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Managing Human resources
11 © 2012 Cengage Learning
explain how different employment laws affect human resource practice
explain how companies use recruiting to find qualified job applicants describe the selection techniques and procedures that companies use when deciding which applicants should receive job offers describe how to determine training needs and select the appropriate training methods discuss how to use performance appraisal to give meaningful performance feedback describe basic compensation strategies and discuss the four kinds of employee separations © 2012 Cengage Learning
The Human Resource Management Process
Human resource management (HRM) is the process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people to form a qualified work force and is one of the most difficult and important of all management tasks. This chapter is organized around the three parts of the human resource management process shown in Exhibit 11.1: attracting, developing, and keeping a qualified work force. This chapter will walk you through the steps of the HRM process. We explore how companies use recruiting and selection techniques to attract and hire qualified employees to fulfill their personnel needs. Then we discuss how training and performance appraisal can develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the work force. The chapter concludes with a review of compensation and employee separation, that is, how companies can keep their best workers through effective compensation practices and how they can manage the separation process when employees leave the organization. © 2012 Cengage Learning
The Legal Context 1. explain how different employment laws affect human resource practice © 2012 Cengage Learning
Federal Employment Laws
General effect of the laws—employers may not discriminate in employment decisions based on sex, age, religion, color, national origin, race, disability. Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) “reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business.” © 2012 Cengage Learning
Major Federal Employment Laws
Equal Pay Act of 1963 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Civil Rights Act of 1991 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 © 2012 Cengage Learning
Adverse Impact and Employment Discrimination
Disparate treatment Adverse impact The four-fifths rule The EEOC has investigatory, enforcement, and informational responsibilities. Therefore, it investigates charges of discrimination, enforces the employment discrimination laws in federal court, and publishes guidelines that organizations can use to ensure they are in compliance with the law. One of the most important guidelines jointly issued by the EEOC, the Department of Labor, the U.S. Justice Department, and the federal Office of Personnel Management is the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. These guidelines define two important criteria, disparate treatment and adverse impact, that are used in determining whether companies have engaged in discriminatory hiring and promotion practices. Disparate treatment, which is intentional discrimination, occurs when people, despite being qualified, are intentionally not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities as other employees because of their race, color, age, sex, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs. Adverse impact, which is unintentional discrimination, occurs when members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged because they are hired, promoted, or trained (or any other employment decision) at substantially lower rates than others. According to the four-fifths rule, adverse impact occurs if the decision rate for a protected group of people is less than 80% of the decision rate for a nonprotected group. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Sexual Harassment A form of discrimination in which unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conducts of a sexual nature occurs. Quid pro quo sexual harassment Hostile work environment Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when employment outcomes, such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one’s job, depend on whether an individual submits to being sexually harassed. By contrast, a hostile work environment occurs when unwelcome and demeaning sexually related behavior creates an intimidating, hostile, and offensive work environment. In contrast to quid pro quo cases, a hostile work environment may not result in economic injury. However, it can lead to psychological injury from a stressful work environment. © 2012 Cengage Learning
What Should Managers Do?
