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Emerging Skill Development Landscape of India Rajiv Mathur Head, Standards and QA, NSDC December 06,2014 New Delhi.

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Presentation on theme: "Emerging Skill Development Landscape of India Rajiv Mathur Head, Standards and QA, NSDC December 06,2014 New Delhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerging Skill Development Landscape of India Rajiv Mathur Head, Standards and QA, NSDC December 06,2014 New Delhi

2 2 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. The institutional framework for skill development has been created in the country Government Initiatives 23 Central Ministries State Ministries Mandate to skill 350 million people by 2022 National Skill Development Corporation Target of skilling/up-skilling 150 million people by 2022 by fostering private sector initiatives Government Initiatives Private sector initiatives Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

3 3 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. 3 A Country with the richest demographic dividend… 1991Age200120112021 47.8% of India’s population is below 29 years increasing to 49.9% in 2021 India will add significantly to its labor pool, even as the median age rises by FY2026E, it will be relatively young India should ensure that working population are skilled to meet requirements of the industries.

4 Source: Statistics of School Education 2010 ‐ 11 & Statistics of Higher and Technical Education 2010-11 - MHRD 135mn 62mn 51mn 24mn 4mn Class I-V Class VI-VIII Class IX-XII UG/Diploma PG/Masters/PhD 73mn 11mn 27mn 20mn Drop-Outs Education LevelEnrollments Every Year 130 M Plus Join the Workforce 20 Million students are getting out at the Graduate Level without any skills

5 5 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2014 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Key NSDC Initiatives Funding of Vocational Training Institutions Setting up of Sector Skill Councils Creation of Knowledge database through Research and Skill Gap Studies – at national, state, district and sector levels & LMIS Creation of an “enabling” environment through tie-ups with 3 rd parties for student funding Making Skilling “Aspirational” through a focused media campaign Lead India’s participation in World Skill Competitions International Engagements Tie ups with States and Ministries for alignment to NSDC Skilling Systems Support policy initiatives like Udaan, NVEQF, Trainer Studies

6 6 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2014 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Evolution of Sector Skill Councils – From Coffee Table Talk to 31 in four years – astounding achievement Priority Sector Large Workforce Informal Sectors  Auto  Retail  IT/ITeS  Security Media and Entertainment Healthcare Gems & Jewelry Leather Electronics BFSI Logistics Food Processing Life Sciences Hospitality Textiles & Handlooms Apparels Handicrafts Power Iron & Steel Construction Hydrocarbons Management Chemical & Petrochemicals Strategic Manufacturing Allied Manufacturing Furniture & Furnishing Education 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (Plan)  Rubber Telecom Capital Goods Agriculture Aerospace & Aviation Mining Sports Paints & Coatings FMCG Instrumentation  Beauty & Wellness Plumbing Culture Domestic Workers 31 Sector Skill Councils Approved by NSDC Board; 300+ Corporate Representatives in Governing Councils

7 7 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Typical Representation in Sector Skill Council TRAINING PROVIDERS Sector Skills Councils INDUSTRY MEMBERS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS BUSINESS LEADERS NSDC GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION

8 8 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. 8 Education Levels versus Interpretation of NSQF Skill Levels EducationAcademic Level Class 91 Class 102 Class 113 Class 124 1 st Year of Graduation5 2 nd Year of Graduation6 3 rd Year of Graduation7 1 st Year of PG8 2 nd Year of PG9 PhD10 SkillHow NSQF Levels could be Interpreted No Skill – Educated/ Uneducated 1 Skill with some experience 2 Semi Skilled 3 Skilled 4 Supervisor of Skilled Worker 5 Supervisor’s Supervisor 6 Manager of Supervisor 7 Junior Management 8 Middle Level Management 9 Senior Level Management 10 School NSQF Educated but not Skilled Educated and Skilled

9 Status of Qualification Packs/National Occupational Standards* QPs under Development 1 Media and Entertainment 2 Capital Goods 3 Apparels 4 Life Sciences 5 Mining 6 Iron and Steel 7 Beauty and Wellness 8 Tourism and Hospitality 9 Infrastructure Equipment 10 Logistics 11 BFSI 12 Handicrafts 13 Food Processing 14 Power 15 Textiles Coverage of 80% Entry Level Job Roles * As of 30 th November 2014 85 Active NSDC Partners have aligned 860 Courses to QP-NOS S.No Sector No. of QPs Total No. of NOSs Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 8 1Agriculture42224 343221 2Apparel1772 21041 3Automotive188519 1617493849172 4 Beauty & Wellness 314 12 5BFSI620 15 6Capital Goods56120 1712216 7Construction126666 8Electronics139253 13376281 9Gems & Jewellery871171632221754 10Healthcare28258 2251 11IT-ITES75127 7171473 12Leather2261 8 14 13Logistics4192 11 14Life Science512 14 15 Media & Entertainment 4788 3 2031102 16Mining10351 27 17Plumbing265124922232 18Retail9371111 19Rubber7088 15322291 20Security967 234 21Telecom33103 315852 22 Tourism & Hospitality 515 13 1 Total8932366136513234315579849

