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Virginia Department of Education August 2014
Alternate/Alternative Assessments Administrator Update Training Virginia Department of Education August 2014
Purpose of this Training
To update DDOTs, Special Education Directors, Title III Coordinators, and instructional leaders on pertinent issues and changes regarding the Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA), the Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program (VSEP), the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP), and the Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST). Administrators are expected to share this information with other school leaders, teachers, and parents.
Important Information
Legislation in the 2014 General Assembly eliminated the following Standards of Learning (SOL) tests: Grade 3 Science Grade 3 History/ Social Science Grade 5 Writing United States History I United States History II Based on the elimination of these tests, corresponding VGLA and VAAP assessments in these content areas will no longer be available.
Important Information
“Due to the number of VGLA Assessments and the significant decrease in the statewide participation in the VGLA, beginning with the school year, the VGLA Assessments will be eliminated as an assessment option for student with disabilities in all content areas. Please note, however, that while VGLA Assessments are being eliminated for students with disabilities beginning in ; at this time, the VGLA Reading tests will continue to be available for eligible students with limited English proficiency.” Supt. Memo # dated August 1, 2014
Important Information
Use of Interpreters for alternate/alternative participants who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Testing Memo No ( September 10, 2013) provides guidance regarding the role of the interpreter before, during, and after the evidence gathering process. The Virginia Assessment Program Interpreter’s Affidavit has been added to the Implementation Manuals (VGLA - Appendix B, VAAP - Appendix D and VSEP – Appendix P).
Important Information
resources for the VGLA, VSEP and VAAP are available on the Virginia Department of Education web-site at Resources include: Implementation Manuals* Administrator’s Manual* Participation Criteria Program Forms Professional Development Presentations Student Evidence Identification (SEI Tags) VAAP Aligned Standards of Learning VGLA Worksheets VSEP Evaluation Plans * These manuals are also available locally from the Division Director of Testing
Important Information
The Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST) is only available for: Algebra I and End-of Course (EOC) Reading to students with disabilities eligible to use credit accommodations for the Standard Diploma Grade 8 mathematics and reading for students with disabilities pursuing a Modified Standard Diploma. The Modified Standard Diploma is available only to students who entered the 9th grade for the first time prior to the school year.
Program Updates will include…
Program Overview and Eligibility Information What’s New for Important Reminders Important Dates Information from Scoring or Audits Implementation Manuals will be referenced throughout the presentation.
VGLA Program Update
VGLA An evidence-based alternative assessment for the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests Available to eligible students with disabilities in Grade 5 Science, Grade 8 Science, Grade 8 Writing, Virginia Studies, and Civics and Economics. Virginia Studies and Civics and Economics must be assessed at the same grade levels as their non-disabled peers. Available to eligible Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in grades 3-8 in Reading only 2014 – 2015 VGLA Implementation Manual p. 1
Students with Disabilities
Eligibility determined by IEP Team/504 Committee and documented in the IEP or 504 plan. Eligibility determinations must be made on an individual and course- by-course basis. Eligibility must be based on Participation Criteria qualifying questions, supporting documentation, and justification statement. Participation Criteria forms and additional information are provided in the Procedures for Participation of Students with Disabilities in Virginia’s Accountability System available at 2014– 2015 VGLA Implementation Manual p. 1
LEP Students Eligibility for VGLA Reading must be determined by the LEP team and documented in the student’s LEP plan. Eligibility decisions are based on: WIDA ACCESS for ELLs Composite Score OR WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT) OR WIDA Measurement of Developing English Language (Model) Assessment Additional information is available in Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia Assessment Program available at VGLA Implementation Manual p. 1
LEP Students with Disabilities
Referred to as “dually identified” students IEP/504 committees and LEP committees must work collaboratively to determine VGLA Reading participation and accommodations based on LEP and disability statuses. Assessment participation and accommodations must be documented in the IEP/504 plan and the LEP Assessment Participation Plan. VGLA Implementation Manual p. 1-2