Respond immediately Write a clear sexual harassment policy Establish clear reporting procedures Be aware of local and state laws and enforcement agencies © 2012 Cengage Learning
Finding Qualified Workers
explain how companies use recruiting to find qualified job applicants 3. describe the selection technique and procedures that companies use when deciding which applicants should receive job offers © 2012 Cengage Learning
Job Analysis and Recruiting
A purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job. Work activities Tools and equipment used to do to the job Context in which the job is performed The personnel requirements for performing the job © 2012 Cengage Learning
Results of Job Analysis
Job description a written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee holding a particular job Job specification a summary of the qualifications needed to successfully perform a job © 2012 Cengage Learning
Using Job Analysis, Descriptions, Specifications
Used throughout the staffing process to ensure that selection devices and decisions are job-related. Job analyses, descriptions, and specifications help companies meet legal requirements that HR decisions be job-related. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Internal Recruiting The process of developing a pool of qualified job applicants from people who already work within the company. Job posting Career path Job posting is a procedure for advertising job openings within the company to existing employees. A career path is a planned sequence of jobs through which employees may advance within an organization. For example, a person who starts as a sales representative may move up to sales manager and then to district or regional sales manager. © 2012 Cengage Learning
External Recruiting Process of developing a pool of qualified job applicants from outside the company. Advertising Employee referrals Walk-ins Outside organizations Employment services Special events Internet job sites Which external recruiting method should you use? Studies show that employee referrals, walk-ins, newspaper advertisements, and state employment agencies tend to be used most frequently for office/clerical and production/service employees. By contrast, newspaper advertisements and college/university recruiting are used most frequently for professional/technical employees. When recruiting managers, organizations tend to rely most heavily on newspaper advertisements, employee referrals, and search firms. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Selection Selection Validation
the process of gathering information about job applicants to decide who should be offered a job Validation the process of determining how well a selection test or procedures predict future job performance © 2012 Cengage Learning
Application Forms and Résumés
Application forms may only ask for valid, job-related information Résumés pose a problem because of false data. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Topics to Avoid in an Interview
Children Age Disabilities Physical characteristics Name Citizenship Lawsuits Arrest records Smoking AIDS/HIV © 2012 Cengage Learning
References and Background Checks
Employment references contacting previous employers or coworkers to learn more about the candidate Background checks used to verify accuracy of information that applicants provide about themselves © 2012 Cengage Learning
Getting Background Information
Conduct criminal record checks Ask applicants to sign a waiver to check references, run a background check, or contact people with knowledge of work history Ask applicants if there is anything they want the company to know Consider hiring a private investigator © 2012 Cengage Learning
Selection Tests Specific ability tests Cognitive ability tests
Biographical data (biodata) Work sample tests (performance tests) Assessment centers in-basket exercise leaderless group discussion Specific ability tests measure the extent to which an applicant possesses the particular kind of ability needed to do a job well. Specific ability tests are also called aptitude tests because they measure aptitude for doing a particular task well. For example, if you took the SAT to get into college, then you’ve taken the aptly named Scholastic Aptitude Test, which is one of the best predictors of how well students will do in college (i.e., scholastic performance). Specific ability tests also exist for mechanical, clerical, sales, and physical work. Cognitive ability tests measure the extent to which applicants have abilities in perceptual speed, verbal comprehension, numerical aptitude, general reasoning, and spatial aptitude. In other words, these tests indicate how quickly and how well people understand words, numbers, logic, and spatial dimensions. Whereas specific ability tests predict job performance in only particular types of jobs, cognitive ability tests accurately predict job performance in almost all kinds of jobs. Why is this so? The reason is that people with strong cognitive or mental abilities are usually good at learning new things, processing complex information, solving problems, and making decisions, and these abilities are important in almost all jobs. In fact, cognitive ability tests are almost always the best predictors of job performance. Consequently, if you were allowed to use just one selection test, a cognitive ability test would be the one to use. (In practice, though, companies use a battery of different tests because doing so leads to much more accurate selection decisions.) Biographical data, or biodata, are extensive surveys that ask applicants questions about their personal backgrounds and life experiences. The basic idea behind biodata is that past behavior (personal background and life experience) is the best predictor of future behavior. Most biodata questionnaires have over 100 items that gather information about habits and attitudes, health, interpersonal relations, money, what it was like growing up in your family (parents, siblings, childhood years, teen years), personal