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Empolyment, Labor, and Wages
CHAPTER 8 Empolyment, Labor, and Wages
Section 1: The Labor Movement
Main Idea: Labor unions are organizations that attempt to improve the working conditions of their members through joint action. Objectives: Explain why unions are still important today.. Discuss the development of the labor movement from the late 1700s to the 1930s. Relate labor’s successes during the Great Depression. Describe the major labor developments since World War II.
Section 1 Introduction Labor issues appear in the news all the time. After all, working for a living is one of the single most important things we do. How well we do, as measured by the satisfaction we get and the income we receive, affects virtually every other aspect of our lives. Accordingly, any study of economics that ignores the way the “labor” factor of production earns its income would be incomplete.
Section 1 Introduction (cont.)
The study of labor is part of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the economy as a whole, including employment, gross domestic product, inflation, economic growth, and the distribution of income. For example, the population of the United States by mid-2003 was approximately 291 million people.
Section 1 Introduction (cont.)
Slightly more than half, or about 146 million, belonged to the civilian labor force–men and women 16 years old and over who are either working or actively looking for a job. For example, the population of the United States in 1999 was approximately 274 million people. The civilian classification excludes members of the armed forces, the prison population, and other institutionalized persons.
Introduction (cont.) Nearly 85 percent of those employed had no connection with unions, 13.2 percent were members of unions, and 1.4 percent were nonunion members being represented by unions.
Introduction (cont.) Although the percentage of union workers is small, unions are important for two reasons. First, they played a major role in promoting legislation that affects pay levels and working conditions today. Second, unions are a force in the economy, with membership of nearly 16 million people.
Introduction (cont.) Figure 8.2 Union Membership and Representation by Industry Historically, unions tended to be concentrated in heavy manufacturing industries. More recently, unions have made inroads in the service sector, especially among government workers.
Early Union Development
The nation’s first unions were comprised of skilled workers. After the Civil War, as industry expanded, the labor force became more unified. Two types of unions developed—the trade union and the industrial union. Unions used strikes, pickets, and boycotts to help members get better pay, better hours, and job security.
Early Union Development (cont.)
Employers resisted unions through lockouts, firings, and even setting up company unions. Historically, the courts have viewed unions with hostility.
Early Union Development (cont.)
Figure 8.3 Trade (Craft) and Industrial Unions
Labor During the Great Depression
Unemployment and cut wages marked the decade of the Great Depression and encouraged unions to organize workers. The government began to pass laws protecting unions.
Labor Since World War II
After World War II, new laws began to limit union activity. The AFL-CIO was created when two powerful unions joined forces. Independent unions are those that do not belong to the AFL-CIO.
Section 2: Resolving Union and Management differences
Main Idea: Unions and management negotiate contracts through a process that is known as collective bargaining. Objectives: Explain the differences among kinds of union arrangements. Describe several ways to resolve labor and management differences when collective bargaining fails.
Section 2 Introduction Over the years, many disputes have occurred between labor and management. Sometimes employees take action against their employer, as during the 1981 air traffic controllers’ strike. Sometimes the employer takes action against its employees, as in the case of the 1998–1999 NBA lockout. While the NBA was finally able to settle its difficulties, there are still other ways to resolve the deadlock had they needed them.
Kinds of Union Arrangements
In a closed shop, the employer agrees to hire only union members. In a union shop, most workers belong to a union. In a modified union shop, workers cannot be made to join the union. In an agency shop, workers must pay union dues, whether or not they are union members.
Kinds of Union Arrangements
Figure 8.4 Right to Work, State by State
Collective Bargaining
When labor and management agree to mediation, a neutral person helps settle the dispute. With arbitration, labor and management agree to abide by a third party’s decision. Disputes also can be resolved through fact-finding, in which a neutral third party presents non-binding recommendations. The government also can get involved in labor disputes by issuing injunctions or resorting to seizures.
Collective Bargaining (cont.)
The president can intervene by publicly appealing to both parties to resolve their differences, by firing federal workers who have broken their oath not to strike (1981 air traffic controllers), and in some cases by using emergency powers (1997 American Airline pilots).
