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End User Training Materials

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1 End User Training Materials
Acquisition Strategy Workflow Acquisition Resources and Analysis (ARA) Version 1.1, 07/07/2014

2 Agenda 1. Purpose 2. Roles 3. Process 4. Common Actions
5. Actions by Role 6. Coordination Timeline Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

3 Purpose Background: A Better Buying Power 2.0 initiative to eliminate unproductive processes and bureaucracy Provide for and enforce time certain coordination of acquisition documents Provide near real-time views of all comments made during the coordination process Critical success factors: Time certain tracking of all documents Real-time comment resolution and anonymity Electronic centralization of comments Automated document coordination Parallel coordination Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

4 Roles & Responsibilities
Functional champion Facilitate initiation of new document coordinations ARA/AM Coordinator* Identify and register users to take action on document coordinations Coordination Action Officers* Upload original and updated documents for coordination, and set time certainty Provide decisions on all comments Program Manager Perform coordination with internal organization Provide comments electronically Initial Reviewers Review previous comments and updated documents, provide comments Sign the document for concurrence, or return it to the PM for rework Program Executive Officer Service/Component Acquisition Executive* Perform informational review Provide comments/recommendations for ASD(A) staff and DAE Final Reviewers* Provide comments/recommendations for DAE ASD, Acquisition* Review submitted comments and updated documents Sign the document for approval, or return it to the PM for rework Defense Acquisition Executive* Upload the DAE-approved document to the Acquisition Information Repository AIR OPR* Notes about roles: Except for the DAE, it is expected that each role will be assigned to multiple staff members Each office may determine their method for gathering, reviewing, and submitting comments Final Reviewers = All DAB Members & Advisors, and OIPT Leads * Notates roles assigned by the ECT Site Administrator. If an office experiences a change in staffing that affects the ECT workflow (e.g., CAOs, SAE, DAB member, OIPT member) the office should contact their ECT POC, who will notify the ECT Site Administrator of the change. * Role assigned by ECT Site Administrator Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

5 Acquisition Strategy Workflow
ARA/AM CAOs PM Initial Reviewers PEO SAE/CAE Final Reviewers ASD(A) DAE AIR OPR 1. Create Package 4. Upload and Initiate 2. Assign Reviewers *5. Comment 3. Release to PM 6. Review and Update Process walkthrough: AM works with the Program Manager to understand the document schedule, and identifies when the document needs to be staffed. Once AM creates the package, the CAOs work within their office to assign reviewers When AM determines the document has been adequately staffed, the package is released to the PM. The PM uploads the primary and supporting documents and initiates the document review. The Initial Reviewers work within their office to execute the review, gather comments, and submit comments to the PM. The PM provides decisions on all comments, updates the documents accordingly, and submits the document to the PEO for signature. The PEO either provides comments and submits the document for SAE signature, or sends the document back to the PM for rework. The SAE either provides comments and submits the document for Final Review, or sends the document back to the PM for rework. If coordination to this point has resulted in no issues, the SAE may alternatively send the document directly to the DAE. The Final Reviewers work within their office to execute the review, gather comments, and submit comments to the PM/ASD(A)/DAE. The ASD(A) staff execute the review, gather comments, and submit comments to the PM/DAE. The DAE either provides comments and signs the document, or sends the document back to the PM for rework. Once signed by the DAE, the AIR Office of Primary Responsibility downloads the document from ECT and uploads it to AIR. Alternate workflow A = The PEO, SAE, or DAE determine there is an issue with the document, and sends the document back to the PM for rework. Alternate workflow B = The reviewers have stated so significant issues with the document by the time it is submitted to the SAE, so the SAE decides the Final Review is not necessary and sends the document direclty to the DAE for review and signature. PEO, SAE, ASD(A), and DAE: If multiple people are assigned to the role…. As they enter comments, their comments will immediately be visible by others assigned to that role. If any one person chooses to submit the document to the next process stage, then the document will move to the next stage. 7. Comment & Sign 8. Comment & Sign *9. Comment *10. Comment 11. Comment & Sign 12. Upload to AIR * Time certain expiration Alternate Workflow if coordination yields no issues Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

