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Extensions of submodularity and their application in computer vision

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Presentation on theme: "Extensions of submodularity and their application in computer vision"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extensions of submodularity and their application in computer vision
Vladimir Kolmogorov IST Austria Heidelberg, 14 November 2014

2 Discrete Optimization in Computer Vision
Minimize Known as MAP inference in a graphical model maximim a posteriori estimation Energy minimization

3 Ising model Submodular function
Minimizing f : maxflow algorithm (“graph cuts”) In Microsoft Powerpoint 2010 Two more examples Interactive image segmentation

4 Potts model NP-hard problem (for k>2)
Efficient approximation algorithms “alpha-expansion” [Boykov et al.’01]: 2-approximation Two more examples Object recognition

5 Partial optimality Partial labeling: 1 5 6 2 4 7 3
Two more examples Optimal if can be extended to a minimizer of f

6 Partial optimality Strategy:
construct function g over partial labelings - k-submodular relaxation of f minimize g Two more examples 7 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 Classes of problems submodular functions k-submodular functions
... Potts functions Part I: Complete classification of tractable classes For finite-valued VCSP languages Part II: Application of k-submodular functions Obtaining partial optimality Efficient algorithm for the Potts model tractable NP-hard Two more examples

8 Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem (VCSP)
D: fixed set of labels, e.g. D = {a,b,c} Language G: a set of cost functions VCSP(G): class of functions that can be expressed as a sum of functions from G with overlapping sets of vars Goal: minimize this sum Complexity of G? G-instance: example:

9 Classifications for finite-valued CSPs
Theorem If G admits a binary symmetric fractional polymorphism then it can be solved in polynomial time by Basic LP relaxation (BLP) [Thapper,Živný FOCS’12], [K ICALP’13] Otherwise G is NP-hard [Thapper,Živný STOC’13] For CSPs classification still open [Feder-Vardi conjecture] Every G is either tractable or NP-hard CSP: contains functions

10 Submodular functions 4 3 2 1

11 New classes of functions

12 Useful classes Submodular functions k-submodular functions
Pairwise functions: can be solved via maxflow (“graph cuts”) Lots of applications in computer vision k-submodular functions Partial optimality for functions of k-valued variables This talk: efficient algorithm for Potts energy [Gridchyn, K ICCV’13]

13 Partial optimality Input: function
Partial labeling is optimal if it can be extended to a full optimal labeling

14 Partial optimality Input: function
Partial labeling is optimal if it can be extended to a full optimal labeling Can be viewed as a labeling

15 k-submodular relaxations
Input: function

16 k-submodular relaxations
Input: function Construct extension which is k-submodular Minimize Theorem: Minimum of partially optimal

17 k-submodularity Function is k-submodular if

18 k-submodular relaxations
Case k = 2 ([K’10,12]) Bisubmodular relaxation Characterizes extensions of QPBO Case k > 2 [Gridchyn,K ICCV’13] : - efficient method for Potts energies [Wahlström SODA’14] : - used for FPT algorithms

19 k-submodular relaxations for Potts energy

20 k-submodular relaxations for Potts energy
d(a,b) : tree metric

21 k-submodular relaxations for Potts energy
3 4 10 gi (·) : k-submodular relaxation of fi (·) 1.5

22 k-submodular relaxations for Potts energy
Minimizing g : O(log k) maxflows Alternative approach: [Kovtun ’03,’04] Stronger than k-submodular relaxations (labels more) Can be solved by the same approach! complexity: k => O(log k) maxflows Part of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’’ [Alahari et al.’08,’10] Our tests for stereo: 50-93% labeled with 9x9 windows Speeds up alpha-expansion for unlabeled part

23 Tree Metrics [Felzenszwalb et al.’10]: O(log k) maxflows for

24 Tree Metrics [Felzenszwalb et al.’10]: O(log k) maxflows for
[This work]: extension to more general unary terms new proof of correctness

25 Special case: Total Variation
Convex unary terms Reduction to parametric maxflow [Hochbaum’01], [Chambolle’05], [Darbon,Sigelle’05]

26 New condition: T-convexity
Convexity for any pair of adjacent edges:

27 Algorithm: divide-and-conquer
Pick edge (a,b) Compute

28 Algorithm: divide-and-conquer
Pick edge (a,b) Compute Claim: g has a minimizer as shown below Solve two subproblems recursively

29 Achieving balanced splits
For star graphs, all splits are unbalanced Solution [Felzenszwalb et al.’10]: insert a new short edge modify unary terms gi (·) accordingly

30 Algorithm illustration
k = 7 labels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 5 6 7 1 2 3 4

31 Algorithm illustration
k = 7 labels: 2 3 1 4 5 7 6 5,6,7 2 3 1,2,3,4 1 4 5 7 6

32 Algorithm illustration
k = 7 labels: 1,2 5,6,7 3,4

33 Algorithm illustration
k = 7 labels: 5,6 1,2 3,4 7

34 Algorithm illustration
k = 7 labels: 1 5 6 2 4 7 3 “Kovtun labeling” unlabeled part, run alpha-expansion maxflows

35 Stereo results

36 Proof of correctness (sketch)

37 Proof of correctness (sketch)
For labeling x and edge (a,b) define

38 Proof of correctness (sketch)
For labeling x and edge (a,b) define

39 Proof of correctness (sketch)
Coarea formula:

40 Proof of correctness (sketch)
Coarea formula:

41 Proof of correctness (sketch)
Coarea formula:

42 Proof of correctness (sketch)
Coarea formula:

43 Proof of correctness (sketch)
Coarea formula:

44 Proof of correctness (sketch)
Coarea formula: Equivalent problem: minimize with subject to consistency constraints Equivalent to independent minimizations of - consistency holds automatically due to convexity of

45 Extension to trees Coarea formula:

46 Summary Part I: Complete characterization of tractable finite-valued CSPs Part II: k-submodular relaxations for partial optimality For Potts model: cast Kovtun’s approach as k-submodular function minimization O(log k) algorithm generalized alg. of [Felzenswalb et al’10] for tree metrics Future work: k-submodular relaxations for other functions?

47 positions are available
postdoc & PhD student positions are available

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