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Ministry of Women and Child Development 1. Focus Areas Addressing the needs of over 70% of people To empower women to live with confidence, dignity and.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Women and Child Development 1. Focus Areas Addressing the needs of over 70% of people To empower women to live with confidence, dignity and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Women and Child Development 1

2 Focus Areas Addressing the needs of over 70% of people To empower women to live with confidence, dignity and economic & educational abilities To nurture children to develop to their full potential, make them safe and healthy in protective environments 2

3 Our Commitment Children Child survival, development, protection & participation Nutrition Addressing trafficking, missing children Combating Sexual abuse Tackling juvenile crime Strengthening child protection systems Women Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: improving the Child Sex Ratio Safety & Security Health: Nutrition & Pregnancy Skill development Removing Gender disparity Restructuring RMK Empowerment 3

4 Flagship Initiatives since June 2014 Beti Bachao Beti Padhao National Mission to address mal- nutrition 4

5 5

6 Child Sex Ratio (CSR) is measured as number of girls in age group of (0-6 years) per thousand boys - A powerful indicator of Social Response & Attitude towards Girl Child - Constantly declining since 1961; From 927 in 2001 to 918 in 2011 (Census 2011) 6 Defining the Problem

7 2001 Source: RGI Decline in Child Sex Ratio 2011 7

8 2001 2011 Focus on 100 Low CSR Districts 8

9 MULTI-SECTORAL INTERVENTIONS M-WCD M-HRD M-HFW Registration of pregnancies in first trimester in AWCs Improved access to: ICDS: community centres & toilets SABLA Creche Working Women’s Hostels Effective implementation of POCSO & other Acts Monitor implementation of PC&PNDT Increased institutional deliveries Registration of births Strengthening PNDT Cells Setting up Monitoring Committees Universal enrolment of girls Decreased drop-out rate Girl friendly school Strict implementation of RTE Training of stakeholders Community Mobilization & Sensitization Gender Champions Reward & recognition of institutions & frontline workers 9

10 Logo designed through crowd sourcing Over 3100 entries received Winner of the competition is Shri. Raghvendra from Hyderabad Cash award of Rs 50,000 and a scroll will be given 10

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12 URL: 12

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14 National Nutrition Mission Build on initiatives of States, encourage local innovations Involve panchayats & communities, reward & recognise malnutrition free panchayats Life Cycle approach; focus on pregnant & lactating mothers, children under 3 years and adolescent girls Converge district implementation plans from 2015 – Health, ICDS, Swach Bharat, Matritva Sahyog Yojana, Scheme for Adolescent Girls Begin implementation with joint village contact programme Address under-nutrition through multi-sectoral approach Integrate nutrition in health monitoring & tracking systems 14

15 Integrated Child Development Services Community outreach in 13.42 lakh habitations 24.5 lakh workers (AW workers, helpers), local community women Health, nutrition & early learning for 8.5 crore children (0-6 years) Health & nutrition to 1.96 crore Pregnant & Lactating Mothers Decentralisation: State Implementation Plans & progressively District Implementation Plans Invest in Anganwadi Workers: Infrastructure, Training, IT, incentives, vacancies Monitoring system – IT based solutions Toll-free Helpline In the next 5 years, malnutrition to be brought down to 30% and 100% Swach Bharat Anganwadi Centres to be achieved 15

16 Child Protection Integrated Child Protection Scheme Through public-private partnership and revised recently with enhanced financial norms. Provides funds to States for implementation of JJ Act, and for running of Child Care Institutions Supports Childline services in 282 locations National Portal for missing and found children: Track Child 16

17 CHILDLINE Emergency Outreach Service (1098) for children in distress Available in 282 locations through 543 partner organisations across India Calls received last year (2013-14) - 38,22,081 Kind of calls received:  medical help (11%)  emotional support and guidance(13%)  protection from abuse (26%)  shelter (13%)  missing children (4%)  restoration (7%)  children in conflict with law (0.4%), etc. Operated through single centralized call centre at Mumbai catering to North and West zone Three Centres for South & East zone with state of art technology being set up 17


19 TRACKCHILD National Portal to address issue of missing children with Two Modules:  Module for Missing children-relevant for police  Module for Found Children-relevant for child care institutions 27,092 children matched since 2008 Data of:  6,410 out of 17,046 police stations uploaded  1,30,774 missing children uploaded by 6,410 police stations  2,626 out of 4,707 child care institutions uploaded  1,63,845 children uploaded by child care institutions 19


21 ADOPTION 21 Simplification of Adoption Rules Redesigning the business process and adoption related website Inspection of Children Homes Foster Care

22 FOSTER CARE Family based non-institutional care for children deprived of parental care Children live with extended family, friend or member of community for temporary or extended period Provision of Rs 10 lakh per district provided under ICPS as District Sponsorship and Foster Care fund Financial support of Rs.2000 provided per child per month Guidelines on implementing foster care program being finalized 22

23 Women Safety Nirbhaya Cetres Women Helpline, 181, to have national coverage SWADHAR Scheme for establishing short stay homes in all districts for destitute women UJJWALA Scheme for trafficked women: shelters with medical, counselling, legal and rehab facilities. Working Women Hostels: 294 districts have hostels accommodating 68,400 women, balance 353 districts to be covered. 23

24 One Stop Centre : Nirbhaya Centre To provide an immediate response & assistance to women affected by violence To be established in each district headquarter in 660 locations across the country in a phased manner Centres will be integrated with the Women Helpline (181) which is being universalized and will be linked with other existing helplines Package of Services - medical aid, police assistance, legal aid & counseling, psycho-social counseling, and temporary shelter Will be overseen by the Local Management Committee headed by the DC 24

25 Women Empowerment National Women’s Policy, 2001 to be revised Review of family laws by High Level Committee, report submitted, expert consultations have commenced Revamp Rashtriya Mahila Kosh, synergise with Bharatiya Mahila Bank Linking skills with employment, through the STEP programme, and in partnership with the private sector Awards for exceptional contributions by women, at district and State levels, to be presented on International Women’s Day Extending PM’s initiative of “Make in India”: Linking women artisans to the market through exclusive “Women of India” stores 25

26 MWCD & J&K Relief Operations Ministry has provided 214 metric tones(mts) of ready to eat food for the flood victims in J&K Spare capacity of ICDS take home ration manufacturers tapped for this Food packets airlifted from Hyderabad by IAF 26


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