Important Reminders Anecdotal records and captioned photographs are not allowed as VGLA evidence. VGLA evidence must be collected under “ Testing Conditions” in which the student does not have access to materials or resources that would provide an unfair advantage. Multiple attempts to complete the same work sample are not allowed. Collections of Evidence (COE) should be monitored during development and pre-scored prior to scoring. VGLA Implementation Manual p. ix
Important Dates VGLA 2014-2015 January 5- June 5, 2015
Register students for 2015 VGLA COE submissions (via Student Data Upload or manually) March 30- June 5, 2015 VGLA Score Entry June 16, 2015 Shipping materials for COE selected for audit arrive in divisions June 22, 2015 Deadline to ship COE selected for audit to Pearson July 15, 2015 Preliminary score reports available in PearsonAccess July 17, 2015 Deadline for COE score correction requests July 22, 2015 Audited COE returned to divisions
Scoring Issues from 2013 -14 VGLA Audit
Evidence fails to address the appropriate Depth of Knowledge A lack of understanding by the teachers of the expectations for evidence submitted at each level of knowledge, especially for “Higher Order Thinking.” Evidence violates Scoring Rule 1 (Student-Generated Work) Use of open-book resources Use of clues and hints that assist the student in answering correctly: pre-writing graphic organizers (with words, labels, etc.) reading passages containing answers to questions asked inclusion of examples inclusion of definitions Evidence showing multiple attempts of the same work sample
Depth of Knowledge Students are expected to demonstrate the depth of knowledge addressed by the SOL when completing work samples for the VGLA COE. If a work sample in the evidence does not demonstrate the depth of knowledge addressed by the SOL, the highest score point the student can achieve is “1.”
Depth of Knowledge All elements of the SOL stem and bullets must be demonstrated. Key verbs specified in the SOL indicate the cognitive demand that is expected. Helpful resources: VGLA Implementation Manual (Appendix B) SOL Curriculum Frameworks and SOL Enhanced Scope and Sequence Enhanced Scope and Sequence Plus
Depth of Knowledge Categories
Higher Order Thinking Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation Application Using known information to solve new problems Comprehension Using recall information in a basic way such as explaining a concept in one’s own words Recall The lowest level of cognitive process involves remembering information
Sample Key Verbs Higher Order Thinking Recall Application
Analyze, Arrange, Categorize, Compare & Contrast, Conclude, Construct, Create, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Justify, Plan, Synthesize Application Compute, Demonstrate, Estimate, Give Examples, Graph, Illustrate, Interpret, Investigate, Predict, Solve, Use, Verify Comprehension Classify, Collect, Compare, Conduct, Contrast, Describe, Explain, Interpret, Locate, Order, Rephrase, Sequence, Summarize Recall Choose, Define, Identify, Label, List, Match, Observe, Quote, Recite, Select, State
Depth of Knowledge (“Recall” Demonstrated)
Science SOL 5.4 The student will investigate and understand that matter is anything that has mass and takes up space; and occurs as a solid, liquid, or gas. Key concepts include a) distinguishing properties of each phase of matter; The student is expected to demonstrate understanding at the Comprehension level. Only Recall understanding is demonstrated since the properties are simply identified. Updated slide
Depth of Knowledge (“Comprehension” Demonstrated)
Science SOL 5.4 The student will investigate and understand that matter is anything that has mass and takes up space; and occurs as a solid, liquid, or gas. Key concepts include a) distinguishing properties of each phase of matter; The student is expected to demonstrate understanding at the Comprehension level. Understanding at the Comprehension level is demonstrated by distinguishing properties. Updated slide
Depth of Knowledge (“Higher Order Thinking” Demonstrated)
History/Social Studies SOL CE.3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens by e) evaluating how civic and social duties address community needs and serve the public good. The student is expected to demonstrate Higher Order Thinking. Do you agree that civic and social duties address community needs and serve the public good? Why or why not? Yes, civic and social duties address community needs and serves the public good. By volunteering helping people out and expressing concerns for those in need and by helping issues get solved and making the neighborhood a better place to live builds strong communities. NEW SLIDE
Depth of Knowledge (“Application” not Demonstrated)
Writing SOL 7.8d The student will d) Use subject-verb agreement . . . The student is expected to demonstrate understanding at the Application level. Only Recall understanding is demonstrated since subject-verb agreement is only identified.