habits, current home (spouse, children), hobbies, education and training, values, preferences, and work. In general, biodata are very good predictors of future job performance, especially in entry-level jobs. Work sample tests, also called performance tests, require applicants to perform tasks that are actually done on the job. So, unlike specific ability, cognitive ability, biographical data, and personality tests, which are indirect predictors of job performance, work sample tests directly measure job applicants’ capability to do the job. Assessment centers use a series of job-specific simulations that are graded by multiple trained observers to determine applicants’ ability to perform managerial work. Unlike the previously described selection tests that are commonly used for specific jobs or entry-level jobs, assessment centers are most often used to select applicants who have high potential to be good managers. Assessment centers often last two to five days and require participants to complete a number of tests and exercises that simulate managerial work. An in-basket exercise is a paper-and-pencil test in which an applicant is given a manager’s in-basket containing memos, phone messages, organizational policies, and other communications normally received by and available to managers. Applicants have a limited time to read through the in-basket, prioritize the items, and decide how to deal with each item. Experienced managers then score the applicants’ decisions and recommendations. In a leaderless group discussion, another common assessment center exercise, a group of six applicants is given approximately two hours to solve a problem, but no one is put in charge (hence the name “leaderless” group discussion). Trained observers watch and score each participant on the extent to which he or she facilitates discussion, listens, leads, persuades, and works well with others. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Clerical Test Items Similar to Those Found on the Minnesota Clerical Test
Specific ability tests also exist for mechanical, clerical, sales, and physical work. For example, clerical workers have to be good at accurately reading and scanning numbers as they type or enter data. Exhibit 11.4 shows items similar to those found on the Minnesota Clerical Test, in which applicants have only a short time to determine if the two columns of numbers and letters are identical. Applicants who are good at this are likely to do well as clerical or data-entry workers. © 2012 Cengage Learning
In-Basket Item for an Assessment Center for Store Managers
An in-basket exercise is a paper-and-pencil test in which an applicant is given a manager’s in-basket containing memos, phone messages, organizational policies, and other communications normally received by and available to managers. Applicants have a limited time to read through the in-basket, prioritize the items, and decide how to deal with each item. Experienced managers then score the applicants’ decisions and recommendations. Exhibit 11.5 shows an item that could be used in an assessment center for evaluating applicants for a job as a store manager. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Interviews Unstructured interviews Structured interviews
Semistructured interviews In unstructured interviews, interviewers are free to ask applicants anything they want, and studies show that they do. In structured interviews, standardized interview questions are prepared ahead of time so that all applicants are asked the same job-related questions. Semistructured interviews are hybrids of structured and unstructured interviews. A major part of the semistructured interview (perhaps as much as 80 percent) is based on structured questions, but some time is set aside for unstructured interviewing to allow the interviewer to probe into ambiguous or missing information uncovered during the structured portion of the interview. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Structured Interview Questions
Situational questions Behavioral questions Background questions Job-knowledge questions • Situational questions ask applicants how they would respond in a hypothetical situation (“What would you do if ?”). These questions are more appropriate for hiring new graduates, who are unlikely to have encountered real-work situations because of their limited work experience. • Behavioral questions ask applicants what they did in previous jobs that were similar to the job for which they are applying (“In your previous jobs, tell me about . . .”). These questions are more appropriate for hiring experienced individuals. • Background questions ask applicants about their work experience, education, and other qualifications (“Tell me about the training you received at . . .”). • Job-knowledge questions ask applicants to demonstrate their job knowledge (e.g., nurses might be asked, “Give me an example of a time when one of your patients had a severe reaction to a medication. How did you handle it?”). © 2012 Cengage Learning
Guidelines for Conducting Effective Structured Interviews
© 2012 Cengage Learning
Developing Qualified Workers
describe how to determine training needs and select the appropriate training methods 5. discuss how to use performance appraisal to give meaningful performance feedback © 2012 Cengage Learning
Training and Training Needs
providing opportunities for employees to develop the job-specific skills, experience, and knowledge they need to do their jobs or improve their performance Needs assessment the process of identifying and prioritizing the learning needs of employees © 2012 Cengage Learning
Training Objectives and Methods