6 Common Actions A review of actions performed by multiple ECT roles.

7 Logging In ECT Address:
Select your or PIV certificate Read the Terms of Use ECT is hosted on DISA’s SharePoint environment, within the Air Force’s SMART site collection. Users may bookmark this link to enter the site, but the link is included in each notification when a user is assigned a task. Users must select their Certificate when logging in, and when signing documents. It is rare across DoD, but if the user has a PIV certificate, then they should use the PIV to log in. If the user selects their correct certificate, they will view and need to accept the Terms of Use statement. Most common issue users will have: Users will know they have selected an incorrect certificate if they receive an Authentication Error. In this case, the user should close out all open sessions of their browser, then log in again using the correct certificate Close all open browsers Log in again using the certificate Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

8 ECT Dashboard Other ECT Actions My ECT To-Do Items
All actions currently assigned to you Includes actions across multiple documents and multiple roles Sortable, Searchable Receive notification when actions are assigned Actions disappear once completed. Other ECT Actions List changes depending on role/access Create new packages View statistics across multiple coordinations My Released Comments A list of comments you have submitted for active coordinations The PM’s decision on those comments Programs Currently Under Coordination Status of each coordination Step into a coordination to view the timeline for each step in the workflow The ECT Dashboard consists of 3 task areas: My ECT To-Do Items – Lists the actions currently assigned to the user and the due dates (if applicable). The user will receive s notifications when tasks are added to their to-do list. As users complete their actions, the item will be automatically removed from the to-do list. My Released Comments – Displays a list of all of the comments you have submitted related to active coordinations, as well as the PM’s decision on those comments (if a decision has been entered). Other ECT Actions – This list will change depending on the user’s assigned access level. Program Currently Under Coordination – Open to all ECT users. Displays a list of all active coordinations, the start date, and current status. Clicking on the program name displays the document coordination Timeline, as well as other step-specific data. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

9 Actions available to role
Adding Comments UUV Actions available to role Standard layout of the Review and Comment page. (Yellow Highlights) The Program Name, Document type, and link to the documents being coordinated are always stated at the top of the page. The actions available to the user’s assigned role are displays as blue “buttons” below the page header. The remainder of the page displays comment tables The top table always contains the comments added by the user. The remaining tables change depending on the user’s role and the stage in the workflow. e.g., The DAE’s page displays tables for all comments entered during each stage of the workflow (i.e, Initial Review, PEO, SAE, Final Review, ASD(A)). The data displayed about each comment changes depending on the user’s role. e.g., Initial Reviewers can see comments from other offices, but not the commenter’s name. The Program Manager can see the commenter’s name. (Green Highlights) Each comment table is searchable, and may be exported in Excel, PDF, or Print view (HTML) formats (Pink Highlights) Users may control the number of comments viewed on the screen, and navigate across multiple pages of comments. (Purple Highlights) Users may sort and filter each comment table to quickly find specific groups of comments. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

10 Adding Comments UUV Clicking the “Click Here to access coordination documents” link launches the Coordination Documents pop-up list. From this window, users may open the documents under review. NOTE 1: Typically, users will perform this review using one or more of the following methods: Print the documents, mark sections of the printed copy, then enter comments into ECT. Using 2 monitors: Open documents on one monitor, and enter comments in ECT on the other. Using 1 monitor: Open the documents and ECT at the same time, and click back and forth between the windows. NOTE 2: At this stage users are opening a local copy of the documents. It is possible for users to edit the documents, but edits will not affect the source document in ECT. NOTE: Users may review the documents on-screen or print a hardcopy. NOTE: Users are only reviewing, not editing, the source version of the documents. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