Scoring Rule 1 Violations Evidence must be Student-Generated
If the work sample is copied from sources such as the chalkboard/dry-erase board, texts, or computer, the work cannot be considered in scoring. If the work sample is based on a take-home test, open-book text, or homework, the work cannot be considered in scoring. If the work sample includes examples or directions with hints, clueing, or prompts that would provide answers or unfair advantage, the work cannot be considered in scoring. If the work sample is done as a part of a group project or assignment and the contribution of the student is not clearly identified, the work cannot be considered in scoring.
Hints and Clueing Since both the text and the given example provide clues to the student in completing the worksheet, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Science SOL PS.4 b. NEW SLIDE
Hints and Clueing Since the selection clearly provides answers to the questions asked of the student, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for History/Social Science SOL 3.3 b. NEW SLIDE
Hints and Clueing Since the student is instructed to use the dictionary, if necessary, to complete the worksheet, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Reading SOL 2.5 c. NEW SLIDE
the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Writing SOL 6.7 b.
Hints and Clueing Since the graphic organizer guides the student in organizing his/her thoughts, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Writing SOL 6.7 b. NEW SLIDE
Multiple Attempts Student is given two attempts for the same worksheet, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Writing SOL 6.8 b.
VGLA Questions Please type your questions into the Chat Window and send to the host and presenter.
VSEP Program Update
VSEP An evidence-based alternative assessment for the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests Available to eligible students with disabilities enrolled in courses or those who have passed courses with End-of-Course SOL assessments and those who need grade 8 numeracy and literacy certification for the Modified Standard Diploma* Available with special permission for students with disabilities in grades 3-8 in mathematics and reading * The Modified Standard Diploma is only available to students who entered the 9th grade for the first time prior to the school year. 2014 – 2015 VSEP Implementation Manual p. 1
VSEP Assessment is Available for the Following Courses:
English: Writing English: Reading Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Biology Earth Science Chemistry Virginia and United States History World History I World History II World Geography Grade 8 Reading Grade 8 Mathematics 2014 – VSEP Implementation Manual p. 1
Students in grades 9-12 VSEP CWC Submissions Current Standards
List of the Content Areas and Corresponding Standards Available for VSEP Course Work Compilations (CWC) Submissions for the Administrations Students in grades 9-12 VSEP CWC Submissions Current Standards Students in grades 9-12 VSEP CWC Submissions Previous Standards Numeracy- Grade 8 Mathematics (2009)1 Numeracy- Grade 8 Mathematics (2001)1 Literacy- Grade 8 Reading (2002)2 EOC Writing (2010) EOC Writing (2002) EOC Reading (2010) EOC Reading (2002) Algebra I (2009) Algebra I (2001) Geometry (2009) Geometry (2001) Algebra II (2009) Algebra II (2001 Revised) Earth Science (2010) Earth Science (2003) Biology (2010) Biology (2003) Chemistry (2010) Chemistry (2003) Virginia & U. S. History (2008) World History I (2008) World History II (2008) World Geography (2008) The SOL defended in the student’s CWC will depend on when the student was enrolled in the course. Students may be working on previous standards dating back to 2001. To ensure students defend the appropriate standards, teachers should refer to the VSEP Implementation Manual, p 1The Modified Standard Diploma is available only to students who entered the 9th grade for the first time prior to the school year. 2Students submitting a CWC demonstrating the literacy requirement for a Modified Standard Diploma must use the Grade 8 Reading 2002 SOL. VSEP Implementation Manual p.6-7
Typical VSEP EOC Students
Are able to demonstrate achievement in grade level content; Are not able to access SOL tests even with accommodations due to the nature of their disabilities; Need an alternative method of demonstrating knowledge and skill.