To choose the best method, you should consider a number of factors, such as the number of people to be trained, the cost of training, and the objectives of the training. For instance, if the training objective is to impart information or knowledge to trainees, then you should use films and videos, lectures, and planned readings. In our example, trainees might read a manual or attend a lecture about how to seal a shoreline to keep it from being affected by the spill. If developing analytical and problem-solving skills is the objective, then use case studies, coaching and mentoring, and group discussions. In our example, trainees might view a video documenting how a team handled exposure to hazardous substances, talk with first responders, and discuss what they would do in a similar situation. If practicing, learning, or changing job behaviors is the objective, then use on-the-job training, role-playing, simulations and games, and vestibule training. In our example, trainees might participate in a mock shoreline cleanup to learn what do in the event oil comes to shore. This simulation could take place on an actual shoreline or on a video-game-like virtual shoreline. If training is supposed to meet more than one of these objectives, then your best choice may be to combine one of the previous methods with computer-based training. © 2012 Cengage Learning
E-Learning Advantages Disadvantages reduce travel costs
increase productivity decrease employee stress Disadvantages not always the appropriate method not effective for changing behavior or developing problem- solving skills require significant investment in technology many employees find it boring and unengaging © 2012 Cengage Learning
Evaluating Training Reactions Learning Behavior Results
Training can be evaluated in four ways: on reactions (how satisfied trainees were with the program), on learning (how much employees improved their knowledge or skills), on behavior (how much employees actually changed their on-the-job behavior because of training), or on results (how much training improved job performance, such as increased sales or quality, or decreased costs). © 2012 Cengage Learning
Performance Appraisal
The process of appraising how well employee are doing their jobs. Performance appraisal is the process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs. Performance appraisals are used for four broad purposes: making administrative decisions (e.g., pay increase, promotion, retention), providing feedback for employee development (e.g., performance feedback, developing career plans), evaluating human resource programs (e.g., validating selection systems), and for documentation purposes (e.g., documenting performance ratings and decisions based on those ratings). © 2012 Cengage Learning
Accurately Measuring Job Performance
Objective performance measures measures of performance that are easily and directly counted or quantified (output, scrap, sales, etc) Subjective performance measures require that someone judge or assess a worker’s performance © 2012 Cengage Learning
Subjective Performance Appraisal Scales
The most common kind of subjective performance measure is the Graphic Rating Scale (GRS) shown in Exhibit Graphic rating scales are most widely used because they are easy to construct, but they are very susceptible to rating errors. A popular alternative to graphic rating scales is the Behavior Observation Scale (BOS). The BOS requires raters to rate the frequency with which workers perform specific behaviors representative of the job dimensions that are critical to successful job performance. Exhibit 11.8 shows a BOS for two important job dimensions for a retail salesperson: customer service and money handling. Notice that each dimension lists several specific behaviors characteristic of a worker who excels in that dimension of job performance. (Normally, the scale would list seven to twelve items per dimension, not three as in the exhibit.) Notice also that the behaviors are good behaviors, meaning they indicate good performance, and the rater is asked to judge how frequently an employee engaged in those good behaviors. The logic behind the BOS is that better performers engage in good behaviors more often. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Rater Training Frame-of-reference training
a group of trainees learns how to do performance appraisals by watching a video of an employee at work and then evaluating the person’s performance a trainer shares his or her evaluations, and trainees’ evaluations are compared with experts’ expert explains his or her evaluation process repeated until the differences are minimized © 2012 Cengage Learning
Sharing Performance Feedback
360-degree feedback feedback comes from four sources: the boss, subordinates, peers and coworkers, and the employees themselves When receiving feedback, employees become defensive and dislike hearing any negative assessments of their work, no matter how small. Managers become defensive, too, and dislike giving appraisal feedback as much as employees dislike receiving it. What can be done to overcome the inherent difficulties in performance appraisal feedback sessions? Since performance appraisal ratings have traditionally been the judgments of just one person, the boss, one possibility is to use 360-degree feedback. In this approach, feedback comes from four sources: the boss, subordinates, peers and coworkers, and the employees themselves. The data, which are obtained anonymously (except for the boss’s), are compiled into a feedback report comparing the employee’s self-ratings with those of the boss, subordinates, and peers and coworkers. Usually, a consultant or human resource specialist discusses the results with the employee. The advantage of 360-degree programs is that negative feedback (“You don’t listen”) is often more credible when it comes from several people. A word of caution, though: About half of the companies using 360-degree feedback for performance appraisal now use the feedback only for developmental purposes. © 2012 Cengage Learning
What to Discuss in a Performance Appraisal Feedback Session
Herbert Meyer, who has been studying performance appraisal feedback for more than 30 years, recommends a list of topics for discussion in performance appraisal feedback sessions, shown in Exhibit How these topics are discussed in a review session is important for its success. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Improving Performance Reviews