11 Not Required, Must be a Number
Adding Comments UUV Required Fields All roles follow the same process for entering comments: Click the “Add Comments” button to open the “Add a New Comment” pop-up window. Type the Comment text, select the Comment Type, and type the Line Number (optional) for each comment. Click Save. NOTE: There is no limit to the amount of text users may type in the Comment field. NOTE: It is the reviewing office’s responsibility to determine the most effective manner their reviewers to collaborate and enter comments. Not Required, Must be a Number Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

12 Adding Comments UUV After clicking Save, the comment appears in the user’s My Comments table. Users may Add, Edit, or Delete comments until they complete their Add Comments task. BEST PRACTICE: There may be occasions when an office does not have any comments to enter during a review. In this case, at least one person from that office should enter a “No Comment” comment. This action informs the Program Manager the office did complete the review, but found no notable issues with the document. The method by which users complete their Add Comments task varies by role. E.g., Initial Reviewers click the “Submit Comments” button, the PEO clicks the “Submit Signature” button. Users are asked to confirm their action before officially closing their task. For all roles, when the user completes their current task, the comments are pushed to the next stage of the workflow, the task item is removed from the user’s ECT To-Do List, and the user is no longer able to edit their comments. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

13 Digitally Sign a Document
Digital Signature: An automated function replacing a handwritten signature with a system generated signature statement. Provides: User Authentication Data Integrity Non-repudiation Signers: Program Manager PEO SAE/CAE DAE ECT utilizes digital signatures vs. handwritten signatures to designate document approvals. Digital signatures aid in: User Authentication – Verification of the user identity Data Integrity – Protect data from unauthorized modification Non-repudiation – Verification of transmission and receipt The Acquisition Strategy workflow expects the PM, the PEO, the SAE/CAE, and the DAE to sign the final document. This technology is inherent in DoD Authentication services and Microsoft Word, and is surfaced through ECT. NOTE: For the PM, PEO, SAE, and DAE to be able to sign the final document, the PM must insert signature lines into the document before sending for signature. Program Managers must insert the digital signature blocks in the document prior to submitting for signature. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

14 Digitally Sign a Document
UVV UUV Each role that is expected to sign a document will have a “Sign the Document” button on the available tasks. After clicking the button, the system presents the Please Be Patient window as a reminder that larger documents may take some time to load. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

15 Digitally Sign a Document
ECT opens a Read Only version of the document. Do not click “Edit Anyway” Locate and double-click on the signature line containing your name. 1 In the “Sign” window, either type your name in the field provided, or click the “Select Image” link to insert a pre-saved digital image of your signature. If the Sign window does not state “Issued by: DoD CA…” then click the Change button. In the “Select Certificate” window, select the certificate, then click OK. 2 When the document opens in MS Word, it opens in as a Read Only version. Keep the document as Read Only when signing. Clicking “Edit Anyway” may lead the user down the path of accidentally removing all previous signatures from the document, although MS Word will ask the user to confirm this action several times before actually removing the signatures. The user now navigates to the document’s signature page, and double-clicks on his signature block. The Sign windows appears where the user will: Type his name as the signature or Select Image to load a previously-saved file containing a scanned image of his signature. Verify he is signing with a DoD-issued certificate, or select the Change button to select the certificate. Click Sign to generate the digital signature. The user’s digital signature appears. From the review and comment page, the user may re-open the coordinated document to ensure the document contains his signature. Once all requested fields are complete, click the “Sign” button to activate the digital signature. Close the document. Can verify signature from documents list. 3 Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

16 Actions by Role A review of the specific actions performed by each role. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

17 ARA/AM Coordinator Create a New ECT Package
2 2. Within the pop-up window New Package Specifications: Program Name Program Manager Originating Component Package Type Create a New ECT Package 1 From the ECT Dashboard The AM Coordinator is the only role that completes a task without first having the task assigned in the To-Do List. After collaborating with the PM to verify a document is almost ready for coordination, the AM Coordinator clicks the Create a New ECT Package link on the ECT Dashboard. Within the pop-up window, the AM Coordinator enters the Program Name – It is a best practice include the spelled-out program name as well as the acronym Program Manager Originating Component Package Type Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