Typical VSEP Special Permission Students
Performs on grade level for the SOL in the subject/course to be assessed; May have a new disability, a rapid deterioration of sensory functions, or a unique and/or challenging disability that precludes access to the SOL even with accommodations. VSEP Implementation Manual p. 1
Eligibility Process The IEP Team/504 Committee members complete the Intent to Participate form; The DDOT and Special Education Director review the form and the DDOT submits to the VDOE through the Single Sign-on Web Systems (SSWS)Drop Box; VDOE staff review the form to determine if the student has been selected based on VSEP participation criteria with supporting documentation and justification; 2014 – 2015 VSEP Implementation Manual p. 2- 5
Eligibility Process Review results are returned to the DDOT;
Once approval is received, the VSEP Evaluation Plan/Worksheet is developed by the content teacher and the special education teacher; Evaluation Plan/Worksheet is submitted for local review. 2014– VSEP Implementation Manual p. 2- 5
VSEP Resubmissions Failing CWC can be resubmitted with additional evidence Intent to Participate form must indicate resubmission The VSEP Evaluation Plan/Worksheet and the resubmitted evidence must address SOL that received a failing or low score in the original submission. VSEP Implementation Manual p. viii & p. 22
What’s New for 2014-2015 Updated Requirements for VSEP Resubmission
In order for a student to resubmit a VSEP Course Work Compilation (CWC) with additional evidence for standards that were previously scored as failing, the student must have passed the course for which the CWC is being resubmitted. If the student did not pass the course, he/she is not eligible to resubmit the failed CWC. The student must be reenrolled in the course and a new VSEP Intent to Participate form must be submitted. VSEP Implementation Manual p. viii & p. 22
VSEP Request for Rescore
Divisions may request a failing VSEP CWC be rescored if there is agreement between two division staff members with content expertise and knowledge of the VSEP rubric that the CWC should have received a higher score. Requests must be reviewed and approved by the division before submission to Pearson. DDOT must ensure that the original evidence is submitted for rescore and has not been changed in any way. February 27, 2015 – Fall Request for Rescore Due Date July 1, 2015 – Spring Request for Rescore Due Date VSEP Implementation Manual p. 23
Important Reminders Students are not permitted to participate in the VSEP and the SOL assessment for the same subject area test during the same administration. School leadership and administration must ensure that all Individualized Education Program (IEP) Teams/504 Committees understand VSEP participation criteria and apply them appropriately when considering students with disabilities for the VSEP. VSEP evidence must be collected under “Testing Conditions” in which the student does not have access to materials or resources that would provide an unfair advantage. VSEP Implementation Manual p. ix -x
Important Reminders Anecdotal records and captioned photographs are not allowed as VSEP evidence. Work samples in a multiple-choice format are not allowed as evidence, except as permitted by request for the End-of-Course Writing assessment. Multiple attempts to complete the same work sample are not allowed. CWC should be monitored during development and pre-scored prior to submission for scoring. VSEP Implementation Manual p. x
VSEP End-of-Course Writing
VDOE will consider requests from school divisions to allow evidence presented in a multiple-choice format for selected students participating in the VSEP End-of-Course Writing assessment. Requests of this type may be appropriate for students with significant physical disabilities. Written requests must be submitted by the local Director of Special Education to the Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement prior to the development of the Evaluation Plan Worksheet. This request is NOT an option for other End-of-Course VSEP assessments. VSEP Implementation Manual p. 8
Important VSEP Dates for Submission of Intent to Participate Forms
October 3, 2014 Divisions are encouraged to submit as early as possible. Late submissions will be reviewed only if there are extenuating circumstances. Students enrolled in Year long Courses Students enrolled in 1st Semester Block Classes Fall Term Graduates Resubmissions considered for fall semester February 6, 2015 Students enrolled in 2nd Spring Term Graduates Resubmissions (Except for fall 2014 resubmissions) February 20, 2015 Resubmissions for fall 2014 VSEP Implementation Manual p. iii
Important Dates VSEP 2014-2015 VSEP FALL 2014
August 25- November 26, 2014 Register students for fall VSEP CWC submissions (via Student Data Upload or manually) January 5, 2015 Shipping materials for CWC arrive in divisions January 9, 2015 CWC shipped to Pearson January 30, 2015 Preliminary score reports available in PearsonAccess CWC Returned to Divisions February 27, 2015 Requests for Rescore shipped to Pearson
Important Dates VSEP 2014-2015 VSEP SPRING 2015
January 5 – April 10, 2015 Register students for spring VSEP CWC submissions (via Student Data Upload or manually) May 1, 2015 Shipping materials for CWC arrive in divisions May 15, 2015 CWC shipped to Pearson June 8, 2015 Preliminary score reports available in PearsonAccess June 5,, 2015 CWC Returned to Divisions July 1, 2015 Requests for Rescore shipped to Pearson