Separate developmental feedback from administrative feedback Performance appraisal feedback sessions should be based on employee self-appraisals What people do with the feedback matters; it helps if people discuss their performance feedback with others, and discuss it with people who provided it Managers can do three different things to make performance reviews as comfortable and productive as possible. First, managers should separate developmental feedback, which is designed to improve future performance, from administrative feedback, which is used to evaluate past performance, often for determining rewards such as raises. When managers give developmental feedback, they’re acting as coaches, but when they give administrative feedback, they’re acting as judges. These roles, coaches and judges, are clearly incompatible. As coaches, managers are encouraging, pointing out opportunities for growth and improvement, and employees are typically open and receptive to feedback. But as judges, managers are evaluative, and employees are typically defensive and closed to feedback. Second, Meyer suggests that performance appraisal feedback sessions be based on self-appraisals, in which employees carefully assess their own strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures in writing. Because employees play an active role in the review of their performance, managers can be coaches rather than judges. Also, because the focus is on future goals and development, both employees and managers are likely to be more satisfied with the process and more committed to future plans and changes. And, because the focus is on development and not administrative assessment, studies show that self-appraisals lead to more candid self-assessments than traditional supervisory reviews do. Finally, what people do with the performance feedback they receive really matters. A study of 1,361 senior managers found that managers who reviewed their 360-degree feedback with an executive coach (hired by the company) were more likely to set specific goals for improvement, ask their bosses for ways to improve, and subsequently improve their performance. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Keeping Qualified Workers
6. describe basic compensation strategies and discuss the four kinds of employee separations © 2012 Cengage Learning
Compensation The financial and nonfinancial rewards that organizations give employees in exchange for their work. Compensation includes both the financial and the nonfinancial rewards that organizations give employees in exchange for their work. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Compensation Decisions
Pay-level decisions Decisions about whether to pay workers at a level above, below, or at current market wages. Job evaluation determines the worth of each job by determining market value of skills required to perform it © 2012 Cengage Learning
Compensation Decisions
Pay-variability decisions The extent to which employees’ pay varies with individual and company performance Piecework Commission Profit sharing Employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) Stock options Piecework, sales commissions, profit sharing, employee stock ownership plans, and stock options are common pay-variability options. For instance, under piecework pay plans, employees are paid a set rate for each item produced up to some standard (e.g., 35 cents per item produced for output up to 100 units per day). Once productivity exceeds the standard, employees are paid a set amount for each unit of output over the standard (e.g., 45 cents for each unit above 100 units). Under a sales commission plan, salespeople are paid a percentage of the purchase price of items they sell. The more they sell, the more they earn. With profit sharing, employees receive a portion of the organization’s profits over and above their regular compensation. The more profitable the company, the more profit is shared. Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) compensate employees by awarding them shares of company stock in addition to their regular compensation. Stock options give employees the right to purchase shares of stock at a set price. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Compensation Decisions
Pay-structure decisions Concerned with internal pay distribution Hierarchical pay structures Compressed pay structures Hierarchical pay structures involve big differences from one pay level to another. The highest pay levels are for people near the top of the pay distribution. The basic idea behind hierarchical pay structures is that large differences in pay between jobs or organizational levels should motivate people to work harder to obtain those higher-paying jobs. By contrast, compressed pay structures typically have fewer pay levels and smaller differences in pay between levels. Pay is less dispersed and more similar across jobs in the company. The basic idea behind compressed pay structures is that similar pay levels should lead to higher levels of cooperation, feelings of fairness and a common purpose, and better group and team performance. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Employment Separation
A broad term covering the loss of an employee for any reason. Involuntary separation Voluntary separation Involuntary separation occurs when employers decide to terminate or lay off employees. Voluntary separation occurs when employees decide to quit or retire. Because employee separations affect recruiting, selection, training, and compensation, organizations should forecast the number of employees they expect to lose through termination, layoff, turnover, and/or retirement when doing human resource planning. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Terminating Employees
In most situations, firing should not be the first option. Employees should be fired only for a good reason (wrongful discharge). Employees should always be fired in private. © 2012 Cengage Learning
The planned elimination of jobs in a company.