18 ARA/AM Coordinator Release Package to PM
1. From timeline, determine if document has been adequately staffed 1A 2 2. Select To-Do item from the ECT Dashboard 1B The AM Coordinator monitors the document’s staffing level by stepping into the document’s timeline from the dashboard, navigating to the Staffing stage, and selecting the drilldown options of View Responded and View Non-Response. Once the AM Coordinator determines the document has been adequately staffed, he selects his assigned task from the Dashboard to release the package to the PM. The Release ECT Package to PM window appears. The system asks for confirmation for this action. 3. Release to PM 3 4 4. Confirm the action Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

19 Action Officers Assign Reviewers
1 1. Select To-Do item from the ECT Dashboard 2. Add Reviewers from Address Book 2A When the AM Coordinator creates a new package, the assigned action officers will receive an notification to begin assigning reviewers for the document. The ECT Dashboard displays a new task stating the program name and assigned coordinating office. Clicking on the task opens the Staff ECT Package window. Action Officers use the Address Book function to select the assigned reviewers from their office. Can search for users based on name or address Offices are expected to develop their own internal processes to determine which and how many reviewers from their office should be assigned. When the Action Officer clicks the Staff Package button, the system will ask the Action Officer to confirm the action. 2B 3 3. Confirm the action Address Book icon Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

20 Program Manager Prepare Documents for Coordination (Line Numbers)
1. System reminder prior to Initial Review 1 2. Insert line numbers to full document or selected text in MS Word. 2A The Program Manager must prepare the coordination document prior to submitting for initial review by adding line numbers so reviewers may have a reference when entering comments. The system will remind the PM to enter line numbers before uploading the document for review. Within MS Word, the PM: Selects the Page Layout tab on the ribbon Selects the Line Numbers option Then chooses the type of numbering to apply “Continuous” numbering is recommended Line numbers will appear in the left margin of the documen 2C 2B Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

21 Program Manager Prepare Documents for Coordination (Digital Signatures) 1. System reminder prior to submitting for PEO signature 1 2. Insert Signature Lines in MS Word 2A 2C 2D The Program Manager must prepare the coordination document prior to submitting for PEO signature by adding signature lines so the PM, PEO, SAE, and DAE will be able to sign the document in a Read-Only state. The system will remind the PM to enter signature blocks before uploading the document for prior to submitting for signature. Within MS Word, the PM: Selects the Insert tab from the ribbon Selects the Signature Line option Complete at least the Suggested signer’s title within the Signature Setup window It is recommended that PMs follow their office or DAU guidance when generating the labels and titles for the signature page 2B Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

22 PM’s local workstation or shared drive Electronic Coordination Tool
Program Manager Standard Document Uploads and Updates PM’s local workstation or shared drive Initial Prepare documents for upload (Including line #s and signature blocks) 1 Final Update based on initial comments. Prepare Final Document (including the PM’s signature) 2 Rework the Final Update based on final comments. PM re-signs 3 1-Coordination Document 2-Supporting Documents Initial upload of all documents 1-Final Document 2-Coordination Document 3-Supporting Documents Upload Final Document 1-Final Document 2-Requires Rework 3-Coordination Document 4-Supporting Documents Upload Reworked Final Document This provide a high-level view of the stages at which the PM uploads versions of the documents being coordinated to ECT, as well as the actions being performed within ECT that trigger the PM to update those documents. General Information It is expected the PM will maintain source control of the coordination documents on his local workstation or organizational shared drive (as directed by his office). The PM may download copies of the documents from ECT, but is not expected to do so. ECT Reviewers do not have the ability to edit the documents they are reviewing in ECT. Designated Signers (i.e., PM, PEO, SAE, DAE) change the document by adding their digital signature while the document is in a Read-Only state. Upload Steps Once the PM prepares the documents for upload (i.e., add line numbers and signature blocks), he uploads them to ECT. Those documents appear in the Reviewers’ document list as the Coordination Document, or as a Supporting Document. Comments are entered by Reviewers, and the PM provides decisions on those comments. Based on the comments, the PM opens his locally-saved documents and updates them accordingly, then uploads this revised/Final Document to ECT. Senior Reviewers (i.e., PEO, SAE, DAB, OIPT, ASD(A), DAE) review the Final Document, enter comments, and sign the document. The latest upload is labelled as the “Final Document.” If the PEO, SAE, or DAE sends the document back to the PM for Rework: The PM reviews the comments entered in ECT by the senior reviewrs The PM opens his locally-saved documents and updates them accordingly, then uploads this newly reworked/Final Document to ECT. All previously uploaded final documents are now labelled “Requires Rework.” Electronic Coordination Tool Initial Reviewers enter comments. PM provides decisions on Initial Review comments. Reviewers enter comments PEO, SAE, and DAE sign, or request rework Process and uploads continue looping until no rework is requested Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

