 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 234 495 483 458383,372 PROJECTS 5 724 993 5 001 9716,089,289 INSURANCE 99 070 127 050149,147 DEPRECIATION 647 889 1 096 3141,174,394 COMPUTERS 382 008 383 860465,513 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 60 421 154 193471,258 BOARD RELATED COST AND STIPENDS 1 259 415 2 097 6831,413,928

29 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 29 SOURCEAudited 2012/13 Audited 2013/14 MAIN ACCOUNT: IUCMA22,327,18623,318,000 WTE: IUCMA-8,955,864 INTEREST RECEIVED/ ACCUMULATED SURPLUS909,101513,469 OTHER INCOME10,0004,221,870 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES23,246,28737,009,203

30 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 30 Management prepared regular, accurate and complete financial and performance reports that are supported and evidenced by reliable information Audit opinion indicated that the performance information as set out in the annual performance report that forms part of the Annual reports is reliable, in all material respects, in accordance with the identified performance management and reporting framework. Of the total number of 37 indicators tested, 20 of targets were substantively not achieved during the year under review. This represents 54% of total planned targets that were not achieved during the year under review.

31 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 31 In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Inkomati Catchment Management Agency as at 31 March 2014, and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Generally Recognized Accounting Practices (GRAP) and the requirements of the Public Finance There were no material findings on the annual performance report concerning the usefulness and reliability of the information. However, attention was brought to underachievement of targets Report did not identify any instances of material non-compliance with specific matters in key applicable laws and regulations as set out in the General Notice issued in terms of the PAA. Report did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that were considered sufficiently significant for inclusion in the audit report.

32 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 32 Member GB ORD GB SPEC GB W/S GB S/H AUDITEXCOWACOTOTALBENCHMARK Audit committee external members 4421544 Mr S Mthembu3N/A2 5 89 Mr NL MathebulaN/A12 5 87 Mr M Secker211N/A4 87 There were no repeat findings in Internal Audit Reports throughout the year promoting sound financial management and compliance to the PFMA and treasury regulations which are a sound foundation for maintaining clean audit reports.

33 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 33 There was no financial misconduct for the audited 2013-14 financial year

34 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 34 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY STATS AS AT END OF MARCH 2014 Occupational LevelAMCMIMWMAFCFIFWF FOREIGN M FOREIGN FTOTAL Top Management 0 Senior Management-E Band 1 1 Professionally qualified & experienced specialists & mid-management-D Band2 43 9 Skilled technical & academically qualified workers, jnr mgt, supervisors, foremen & superintendents-C Band14 1 1 30 Semi-skilled & discretionary decision making- B Band1 3 4 Unskilled & defined decision making- A band 0 TOTAL17004201011044

35 INKOMATI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY 35 Training has been attended throughout the year for the designated ICMA officials on WARMS; The approval from SETA to obtain the link to WARMS has been granted; An indication from the DWS has been given that all financial systems to enable the existing CMA’s to do their own billing will be transferred to the CMA by 1 April 2015; WTE Debtor’s collection rates for the Inkomati have improved from 20% to almost 40% through payment received from some irrigation boards on long outstanding debts; Although serious financial constraints were experienced throughout the year owing to delayed transfer payments which resulted in the need to defer a portion of the revenue for utilization in the next financial year.


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