: Scoring Issues from 2013 - 14 VSEP Scoring
Evidence fails to address the appropriate Depth of Knowledge Lack of understanding by the teachers of the expectations of evidence submitted at each level of knowledge, especially “Higher Order Thinking”. Evidence violates Scoring Rule 1 (Student-Generated Work) Use of open-book resources Use of clues and hints that assist the student in answering correctly: pre-writing graphic organizers (with words, labels, etc.) reading passages containing answers to questions asked inclusion of examples inclusion of definitions Incomplete Student Evidence Identification (SEI) Tags – Not all relevant bullets specified Updated slide
Depth of Knowledge All elements of the SOL stem and bullets must be demonstrated. Key verbs specified in the SOL indicate the cognitive demand that is expected. Helpful resources: Depth of Knowledge Categories Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy VSEP Implementation Manual (Appendix F) The list of verbs in each knowledge category has been expanded. SOL Curriculum Frameworks and SOL Enhanced Scope and Sequence SOL Enhanced Scope and Sequence Plus
Depth of Knowledge Categories
Higher Order Thinking Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation Application Using known information to solve new problems Comprehension Using recall information in a basic way such as explaining a concept in one’s own words Recall The lowest level of cognitive process involves remembering information
Key Verbs Higher Order Thinking Application Comprehension Recall
Analyze, Arrange, Categorize, Compare & Contrast, Conclude, Construct, Create, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Justify, Plan, Synthesize Application Compute, Demonstrate, Estimate, Give Examples, Graph, Illustrate, Interpret, Investigate, Predict, Solve, Use, Verify Comprehension Classify, Collect, Compare, Conduct, Contrast, Describe, Explain, Interpret, Locate, Order, Rephrase, Sequence, Summarize Recall Choose, Define, Identify, Label, List, Match, Observe, Quote, Recite, Select, State
(Higher Order Thinking Demonstrated)
Depth of Knowledge (Higher Order Thinking Demonstrated) History/Social Studies SOL VUS.4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of events and issues of the Revolutionary Period by a) Analyzing how the political ideas of John Locke and the ideas expressed in Common Sense helped shape the Declaration of Independence The student is expected to demonstrate Higher Order Thinking. Student Response: Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense with parts of it being included in the Declaration of Independence. John Locke wrote life, liberty, and property and Thomas Jefferson wrote life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence. John Locke said everybody should be created equal and government should protect the natural rights of everybody in his ideas of social contract. Thomas Jefferson wrote that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. NEW SLIDE Response goes beyond describing or explaining (comprehension) to connect and relate ideas and concepts of John Locke to those written by Thomas Jefferson.
(“Comprehension” not Demonstrated)
Depth of Knowledge (“Comprehension” not Demonstrated) Reading SOL 8.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. c) Explain how authors use point of view to create meaning. The student is expected to demonstrate understanding at the Comprehension level. Only Recall understanding is demonstrated since point of view is simply identified. NEW SLIDE
Application is demonstrated Application is not demonstrated
Depth of Knowledge (“Application” Demonstrated/Not Demonstrated) Science SOL 2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which e) length, volume, mass, and temperature are measured in metric units and standard English units using the proper tools. The student is expected to demonstrate understanding at the Application level. Temperature is measured, using proper tools. The indicated temperature is identified. No tool is used. Application is demonstrated Application is not demonstrated
Depth of Knowledge (“Application” not Demonstrated)
The student is expected to demonstrate understanding at the Application level. Geometry SOL G.7 The student, given information in the form of a figure or statement, will prove two triangles are similar, using algebraic and coordinate methods as well as deductive proofs. Only Recall understanding is demonstrated. No comparisons are made other than citing the theorem used. NEW SLIDE
Depth of Knowledge (“Application” Demonstrated/not Demonstrated)
The student is expected to demonstrate understanding at the Application level. Geometry SOL G.7 The student, given information in the form of a figure or statement, will prove two triangles are similar, using algebraic and coordinate methods as well as deductive proofs. Work at the Application level is not demonstrated for #7. No statement is generated that gives examples of at least two pairs of angles that are equal. NEW SLIDE Work at the Application level is demonstrated for #6 by expressing the relationship of each pair of sides using ratios.
Hints and Clueing Since the student is given access to the textbook while completing the worksheet, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for History/Social Studies SOL WHI.3 e.