10 10 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. MHRD NSQF SCHOOLS PROJECT 10 States have aligned vocational curriculum in Schools to National Occupational Standards

11 11 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. 11 NSDC Engagement in School NSQF System Based on National Occupational Standards and SSC Assessment & Certification 10 States, 1290 schools 2 Boards – Benefitting over 2.50 Lakh Students State/BoardSchools (In 2014-15) SectorsStudents who will be benefitted Haryana240 Automotive, Healthcare, Retail, Security, IT-ITeS, Beauty and Wellness, Sports, Gems and Jewelry 23,000 Himachal Pradesh200 Automotive, Healthcare, Retail, Security, IT-ITeS, Agriculture 18,000 Uttarakhand44Automotive, Healthcare, Retail, IT-ITeS5,000 Madhya Pradesh50Automotive, IT-ITeS2,500 Punjab100 Automotive, Retail, IT/ITES, Security, B&W and Healthcare 5,000 Rajasthan70 Automotive, Gems & Jewellery, Healthcare, Travel & Tourism and Beauty & Wellness 3,500 Maharashtra350 Automotive, Healthcare, IT-ITeS, Construction, Capital Goods 15,000 Nagaland6IT-ITeS300 Karnataka200Automotive, Healthcare, IT-ITeS, Retail15,000 Chhattisgarh30Automotive, Retail and IT-ITES2,000 NIOS Open- School Security, IT-ITeS, Retail, Electronics, G&J, Telecom (Launching Pilot Delhi-NCR) 1,00,000 CBSE Pan India in CBSE Automotive, IT-ITeS, Gems and Jewelry, Beauty and Wellness, Retail 50,000

12 12 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Common Model across all MHRD NSQF Implementations Adoption of National Occupational Standards at NSQF level 4 in building Schools Skills Curriculum by PSSCIVE Training of Trainers by Sector Skill Councils Assessment and Joint Certification on Skills Component by Sector Skill Councils Placement Facilitation of Desirous Students by Sector Skill Councils Common Framework: Implementation Model Involvement of NSDC Training Partners for Implementation

13 13 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2011 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. NSDC Initiated Private Sector Involvement in Schools NSDC signed MOU with TATA Motors Under the MOU Tata Motors will intervene in class XII in Schools which have Automotive as a Vocational Elective Introduce add-on module specific to their needs Endeavour would be to offer employment to all students (with Auto as Vocational Elective) desirous of working In addition, as pilot Tata Motors will fund Vocational Education in 5 schools of Uttrakhand – add OJT as additional module

14 14 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Certificate Sample – Exhibiting Joint Certification

15 15 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. 3 Universities have introduced Skill Based Courses aligned to National Occupational Standards to increase Employability of Students … More in the pipeline… HIGHER EDUCATION MODEL

16 16 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2013 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. 16 Employment Equation Education Attitude Skills Employment

17 17 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2014 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Higher Education Model Identification of Sectors and job roles on QP – NOS (NSQF level 5 to 7) Identification of Sectors and job roles on QP – NOS (NSQF level 5 to 7) Implementation model (Integration as per university norms) Curriculum Alignment and Capacity Building workshops Standardised Training Delivery by NSDC Training Partners Process map and Standard Operating Guidelines Allocation of Infrastructure by University Internships and On- the – job Training Assessment and certification by Sector Skill Council Last Mile Employability and Entrepreneurship Opportunities

18 18 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2014 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Roles and Responsibilities of University and NSDC Ecosystem NSDC / SSC Skill gap Analysis and Identification of sectors and job roles Development of National Occupational Standards Quality Control of Training Training of Trainers Training Delivery by Training Partners Industry interface Question bank for joint assessment Assessment and certification Placement Facilitation Orientation Seminars for students Setting up of labs for Practical sessions Implementation of skill based training as per the time table Organising guest lectures Internships Courseware aligned to QP- NOS Monitoring and Evaluation Placement Facilitation Allocation of Infrastructure Assistance in student mobilization Time table adjustment for optional or compulsory courses Administrative support for day to day management Joint certification on skilling component University / Colleges

19 19 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2014 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. NSDC Engagement in Higher Education System Leading to NSDC TP Implementation and SSC Assessment and Certification Name of the UniversityNo of Colleges Savitribhai Phule University of Pune663 colleges 57 autonomous institutions University of Delhi67 colleges (including NCWEB and SOL) University Grants Commission (UGC)150 Community Colleges 127 Colleges for B.Voc Degree Programme Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU)155 Learning Resource Centers 204 Community Colleges Centurion University 4 Colleges Under Discussions – MDU, Jamia Milia Islamia

20 20 Proprietary and confidential. This information does not represent and should not be construed as, legal or professional advice. © 2014 NSDC. All Rights Reserved. Skilling Advocacy Skill Gap Studies National Skill Certificate 742 National Occupational Standards Skill Call Center Skill TV Show STAR Campaign Participating with Government of India in Implementing Vocational Education in Schools, Technical Institutions 1 M Skill Trainings in last FY 29 Sector Skill Councils

21 Thank You

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