23 Program Manager Upload Documents for Review
1 1. Select To-Do item from the ECT Dashboard 2. Select documents to upload 2 Until this point, the PM has been developing the acquisition documents on his local workstation or on an organizational shared drive. Those documents will remain the PM’s working copies of the documents until they are sent for signature within ECT. When the coordination package has been released by the AM Coordinator, the PM will receive an notification and the task will appear in his To-Do list on the ECT Dashboard. The PM clicks on the To-Do item, which opens the PM’s document upload page. The PM clicks on the “Upload Primary Coordination Document” button, then browses to the source copy on his local machine or org. shared drive. When loaded, this document is labelled as a “Coordination Document” for initial review. The PM clicks on the “Add Supporting Documents” button, then browses to the source copy on his local machine or org. shared drive. When loaded, this document is labelled as a “Supporting Document”. Multiple Supporting Documents may be loaded, but they must be loaded one at a time. The PM may name the files as he deems appropriate. At this stage, the PM may upload, then Delete, then upload again until the correct documents are provided for review. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

24 Program Manager Set Timebox and PEO 1. Select Timebox button
2. Set Business Days for Coordination, and name the PEO 2 Notice that at this stage, the “Business days for review” and the “PEO” are not specified. The PM sets these values by clicking the “Set Review Timebox and PEO” button. The Set Package Options window appears. The PM types the number of days agreed upon for parallel coordination (i.e., the number of days the Initial Reviews will have to perform the review). The PM clicks the Address Book icon to select the PEO Other members of the PEO’s staff may be selected as well. When the fields are complete, click the Submit button to set the values. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

25 Program Manager Release Package for Initial Review
1. Select the Release Package for Review button 1 2. Confirm Release for Review 2 Notice that the “Business days for review” and the “PEO” values are now stated. The PM is now ready to release the package for initial review. Click the “Release Package for Review” button. The system asked the PM to confirm this action. NOTE: The PM does not need to complete these steps within 1 ECT session. The PM may log in and out as needed while he is preparing the documents and confirming the business days or PEO values. All documents and timebox data will remain in this stage until the PM releases the package for review. NOTE: The PM does not need to complete these steps within 1 ECT session. The PM may log in and out as needed. All documents and timebox data will remain in this stage until the PM releases the package for review. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

26 Program Manager Provide Decisions on Comments
1. Select task from To-Do Items 2. Review comments While the Initial Review is occurring, reviewers will be entering comments and submitting those comments to the PM. The PM will receive a task to provide a formal review of those comments. It is recommended that the PM review these comments throughout the Initial Review, and update the source version of the acquisition documents on his local workstation or org. share as the review continues. When the PM clicks on this task the PM’s “reviewing comments” page appears. Notice that the PM can view who submitted the comment – if he needs clarification he may contact that person. Comments are sortable and filterable To submit his official review of a comment, the PM clicks on the Provide Decision link. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