Section 3: Labor and Wages
Main Idea: Wages differ for a variety of reasons, including skills, type of job, and location. Objectives: Identify four main categories of labor. Explain the importance of noncompeting labor grades. Describe three different approaches to wage determination.
Section 3 Introduction Investment in human capital is one of the more important investments we can make. The extent to which we invest in our own level of skills, experience, and knowledge even affects the way we describe and classify labor.
Categories of Labor Unskilled laborers make some of the lowest wages. Semiskilled workers do jobs that require a minimum amount of training. Skilled workers hold jobs that require experience and training. Professional workers do jobs that require a high level of knowledge-based education and managerial skills.
Noncompeting Labor Grades
People must have the ability, the initiative, and the money to obtain additional education and training. Sometimes people are faced with a lack of opportunity for additional training and education. Sometimes people lack the initiative they need to get ahead.
Wage Determination The traditional theory of wage determination says that supply and demand together will determine the equilibrium wage rate. The theory of negotiated wages uses organized labor’s bargaining strength to help explain wage differentials. According to the signaling theory, employers are willing to pay more for those people with certain indicators of superior ability.
Wage Determination (cont.)
Figure 8.5 A The Traditional Theory of Wage Determination
Wage Determination (cont.)
Figure 8.5 B The Traditional Theory of Wage Determination
Wage Determination (cont.)
Figure 8.6 Median Weekly Earnings by Occupation and Union Affiliation
Regional Wage Differences
Wages can vary when demand for certain skilled positions exceeds supply. Employers tend to offer higher wages in areas where the cost of living is higher than normal. People sometimes are willing to accept lower wages if the location of the job is attractive to them.
Section 4: Employment Trends and Issues
Main Idea: Important employment issues include union decline, unequal pay, and the minimum wage. Objectives: Explain why union membership has declined. Describe reasons for the discrepancy in pay between men and women.
Section 4 Introduction Important issues abound in today’s labor market. The two-tier wage structure and other issues have an enormous impact on morale–and consequently, productivity– in the economy.
Decline of Union Influence
Union membership has declined because of unfriendly businesses, new workers with little loyalty to organized labor, and cutbacks in production by unionized companies. Businesses are using givebacks, bankruptcy claims, and two-tier wage systems to lower union-negotiated wages.
Decline of Union Influence (cont.)
Figure 8.7 Union Membership
Lower Pay for Women Women, on the whole, have less experience and education to bring to the working world then their male counterparts. Some higher paying jobs have a larger percentage of male workers, while some lower paying jobs have a larger percentage of female workers. The glass ceiling is an example of the discrimination women face in the workplace.
Lower Pay for Women (cont.)
The Equal Pay Act and the Civil Rights Act both work to prevent wage and salary discrimination. Some states hope to close the gender income gap by defining jobs of comparable worth (equal pay for equal work). Set-aside contracts are contracts that will be made only with a specific group.
Lower Pay for Women (cont.)
Figure 8.8 Median Female Income as a Percentage of Male Income
Part-Time Workers Part-time workers cost employers less in benefits. Critics say part-time employment’s low wages and lack of benefits make it difficult for workers to earn a decent living.
The Minimum Wage Opponents claim the minimum wage does not promote economic freedom. In current dollars, the minimum wage appears to have risen over time. Measurements in real dollars take inflation into account. The ratio of minimum wage to manufacturing wage has been steadily decreasing for the past 30 years.
Key Terms Macroeconomics unskilled labor civilian labor force
semiskilled labor craft union skilled labor trade union professional labor industrial union noncompeting labor grades strike wage rate picket traditional theory of wage determination boycott equilibrium wage rate lockout theory of negotiated wages company union seniority Great Depression signaling theory right-to-work law labor mobility independent union Giveback closed shop two-tier wage system union shop glass ceiling modified union shop comparable worth agency shop set-aside contract grievance procedure part-time worker mediation minimum wage arbitration current dollars fact-finding real or constant dollars injunction base year Seizure
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