Downsizing The planned elimination of jobs in a company. May actually decrease productivity and lead to loss of skilled workers. If companies do find themselves in financial or strategic situations where downsizing is required for survival, however, they should train managers in how to break the news to downsized employees, have senior managers explain in detail why downsizing is necessary, and time the announcement so that employees hear it from the company and not from other sources, such as TV or newspaper reports. Finally, companies should do everything they can to help downsized employees find other jobs. One of the best ways to do this is to use outplacement services that provide employment counseling for people faced with downsizing. Outplacement services often include advice and training in preparing résumés, getting ready for job interviews, and even identifying job opportunities in other companies. Fifty-five percent of companies provide outplacement services for laid-off employees, 76 percent provide extended health coverage, and 45 percent offer extended access to employee assistance programs. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Guidelines for Conducting Layoffs
Provide clear reasons and explanations for the layoffs. To avoid laying off employees with critical or irreplaceable skills, knowledge, and expertise, get input from human resources, the legal department, and several levels of management. Train managers in how to tell employees that they are being laid off (i.e., stay calm; make the meeting short; explain why, but don’t be personal; and provide information about immediate concerns such as benefits, finding a new job, and collecting personal goods). Give employees the bad news early in the day, and try to avoid laying off employees before holidays. Provide outplacement services and counseling to help laid-off employees find new jobs. Communicate with employees who have not been laid off to explain how the company and their jobs will change. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Retirement Early retirement incentive program (ERIP) Phased retirement
offer financial benefits to employees to encourage them to retire early. reduces number of employees, lowers costs, creates new openings Phased retirement employees transition to retirement by working reduced hours before completely retiring © 2012 Cengage Learning
The loss of employees who choose to leave the company.
Employee Turnover The loss of employees who choose to leave the company. Functional turnover Dysfunctional turnover Employee turnover should be carefully analyzed to determine whether good or poor performers are choosing to leave the organization. If the company is losing too many high performers, managers should determine the reasons and find ways to reduce the loss of valuable employees. The company may have to raise salary levels, offer enhanced benefits, or improve working conditions to retain skilled workers. Functional turnover is the loss of poor-performing employees who choose to leave the organization. Functional turnover gives the organization a chance to replace poor performers with better workers. By contrast, dysfunctional turnover, the loss of high performers who choose to leave, is a costly loss to the organization. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Played How would you write the job description for the recruits who will carry out the task discussed in this scene? Would you say this is an example of internal or external recruiting? Is compensation discussed? Thief-for-hire Ray Burns (Mick Rossi) just served 8 years of prison time thanks to a crooked cop (Vinnie Jones). Now he’s back on the streets and plans to settle the score. Played is a fast-moving crime thriller from The film is a gritty look inside London’s criminal underground. In this clip from the movie, a shipment of heroin is arriving from Amsterdam, and they’re making plans to pick it up. But first they need to assemble a team. © 2012 Cengage Learning
Barcelona Restaurant Group
1. List the three main activities of human resource management (HRM) and identify which activity is examined at length in the video. 2. Of the various steps in Barcelona’s employee selection process, the job interview is the most brief. Do you agree with the company’s approach to interviewing? Why or why not? 3. Describe Barcelona’s three-stage process for matching job applicants with its organizational objectives, and explain how each stage reveals the fit between job applicants and the needs of the restaurant. Barcelona Restaurant Group At the Barcelona Restaurant Group, turnover among wait staff is 60 to 70 percent. One way that Barcelona tries to reduce turnover is to select the right people using a three-stage recruitment process. First, lead-ers conduct 20-minute interviews with dozens of candidates. Next, applicants are asked to spend $100 dollars at a Barcelona restaurant and write an essay about the event. The third step is “the trail,” when job candidates command the floor, interact with wait staff and customers, and demonstrate job skills. Approximately one-fourth of the candidates who go on a trail can expect to be hired. At the end of the day, according to Scott Lawton, people either possess the necessary intelligence and skills to run a restaurant or they don’t. The industry doesn’t have much time for learning curves, and the success or failure of any establishment depends on the performance of competent self-motivated employees. © 2012 Cengage Learning
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