Hints and Clueing Since student has access to the textbook to answer questions, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Science SOL ES.10 b.
Hints and Clueing Since the student is using the internet to complete the worksheet, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Science SOL 6.4 g.
Hints and Clueing Since a video guide is provided to the student while viewing the video, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Science SOL BIO.3 d.
Hints and Clueing Since an example is provided to the student , the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Mathematics SOL A2 a. NEW SLIDE
Hints and Clueing Since the definition of “personification” is given, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Reading SOL 10.3 e.
Missing Bullet(s) Additional credit could have been awarded for this evidence, if bullet “b” had been included on the SEI Tag for History/Social Science SOL WHI.4 b.
VSEP Questions Please type your questions into the Chat Window and send to the host and presenter.
VAAP Program Update
VAAP An evidence-based alternative assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Available to eligible students with disabilities in grades 3 – 8 and high school who are working on academic content reduced in depth and complexity. Available in reading, writing, mathematics, science and history High school students participating in VAAP must submit Collections of Evidence (COE) that include reading, writing, mathematics, science and history/social science by the end of their 11th grade school year or according to a schedule determined by the local school division. 2014 – 2015 VAAP Implementation Manual p. X, 1- 2
VAAP Division Flexibility for High School
Divisions have the option either to continue the submission of required VAAP content areas in grade 11 only or to develop a schedule in which one or more content areas are submitted in grades 9, 10, or 11. For example, the division may determine that VAAP Science will be collected in grade 9, History/Social Science in grade 10, and Reading, Writing, and Mathematics in grade 11. The division must provide this information to the Virginia Department of Education in SSWS for by completing a form in the Education Registry Application called VAAP Grades. After completing the form in SSWS, click on “Verification Report” and fax the signed copy to (804) by August 22, 2014 – 2015 VAAP Implementation Manual p. x
Eligibility Participation is determined by the IEP team based on the VAAP participation criteria. Refer to the Procedures for the Participation of Students with Disabilities in Virginia’s Accountability system available at Additional information on VAAP Participation and the Determination of Significant Cognitive Disabilities is available at _disability/guidance_significant_cognitive_disabilities.pdf. 2014 – 2015 VAAP Implementation Manual p. 1.
What’s New for History/Social Science Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL) have been re-organized into three groups. Elementary (grades 4 or 5) Middle (grades 6, 7 or 8) High School (grades 9, 10 or 11) Teachers must use the grade of student enrollment to select the appropriate History/Social Science group. 2014 – 2015 VAAP Implementation Manual p. vii
Important Reminders History/Social Science COE must be submitted during the same administration as students participating in the SOL tests. Teachers must select ASOL only from the grade level in which the student is enrolled for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science. For the content areas listed above, the teacher must use the performance level system to indicate whether the student demonstrated the ASOL with: significant support and modification (Level I), partially demonstrated the ASOL (Level II), or fully demonstrated the ASOL (Level III).
Important Reminders For Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science, the highest score point a student may receive is: 4 for Level III 3 for Level II 2 for Level I If the performance level is not identified on the SEI tag, the evidence will be scored as Level III. 2014 – 2015 VAAP Implementation Manual p. ix
Important Reminders Local school divisions will continue scoring all VAAP COE in Audits of selected VAAP COE will be conducted in June to ensure that school division scorers are applying the scoring rubric to student evidence appropriately. VAAP evidence must be completed under “testing conditions” in which the student does not have access to the subject content or curriculum, hints, clueing, prompts or test taking strategies that would provide an unfair advantage. 2014 – 2015 VAAP Implementation Manual p. ix and x.