27 Program Manager Provide Decisions on Comments 3 4 3. Enter Decisions
Reviewer’s Comment PM’s Decision NOTE: As comments are received, the PM will be updating his local source version of the document, preparing the document for final upload into ECT. The “Provide Decision on Comment” window appears for that comment The original comment displays in the grayed-out area The PM selects a Decision of either Accepted or Rejected. Then types the Decision Comment, then clicks Save when finished. The comment window disappears, and the decision is now listed in-line with the original comment. The PM must provide a decision on all comments before the document may be submitted for signature. Assuming the PM has been updating the document during the review process, he is now ready to upload the final/revised document. 4. Continue entering decisions for all comments 4 Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

28 Program Manager Upload Final Document 2 1 3
1. Select the Upload Final Document button 1 2 2. Confirm the upload 3. Upload the Final Coordination Document for Signature 3 UUV The PM selects the Upload Final Document button. The system states a reminder that the PM will now be taken to the document upload list. The PM selects the “Upload Final Coordination Document for Signature” button, then browses to the final/revised version of the document he has been updating on his local workstation or org. share. Notice the revised document is now listed with a type of “Final Document.” When the PM is satisfied with the upload, he clicks the “Take me back to the PM Review Screen.” Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

29 Program Manager Submit For Signature 4 5
4. Select the Submit For Signature button 4 The revised document is now ready to be sent to the PEO for signature. The PM clicks the “Submit For Signature” button. The system asks the PM to confirm this action. 5 5. Confirm Release to PEO Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

30 Program Manager Upload Reworked Document
1. Select To-Do item from the ECT Dashboard 1 2. The banner states who requested rework While the document is being routed for signature, if the PEO, SAE/CAE, or DAE sends the document back to the PM for rework, the PM will receive an and To-Do item to provide rework of the document. Now, when the PM views his review screen, a red banner at the time will remind him that he is in a Rework stage, as well as the person who sent the document back. The PM can view the comments submitted since the document was sent for signature, but does not need to provide decisions on those comments. The PM will follow the same process of viewing the comments and revising the document on his local workstation or org. share. Once the document has been revised, the PM clicks the “Upload Re-worked Final Document” button. 4. Upload the Re-worked Final Document 4 3. View comments Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

31 Program Manager Re-Submit for Signature
UUV 5. Verify Final Document Upload 5 The PM is taken to the documents list. He clicks the “Upload Final Coordination Document for Signature” button, then browses to the latest updated document on his local workstation or org. share. Notice that the newly revised document is now labelled as “Final Document,” and the previous versions are labelled “Requires Rework.” When the document is ready to be routed for signature again, the PM clicks the “Re-Submit for Signature” button. 6. Re-Submit for Signature 6 Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

32 Program Manager PM’s Full Screen (for Rework) Action buttons
DAE Comments ASD(A) Comments Final Review Comments SAE Comments PEO Comments Original Reviewer Comments The Program Manager’s screen in a rework situation includes the following list of items: Action buttons DAE Comments ASD(A) Comments Final Review Comments SAE Comments PEO Comments Original Reviewer Comments Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

33 Initial Reviewers Review Documents, Submit Comments to PM 1 3
1. Select To-Do item from the ECT Dashboard 2. Review Document, Add Comments, and Submit Comments 2A 2B 2C Going back in the process a bit to the Initial Review. All personnel assigned as Initial Reviewers by the Action Officers will receive an notification and a task on their To-Do list. When the Reviewer clicks on the task, the review screen appears. To start, the reviewer will Click Here to open the documents list and review them using their preferred method. When ready to add comments, the Reviewer will click on the Add Comment window and follow the standard process for entering their comments into ECT. The comments will appear in their “My Draft Comments” list. Comments are not viewable by other users until they are submitted to the PM. When the Reviewer is ready to submit the comments, he clicks the “Submit Comments” button. The system asks the Reviewer to confirm this action. When the Reviewer clicks Submit, the comments are sent to the PM and will be viewable by other Reviewers (but other Reviewers will not know who submitted the comment). 3 3. Confirm Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