Important Reminders Anecdotal records must include the date of performance, a detailed description of the learning environment (instructions, materials and prompts provided) and observed student performance and a statement of accuracy describing the student’s level of achievement on the ASOL. Work samples (Worksheets, tests or quizzes) that are submitted as evidence may not have been attempted before by the student individually or as a member of an instructional group. 2014 – 2015 VAAP Implementation Manual p. x
Important Dates VAAP 2014 - 2015 August 22, 2014
Deadline to complete “VAAP Grades” for your school division in SSWS in the Education Registry Application January 5- May 22, 2015 Register students for 2015 VAAP Collection of Evidence (COE) submissions (via Student Data Upload or manually) March 30-May 22, 2015 VAAP Score Entry June 5, 2015 Shipping materials for COE selected for audit arrive in divisions June 12, 2015 Deadline to ship COE selected for audit to Pearson July 13, 2015 Preliminary score reports available in Pearson Access July 31, 2015 Audited COE returned to divisions
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Update
DLM is a multi-state consortium lead by the University of Kansas to develop online alternate assessments in reading, writing, and mathematics for students with significant cognitive disabilities. As stated in Superintendent’s Memo # dated February 28, 2014, Virginia school divisions will not participate in the DLM operational assessments scheduled to begin in the school year. Virginia school divisions will continue to administer and score the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) in Participation in DLM operational assessments remains under consideration for and beyond.
DLM Update The Virginia Department of Education has developed a plan of professional development activities to familiarize teachers of students with significant cognitive disabilities with all aspects of the DLM system and assessments. Professional development opportunities will be available beginning in the school year and will include: Completion of DLM Professional Development and Testing Modules Completion of the First Contact Survey for a selected student Completion of the Personal Needs Profile for a selected student Selection of Instructional Content in Reading and/or Mathematics Retrieval of instructional information from DLM system Completion of DLM Practice Items Participation in DLM Field Tests Completion of DLM and VDOE surveys and related documentation School divisions are encouraged to consider awarding recertification points to teachers upon satisfactory completion of professional development activities under this plan. Supt. Memo (August 15, 2014)
Scoring Issues from 2013 -14 VAAP Audit
Use of the Levels of Performance (Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science) Level III Evidence fails to address the skills and knowledge in the ASOL stem Level II evidence eliminates too many skills Level I evidence does not address the basic concept or skill in the ASOL Evidence violates Scoring Rule 2 (Student-Generated Work) Use of hints and clueing that assist the student in answering correctly: inclusion of definitions and explanations reading passages containing answers to questions asked use of tracing or matching
Levels of Performance The Levels of Performance assist teachers in determining the level of performance for each ASOL that is most appropriate for the individual student. Level I: The ASOL is demonstrated with significant support and modification Level II: The ASOL is partially demonstrated Level III: The ASOL is fully demonstrated VAAP Implementation Manual p. ix
Level III – Full Demonstration
The ASOL is fully demonstrated. The student fully demonstrates the knowledge and skill of the ASOL. If the student’s performance is Level III, the highest score point the student can receive is “4.” If the student’s level of performance is not identified on the SEI Tag, the evidence will be scored as though it were a Level III.
Level III – Earning a “3” Science ASOL 5S-SI 1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which c) Appropriate instruments are selected and used to measure length, mass, volume, and temperature in metric units. Annotation: The evidence for ASOL 5S-SI 1c is presented at Level of Performance III – the student fully demonstrates the ASOL. At this Level of Performance ,the highest score point that can be earned is a “4”. The evidence was given credit for conducting investigations in which appropriate instruments are selected and used to measure length, mass, volume, and temperature in metric units with 100% accuracy. There is no evidence of planning investigations. Overall, for the Level of Performance III, the quality of the evidence presented is appropriate and satisfies many of the requirements of the ASOL. Credit was lost because there was no evidence of planning.
Level III – Earning a “4” History/Social Studies ASOL HSS-SI 1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which e) variables are manipulated with repeated trials. Annotation: The evidence for ASOL HSS-SI 1e is presented at Level of Performance III – the student fully demonstrates the ASOL. At this Level of Performance, the highest score point that can be earned is a “4”. The evidence was given credit for planning the investigations by choosing the variables which would be manipulated. The evidence was also given credit for conducting investigations with multiple trials with 100% accuracy. Overall, for the Level of Performance III, the quality of the evidence presented consistently and appropriately satisfies most of the requirements of the ASOL. Example in which planning was evidenced through student choice
Level II – Partial Demonstration
The ASOL is partially demonstrated. The student demonstrates some of the knowledge and skill of the ASOL If the student’s performance is Level II, the highest score point the student can receive is “3.” If the student’s level of performance is not identified on the SEI Tag, the evidence will be scored as though it were a Level III.
Level II – Earning a “2” Science ASOL 8S-ECO 1 The student will investigate and understand the natural processes and human interactions that affect watershed systems. Key concepts include b) the location and structure of Virginia’s regional watershed Annotation: The evidence for ASOL 8S-ECO 1b is presented at Level of Performance II – the student partially demonstrates the ASOL. At this Level of Performance the highest score point that can be earned is a “3”. The evidence shows a partial demonstration of the ASOL by eliminating the requirements of investigation and understanding the natural processes and human interactions that affect watershed systems. The evidence was given credit for locating Virginia’s regional watershed systems on a map with 100% accuracy. There is no evidence of the structure of Virginia’s regional watershed systems. Overall, for the Level of Performance II, the quality of the evidence presented does not satisfy many of the requirements of the ASOL. Full credit cannot be given if the evidence is “too partial”
Level II – Earning a “3” Writing ASOL 8E-WE 1 The student will
a) use standard English rules when writing by using question marks at the end of written questions. Annotation: The evidence for ASOL 8E-WE 1a is presented at Level of Performance II – the student partially demonstrates the ASOL. At this Level of Performance the highest score point that can be earned is a “3”. The evidence shows a partial demonstration of the ASOL by eliminating the requirement of multiple questions. The evidence was given credit for using standard English rules when writing by correctly using a question mark at the end of a written question. Overall, for the Level of Performance II, sufficient evidence is provided for the ASOL. Acceptable partial demonstration
Level I –Demonstrated with Significant Support and Modification
The ASOL is demonstrated with significant support and modification. The student requires significant support and modification to simplify the task in order to demonstrate the ASOL. If the student’s performance is Level I, the highest score point the student can receive is “2.” If the student’s level of performance is not identified on the SEI Tag, the evidence will be scored as though it were a Level III.
Level I – Earning a “0” Reading ASOL 7E-CN 1 The student will
d) determine author’s point of view in nonfiction text and compare to own point of view Annotation: The evidence for ASOL 7E-CN 1d is presented at Level of Performance I – the student demonstrates the ASOL with significant support and modification. At this Level of Performance the highest score point that can be earned is a “2”. The evidence was not given credit because the student identifies the author’s purpose rather than point of view as required by the ASOL. Therefore, the evidence does not align to the ASOL. Overall, the evidence submitted does not show any level of individual achievement for the ASOL being defended. Modifications must address the skill of the ASOL but at a basic level. Credit cannot be given if ASOL is modified to address a different concept.
Level I – Earning a “2” Mathematics ASOL 5M-NSCE 4 The student will
b) solve two-step word problems using addition and subtraction of whole numbers. Annotation: The evidence for ASOL 5M-NSCE 4b is presented at Level of Performance I – the student demonstrates the ASOL with significant support and modification. At this Level of Performance the highest score point that can be earned is a “2”. The evidence shows the ASOL modified to a basic skill of solving one-step word problems using addition. The supports provided were the spaces in which the student could draw pictures to represent the problems. The evidence was given credit for correctly solving single-step word problems. Overall, for the Level of Performance I, sufficient evidence is provided for the ASOL. Acceptable modification
History – Earning a “2” Note: Levels of Performance are not applied to History/Social Science ASOL
History/Social Studies ASOL HS-G 8 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the physical geography and native peoples, past and present, of Virginia by a) Locating Virginia and its bordering states on maps of the United States Annotation: The evidence provides only a partially sufficient demonstration of the student’s knowledge and understanding of HS-G 8a. The evidence was given credit for locating Virginia and its bordering states on a map of the United States with 100% accuracy. There is no evidence of the physical geography and native peoples, past and present, of Virginia or an additional map as required by the ASOL. Overall, the quality of the evidence presented does not satisfy many of the requirements of the ASOL. Students often lost credit because the stem was not addressed.
Hints and Clueing Since the worksheet clues the student by providing definitions for fact and opinion, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Reading ASOL HSE-CN 2b.
Hints and Clueing Since the worksheet clues the student by providing explanations of money and bartering, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for History/Social Studies ASOL HS-E 5.
Hints and Clueing Since the caption explains that the student was tracing and matching, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Mathematics ASOL 3M-NSCE 1a.
Hints and Clueing Since the student is instructed to find the answers on the next page, the evidence cannot be considered for credit for Science ASOL 8S-LS 1c.
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Virginia Department of Education
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