34 Initial Reviewer Initial Reviewer’s Full Screen Action buttons
My Draft Comments Other Comments From My Office Other Office Comments The Initial Reviewer’s screen includes the following list of items: Action buttons My Draft Comments Other Comments From My Office Other Office Comments Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

35 Program Executive Officer
Review Document & Enter Comments 1 1. Select To-Do item from the ECT Dashboard 2. Review documents, and Add Comments 2A 2B When the Program Manager submits the Final Document for PEO signature, the PEO (and assigned PEO staff) will receive an notification and a task in his ECT To-Do list. When the PEO clicks on his task, the review and signature screen appears. To start, the PEO will Click Here to open the documents list and review them using his preferred method. He may also select the “View Final Document” or “View Original Document” buttons if he wants to go directly to those documents. When ready to add comments, the PEO will click on the Add Comment window and follow the standard process for entering his comments into ECT. The comments will appear in his “My Comments” list. Comments are not viewable by other users until the document is either returned to the PM or submitted for SAE signature. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

36 Program Executive Officer
Return to PM, or Sign Document & Submit Signature 3. Select the Return to PM for Rework button 4 4. Confirm Rework 3 Once the PEO’s comments are entered, he will make a decision to either return the document to the PM, or sign the document and move it forward to the SAE. If the PEO wants to return the document, he clicks the “Return to PM for Rework” button. The system asks the PEO to confirm this action. Then the system will send the PM a rework task. If the PEO wants to sign the document, he clicks the “Sign Final Document” button and follows the standard process for digitally signing the document. After signing, the PEO clicks the “Submit Signature” button. The system asks the PEO to confirm this action. Once confirmed, the PEO’s task is complete and the system sends a review & sign task to the SAE. 4. Sign, Submit Signature 6. Confirm Signature 6 5A 5B Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

37 Program Executive Officer
PEO’s Full Screen Action buttons My Comments Comments from other PEO Staff Other Reviewer Comments The PEO’s screen includes the following list of items: Action buttons My Comments Comments from other PEO Staff Other Reviewer Comments Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

38 Coordination Timeline
A walkthrough of the layout of and information contained within a document coordination’s timeline screen. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

39 Coordination Timeline
Click the program name to open the Coordination Timeline A document coordination’s timeline is accessible by all ECT users from the “Programs Currently Under Coordination” section of the ECT Dashboard. Click the link under the Program column to enter the timeline screen. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

40 Coordination Timeline - 1
Legend for Performance Measure Status Indicator if the metric target was achieved or not Metric Targets The Coordination Timeline contains one screen stating the performance measures and metric results for each stage of the workflow. The legend states the definitions for the icons associated with the metric results. The timeline includes a block for each stage of the workflow, with the metric target, the metric results, an icon stating if the target was met or not, as well as other pertinent information about that workflow stage. Some stages include dropdown options to drill down to additional information about the workflow stage. Metric Results Drilldown information available Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

41 Coordination Timeline - 2
Clicking on one of the drilldown options opens a list of information that is Searchable, Sortable, Filterable, and Downloadable. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

42 Coordination Timeline - 3
The PM Review stage includes a drilldown to view the PM’s Decisions. The PEO Signature and SAE Signature stages include drilldowns to view the executives’ comments. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

43 Coordination Timeline - 4
The Final Review stage includes drilldowns to view the office that have or have not responded, as well as comments submitted during the review. The ASD(A) Review stage includes a drilldown to view the ASD(A)’s comments. Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

44 Coordination Timeline - 5
The DAE Signature stage includes a drilldown to view the DAE’s comments. There is no metric associated with the AIR Upload stage. The Completed stage shows the stage has not yet finished processing. The drilldown provides a list of all comments received to-date for this workflow. -- End of Coordination Timeline -- Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

45 Support Each office is supported by at least 1 ECT Point of Contact (POC) POCs should assist users with all Tier 1 issues (e.g., process questions, To-Do List actions) For advanced questions and issues, the ECT POC may contact the ECT Site Administrator POCs are listed here: Training Materials and User Guides are listed here: Version 1.1 UNCLASSIFIED

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